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Women have finally achieved equality in the workplace, but at what cost ?
Many men are having a hard time dealing with the new reality. Genetically programmed to think about sex every six seconds, the modern workplace with its threat of litigation for inappropriate behaviour has turned into a minefield for all but the most emasculated males. With testostorone coarsing through his veins, confronted at every turn by women in provocative modern clothing that leaves very little to the imagination, is it any wonder that occasionally he is unable to control his animal instincts ? It is time we introduced a mandatory corporate dress code for women, to ensure that men no longer have any excuses for their sexist behaviour. |
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It has been a long time coming, but modern women have finally started to achieve equality in the workplace. Women are no longer restricted to the role of mere secretaries or nurses. It is now commonplace to see female attorneys, doctors, politicians, astronauts and even computer programmers.
Unfortunately, the success of the feminist movement has left many men feeling confused and threatened. It is not uncommon for modern corporations to have an anti-sexism code, or a dignity in the workplace policy or some other ass-covering piece of legalistic mumbo-jumbo, the aim of which is to discourage 'sexist' behaviour. But if we take a closer look, this sexist behaviour is simply the natural instinct of the male of the species when confronted with visual stimulus of a sexual nature. For example, a man goes to the photocopier where he sees his boss (a woman) bending over to get a paper refill. Naturally, his gaze will move toward her buttocks. The primitive reptilian part of his brain responsible for reproduction will quickly assess her suitability as a potential mate, as a potential mother of his offspring. If she remains in that position for more than ten seconds, the first stages of the physiological process of male erection will almost certainly ensue as the trabecular smooth muscle is relaxed and the helicine arteries of the penis are dilated. This will then leads to expansion of the lacunar spaces and entrapment of blood as increasing blood volume compresses venules against the tunica albuginea. In other words, he will get a raging hard-on (or 'woody' to use the more medically correct term). Now, if this woman turns around and sees the unfortunate man looking at her 'cute butt', it is highly likely that the male will be either reprimanded, or sacked. It is even possible he may be sued for harassment. And all for the simple crime of being male, and having a perfectly natural reaction to what was essentially, a mating display. (in the animal kingdom, a female chimanzee will expose her buttocks to the males in the pack in order to encourage them to copulate with her). Now we can argue about the rights or wrongs of this situation until we are blue in the face. We could have an in-depth discussion about how men should respect women more, etc etc. But none of this will get to the core of the matter: Men are programmed to think about sex every six seconds, and no amount of legislation is going to change that. A more practical approach is required. Instead of trying to reverse what is basically a natural biological urge, we should instead be looking to see what measures could be taken in the workplace to avoid situations such as I have described above, from arising in the first place. Its time for a novel approach to the problem. And I think I have the answer. The real problem here is not the inherent sexism of males. That has a biological function and as such it is utterly pointless and futile to question it or try to change it. No, it is the ability of a woman going about her normal duties in the office to incite the lustful passions of the male by perfoming simple tasks that causes most of these 'sexist' incidents. The way forward in my opinion is that corporate America needs a dress code, one which mandates what every woman can and cannot wear to work. This dress code could be agreeed upon by a panel of experts from the fashion industry, and once it has been agreed upon, women will only be allowed to wear those 'approved' styles of clothing around the office. The type of clothing will be designed to minimise the possibility of male sexual arousal, and yet at the same time it will be practical, comfortable and hard wearing. The panel of fashion experts can take a look at some of the clothing that women from other cultures wear. There are plenty of clothing styles out there that do not emphasise a woman's tight young buttocks or perky breasts. The panel could choose a selection of such clothing, so women would not feel as if they had lost their identity. Women may initially object to being told what to wear, but they would soon get used to it, and in my opinion this minor loss of freedom would be a very very small price to pay if it meant completely eliminating male sexism from the workplace. Men all over America could then go into work without living in constant terror of an unwanted erection.
What do you think ? Girls, have you been the victim of unwanted male stares ? Do you think a dress code could help you dress more appropriately (from a male perspective) ? Perhaps you are a male who has fallen victim to your own biology as a result of inappropriate office-wear.
Let me know what you think - am I right, or am I way off the mark here ? |
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