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Welp, I'm going to lose my job tomorrow or the day after.
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Can't say I'm suprised. The company I work for has been headed down the toilet for a long time. I'd be suprised if they last out the year.
The stupidiest thing is that the management doesn't have the balls to tell me... I find out from someone from europe calling me up: "Hey how are we going to reach you if you are only open from 8 am to 8 pm central US time" (not an exact quote) .. So I'm like what are you talking about. So he says "don't you know.. the announcement on your phone says you are no longer going to be here after august 1st." Well, news to me! It's not like I can complain. This job has been the easiest I've ever had. Still one can't help but be pissed. So yeah, fuck. and Fuck fuck. haha fuckers. Fuck Yeah, it kinda puts a dent in some of my plans, but it opens new opportunities and shit too. I was planning on going on vacation a few days in September but fuck that I'm now going to be able to go on vacation the whole goddamn month if I feel like it. It is funny that the IRS wants money from me (for you non-USians, that's the state tax collection agency). It's no big deal because I was kinda half expecting them to ask for the money, but actually I thought that the problem was over with but they send me this thing from 1999 saying you owe us $700something and fuck I'm like fuck you I don't believe in your government and shit you fuckers... I hate every one of you fuckers, but I'm not an anarchist, I just hate this government not the idea of government and you can pry my money out of my cold dead fist and fucking shit like that, but really that's not true I'm going to pay the fucking fascists off. Just like if the mafia comes to your town and offers to protect your store you don't say no because man that would be just stupid- they'll beat you into submission. You see the government is just like the mafia, except they are more powerful. So you like don't fuck around with them, you know? But I do my best to annoy them! Anyway! I think it would be funny to change my answering machine message (ok I don't own an answering machine but stay with me here) to "Sorry I can't come to the phone right now, I'm out looking for a job." and then just imagine that fucking tax collectors face fall open.. like shit how are we going to steal money from an unemployed person. Hahahaha wtf. Ok I admit it I'm drunk. Yo! SO I'm saying like I hate corporations -- you know, like for years I've been on this hate corporations thing. SO here's some info for you - http://www.humboldt1.com/~016910/CorporateHidden.html Yeah can't say I'm gonna miss taking calls from some chinaman at 3 am in the fucking morning and he speaks english about as good as I speak chinese. "LOGIN NAME PLEASE!" But you can't blame those motherfuckers. Someone offers them a job and they are gonna take it. But, fuck, I hate the US corporation that gave an job to them. The new corporate strategy is to fire all Americans and hire all Chinese, Indians (the India-type), and Polish, since they work for $2 a day or some shit. Personally I think the boss who exports our jobs to the 3rd world (no offense Poland) ought to be shot! So, yeah, here's my off-the-beat analysis which is the mode of communication at Adeq... (choose a domain name I can spell next time, thanks): Shoot the fucking bitches who run transnational corporations. And hey look at all the blood they have in those bloated golf course sized bodies-- donate that fuckin' blood to the blood bank, brother! And man, we are gonna have enough blood for the next ten centuries! Rock on! One final word to all the lovers of beer out there -- and I know you are out there -- this George Killian's Irish Red beer is the best beer out there! Yeah, you fucking microbrew elitists are gonna be upset by that -- but fuck y'all.
Anyway, I'm happy. Watch your backs out there people. |
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