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Should MS overhaul Windows?
Yes, less fluff, more muscle 8%
Yes, and Bill Gates should resign 4%
Fix Windows, then worry about .NET 40%
Try Linux, ask again later 8%
Who cares, I'm getting a Mac 16%
No, I like the GUI designed by cocaine addicted chimpanzees! 24%

Votes: 25

 Microsoft: A Threat to Itself

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 25, 2001
Many people like to rant and rave about open source software like Linux. Actually it semms that it's the first thing to come to mind when someone mentions open source. It's almost as if people think that open source = Linux and linux alone. The fact is, is that many people share this and other misconceptions and idiocies about hackers, geeks, Linux and open source software.

Often people ramble on about open source software being unfinished, messy, and anything else they can throw out. The truth is, so is Microsoft Windows.


More diaries by NAWL
Microsoft Is Watching You
Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!
Grandma Linux
Luser makes ass out of himself
The little kernel that started a movement that was originally downplayed by Bill Gates has sparked a lot of controversy throughout the web. It certainly has made Bill and Company stand up and take notice. We all know that Gates has a very selective memory but some of the things he's said recent are just plain silly.

Anyways, back to the issue at hand. How can I say that Windows is unfinish, messy, or attack the great OS? Because it's true, it's no secret. John C. Dvork, who writes for PC Magazine, a little while back wrote an article titled Microsoft, Fix You Software!. Am I so bold as to say it's unfinished and messy? Have you downloaded your weekly patch yet?

Many will still claim that Windows is the most advanced, stable and secure OS there is. Many would go so far as too say that WindowsXP proves this beyond a shadow of a doubt. Would it surprise you to know that Bill Gates run WindowsXP on his computer? Probably no, but woudl it surprise you to learn that it crashes...quite a bit?

It seems rather than a new improved more stable and secure OS, XP is just Windows 2000 with a face lift. And just like W2K, it's even less secure than previous OSes. Full support for RAW Sockets is one thing that concerns a lot of industry experts. For those that don't know programs called ZOMBIES can be planted on a client machine and use raw sockets to launch untraceable DDoS (distributed denial of service) attacks. A DDoS attack is essentially an overwhelming stream of Internet traffic aimed at one site or computer, rendering the target useless. XP Home Editions limited security options make it especially susceptible to these zombies.

Steve Gibson, of Gibson Research, claims that Windows XP's implementation is going to be disatrious for the Internet community. Microsoft counters that it isn't the raw sockets but malicious code that is the problem. According to Microsoft, the benefits of raw sockets, which Windows XP uses for firewall and IPsec features, are worth the trade-off.

The danger can be minimized if administrators are diligent with firewalls and policies. But many of the millions of Windows XP computers -- especially those used in homes --won't be managed by knowledgeable network personnel. Furthermore, WindowsXP Home Edition has only two user levels: Administrator (including the old Administrator account which, by default has no password, which can only be changed by booting to Safe Mode) and Limited. Though Limited is more secure (think guest), many will find it too restrictive. <While I cannot change the opinions of everyone, I certainly hope that I have given the readers something to think about. <p>Too find out more only the latest Microsoft folly I suggest you take a look at this article entitled Who Needs Hackers When We've Got MS?

Author's Note: Articles such as this are generally not viewed favorably among many of this site's readers. While is supposedly the most controversial site on the web, it seems generally that it is only controversial if it goes along with public opinion. I tried submitting this story but it was never posted. Instead utter garbage is chosen.

[editor's note, by iat] This story was rejected by due to its poor quality. The author hasn't even gone to the trouble of proofreading or spellchecking his article, let alone bothering to write anything interesting or controversial. Frankly, the author's poor writing style makes this article painful to read. However, the author was contacted by email and given the opportunity to revise his article before publication - an opportunity which he declined.

Utter rubbish (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by osm on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 01:15:29 AM PST
I should delete this nonsense right now. But I think I'll let it stand just so EVERYONE can see what a complete moron and utter mindless Stalimann zombie you are.

Dear Sir (none / 0) (#2)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 02:06:04 AM PST
I have had my team of experts look over your post. The results that where returned where stunning, to say the least. Microsoft has found only one bug in their latest operating system, and have released a patch for it. I repeat only one bug has been found. Not all the thousands of bugs people get from comming into contact with say, lunix.

As for calling the fair inhabitants of adequacy morons, and close minded. I say, apox on you good sir. Dearist NAWL, of all the people who inhabit this site, you sir fall to the bottom of any simple IQ test my females could give. The only moron on this website has proved to be you. You have spent your whole christmas eve chasing nothing but your own tail.

Merry Christmas,

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

hmmm (none / 0) (#3)
by NAWL on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 03:16:09 AM PST
That's funny because I count more than that. I found patches to fix problems associated with UPnP, IE6, Media Player...I found quite a few for XP alone.

I suggest you head over to Microsoft TechNet.

Oh, and I wasn't staying up solely to visit this website. There's really nothing good on TV (except late night R rated movies on HBO, Showtime, etc). I have been staying up with my younger grandkids waiting for Santa. Isn't that sweet? Ahhhhh.

They zonked out a little after midnight. I just haven't been tired enough to go to bed. Oh well, big deal. It's not the first time. I used to do the same thing with my kids.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

that's a very bold statement there Mr. CEO. (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 05:31:29 AM PST
*ahem*. you and your panel of experts need to do more research. *cough* any expert in this field will know that nawl is correct.

if you deny it your only hurting yourself. why else do you think the big-boys insist, in fact they'll urge you to use *nix. then, why are people not using it. because of people like you. you need productivity and not security. when seconds means millions of $$$ in losses, go *nix (and hire a real experts not some doofuss posing as windows experts). in a few weeks/month's h@x0rz will have a field day with this one bug your referring to.
when's the last time a worm worked it's way into millions of *nix servers. yep, this stuff only happens on windoze. i guess some people have nothing to hide, huh? = Ignorant one-sided.... (2.50 / 2) (#5)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 06:12:26 AM PST
no research required, idiot proof, i believe what bill gates tells me and only the thing he wants me to know, Intel loving, AMD hating, i'm surprised people actually believe us, no we're not losers, gosh were so smart we're even smarter than the people who invented computers, in fact we know more about computers than the guys who made it combined, flash is a hackers program, so is quake, oh look i know how to turn a on computer---now i'm officially an expert, we are a disgrace to america, even other countries make fun of us, girl loving, male hating, sometimes we out do , we try to copy as much as posible, execpt only old people read our article, and they are really accurate article too, on conterversial subjects, screw you, you know nothing, i'm always right, your always wrong, since we didn't write it---it doesn't represent us, therefore we can push it aside, and forget it, we'll find out the hard way, leave us alone, microsoft has brain washed us, and we are ancient, it's my way or the highway, yes were invincible, and we constantly jump to conclusions, bc we are always right, and you are always wrong, we're almost comparable to the gods, we can make baby jesus cry type of opinions.


I would have missed it... (none / 0) (#6)
by loginadequacy on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 01:38:51 PM PST
I would have missed this if it had been posted as an article. Overtime, people device their own filters to increate signal-to-noise ratio. A good framework is to have enough open playground to allow intelligence to roam about freely. Monoply is bad in that regards.

it seems my post got deleted....(the truth hurts) (1.66 / 3) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 04:55:56 PM PST
so i'll repost THE TRUTH!!! (again)

adequacy = no research required, idiot proof, i believe what bill gates tells me and only the thing he wants me to know, Intel loving, AMD hating, i'm surprised people actually believe us, no we're not losers, gosh were so smart we're even smarter than the people who invented computers, in fact we know more about computers than the guys who made it combined, flash is a hackers program, so is quake, oh look i know how to turn a on computer---now i'm officially an expert, we are a disgrace to america, even other countries make fun of us, girl loving, male hating, sometimes we out do , we strive to mimic's sarcasm as much as posible, execpt only old people read our article, and they are really accurate article too---if you're a n00b, and they're on conterversial subjects, so screw you, you know nothing, i'm always right, your always wrong, since we didn't write it---it doesn't represent us, therefore we can push it aside, and forget it, we'll find out the hard way, leave us alone, microsoft has brain washed us, and we are ancient, it's my way or the highway, yes were invincible, and we constantly jump to conclusions, bc we are always right, and you are always wrong, we're almost comparable to the gods, we can make baby jesus cry type of opinions.


not deleted (none / 0) (#8)
by nathan on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 05:25:16 PM PST
Your post was not deleted, but I rated it 0 (which makes it invisible to people of lower status than mine.) I argue with controversial people, but I really couldn't be bothered to answer you, because you're unbelievably impolite.

I don't see why we should tolerate your terrorism on this site. Further posts in the vein of this one will be zeroed at my discretion. Shape up!

Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

You do realise... (none / 0) (#10)
by iat on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 05:35:40 PM PST
...that by replying to him, you'll only encourage him? For what it's worth, I was going to let his original comment slide, but I moderated his repeat performance to zero after he started pissing and moaning about the Great Adequacy Conspiracy. In fact, I almost editorialized both comments but I thought I would leave them on full view for the amusement of our Adequate readers. - love it or leave it.

In my opinion... (none / 0) (#11)
by nathan on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 05:58:08 PM PST
It makes more sense to rule such peons with an iron rod, and, when necessary, to break them the same way.

It is, of course, futile for him to complain about the great conspiracy, because he will be subject to it, rather than in control. It is entertaining to watch.

All the best,
Li'l Sis: Yo, that's a real grey area. Even by my lax standards.

Yes, but... (none / 0) (#9)
by SpaceGhoti on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 05:26:23 PM PST
While I generally agree with the sentiment behind your submission, your presentation destroys what credibility you're trying to create. If you can clean up the spelling and grammatical errors, you stand a far better chance of being taken seriously.

It's a good attempt and I don't want to discourage you from trying again. However, I wish to point out that your attempts will continue to fail until you can present your case clearly and comprehensibly.

A troll's true colors.

well (5.00 / 1) (#12)
by NAWL on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 04:40:07 AM PST
The first writing of this (which I originally submitted as a story) was written late at night when I couldn't sleep. When I submitted it as a diary entry I did do some spell checking but didn't really bother with it too much. I was up late with my grandkids waiting for Santa.

Besides, I'm not going to stress about it too much. Simply writing "How Now Brown Cow" would have been far better than the so called "high class journalism" find at this site.

Hey, if you consider the fifth grade your senior year, what else can you be besides a pompous jackass?

Still a good try (none / 0) (#13)
by SpaceGhoti on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 06:16:23 PM PST
I can't argue with the journalism comment, but I can tell you that my observation isn't limited to Adequacy. I would make the same statement on any website (and occasionally do) due to the nature of the medium. As a text-based website, the ability to write clearly and concisely is a prerequisite. Were this a voice-based website, the ability to speak clearly and concisely would be appropriate. It isn't that I'm trying to criticize you for any apparent lack of skill, I'm just trying to let you know what I objected to and what would correct it. It's meant as constructive criticism, rather than personal.

Merry Christmas to you and your grandkids, anyway.

A troll's true colors.

My opinion (none / 0) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Dec 26th, 2001 at 07:44:50 PM PST
I can not understand why this site has Microsoft
up on a pedestal.

In my work as a system administrator We mostly use Microsoft servers and UNIX servers.

The most frequently patched os's are my Microsoft based OS's. they also have the most down time of all my servers.

BTW Is this site run from people who only love MS
and are not open for any other software. or ideas???

And yes I have my MCS* and CCNA and UNIX certification so I am not some moron.
As some people on this site would have when it writing in a different opinion than theirs.


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