Exact replicas ..
on the outside.
We don't need floors and offices and elevators on the inside; all that needs to be there is the reinforcement that the structure would require. But on the outside, rebuild the towers so that they are identical down to the last square inch. Restore the skyline of New York City, and in doing so, establish the ultimate memorial to those who perished in the monstrous attacks of September 11th. As a side benefit, this would be a none-too-subtle "fuck you" to those who perpetrated the attacks.
I'm aware that many want to have a functional WTC rebuilt. Time will tell whether this idea is feasible or not; the prospect of working in this location may prove to be too dangerous or ghastly for many. I'm also aware that many will say that while a memorial is indeed appropriate, this particular idea takes the idea too far, that it would be an enormous waste of capital and effort. And some might say that the presence of the Twin Towers on the skyline would only serve as a reminder of the horrible events .. not as a memorial to the victims.
I'm sensitive to all of these arguments, but the silly, irrational, and sentimental side of me thinks that Gumbel's idea has merit. Hell, we could even investigate the feasability of recycling some of the existing rubble into materials for the new monument .. which would make the memorial all the more fitting. Perhaps the construction unions would be willing to operate under reduced rates. Perhaps the generous Americans who have donated so willingly to the cause of disaster relief would also be willing to donate money towards the building of this monument.
Maybe this is a dumb idea. But I have to admit that it grabs me.