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 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 22, 2001

More diaries by ihatemrgibbons
I took 12 comments that people have posted. Ya know thoe ones that actually made sense. Well here they are: 1."It's a global conspiracy to ruin your life, dude." Well, if this is true. Then fine then. let the pot heads ruin their life. Just back off, and legalize this shit!
2. "i think everything should be legalized. if someone wants to fucking die from a speedball, then goddamn darwin tells us they should be allowed to do it. it's the only way to get rid of the leeches of society without setting up a dictatorship and doing it manually."
Again, same thing. If pot heads want to do it let them do it!
3. "You forget, drug addicts are all thieves. I really don't think we need degenerates breaking into our houses, stealing our home theatres and defecating in our lounge rooms. That's not what society is all about."
WHAT! HA HA HA HA HA: so your saying that i'm a crook. riiiiight. This guys obviously done a lil too much of da wacky tabacky.
4. "in short order, the addict gene will die out and that'll be the end of it. fuckers."
I dont nessecarilly agree with an adict gene. but i do agree that it will eventually die out! I can't back this up, but i have heard of other countries that have legalized it and their use of drugs has gone down dramatically.
5. "I don't see a predisposition to addiction killing of the drug problem any time soon."
maye not soon, but i think if the choice is there, people/kids wont want to do it as much than if it was illegal.
6. "Marijuana should not be legalized. Keeping things forbidden ensure strength and discipline in our great country. It would be a very bad example for our weak youth if something forbidden would suddenly become allowed. The fact that there is not one reasonable motive to prohibit marijuana must not change our mind. Forbidden things are forbidden things. You should learn to obey, even if you don't understand the motives or if there is no motive at all."
Yikes, i'd hate to be your kid! but your way wrong. I bet if eating brocoli was illegal, kids would want to eat it even more!
7. "that america's values were based on the writings of people like Paine and Jefferson, both staunch libertarians? Stop wasting your time on stupid shit and worry about rapists and murderes."
ok your basing our laws as being correct and good. When a group of guys who believed that women should stay at home and be our bitches, wrote these laws in the 1900's (well somewhere in there, i was prolly asleep that day in class). If they wrote such good laws and know what there doing then why are we changing them and adding new ones everyday? And to your next point, fine then legalize the pot, and worrry about the murderers and rapists!
8. "So being a responsible father wanting to protect his children makes *me* a narrow-minded pervert ?"
I didn't say you were a pervert, maybe one of the other replys did, but it does make you narrow minded! A responsible father would be someone who would assume the kids going to do it, and then explain to them whats up, the truth, not just don't do it its bad, drugs are bad, yada yada yada. i've heard it thousands of times!!!! maybe a different approach would have changed me!
9. "Where would our great country be if all weird behaviours were not only allowed, but encouraged by ultra-liberals like you. Our last president was this kind of pervert and look where it brought our country, being laught at by the rest of the world. At least our president now knows how to have the world respect the United States of America. Everyone knows now we will fight for respect and going to war if we need to."
HAHAHH, WE GOT OURSELVES A MORON REPUBLICAN HERE. How can you say clinton wasn't a good president! I think he did a good job. So what he's a little on the horny side. I'm just happy he's pickin up chicks at his old age!! maybe if you'd look past the fact that clinton had a little sex problem. i did with Bush's many dui's. And someone who payed his way through college. The rich are going to keep getting richer and the poor poorer, with fuck up republicans in the house. And i bet your rich!
10. "Are coffee breaks and smoke breaks not enough for you people? Must we have pot breaks too? It will only lead to a drop in worker efficiency, as another 15 minutes is taken out of the American work day."
THAT IS AWESOME, i wish i could drink at my job. The point is, if people are going to smoke pot at work, let them. dont fire them because they smoke pot, fire them because they cant do the job while there on it. If they can function fine and do the job then why not let them do it. Your just not openminded!
11. "Do you have vodka breaks at work? Beer breaks? You're forgetting that cannabis is actually quite intoxicating. Having a break to smoke a wee number would probably have quite a severe effect on productivity, possibly about as much as having a break to drink a couple of cans of beer. Of course, American beer is a lot weaker than in the UK, and is often in smaller cans. Bear this in mind when considering the effects of a couple of cans of beer while working. Some of us who run large computer systems pretty much have carte blanche to chill out in the server rooms with a cold one though. If you own the company, no-one can whinge about what you do..."
I'll agree with that.
12. ""
Go there... the person that posted this is right. The guy in the file says, (somethign along the lines of): "i am one of the few that can say this, i know nobody ever hears this, but, i liked smoking pot." he is a successful man. And i HIGHLY doubt hes a crook, like captian dipshit said earlier.
Finally, we learned from the prohibition that making it illegal was bad. when the made alcohol illegal the use of it went up! And if they legalize pot, the use will go down. Now for you people that say if they get behind the wheel and are under the influence of pot yada yada yada, well easy, make laws on smoking and driving. done, i dont understand why u guys bitch so mcuh. Just make it legal and the drug dealers will go away. (for the most part), kids in schools, the bigest drug arround is pot. I should know. go to your kids school, radomly pick 10 kids, i bet 9out of 10 smoke pot, if they are willing to admit to it, and that 1 kid is probubly lieing.
there you have it! JUST LEGALIZE THE SHIT!

I couldn't be bothered reading this. (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by bc on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:39:07 AM PST
Could anybody else? I found the lack of 'whitespace' and weird variant of English used quite impenetrable.

♥, bc.

Read what? (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by RobotSlave on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:53:24 AM PST
A diary entry with one word in the intro, and a blank body, isn't too hard to read. It's completely meaningless, of course, probably just a desperate bid for attention, but not particularly difficult to understand.

Perhaps one of the editors could add a comment cautioning readers against responding to messages from a poster whose very choice of moniker amounts to a personal attack against a productive participant in the adequacy?

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Sirs (4.00 / 1) (#6)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:04:08 PM PST
I beg to differ. Mr. and I have had a delightful conversation ranging from drug issues to Colimbine. This fine, intelligent young lad should be allowed write such fine well written entries. As you can see, he stirs up quite the contreversy- can you belive he wishes to legalize marijuana?

In time, I will mold and shape this young lad into somebody as fine and upstanding as myself.

Thank you kind sirs, your site is most pleasurable. Someday, I would like to write an article on females in the workplace, or perhaps an article crying out against those deplorable tree hugging so called "environmentalists" that are always taking issue with my baby seal skinning factory in East India. I belive that your readership is enlightened enought to see both sides of these no doubt controversial issues.

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

Dear Dr. Cortez: (5.00 / 1) (#7)
by RobotSlave on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:14:17 PM PST
I do not take issue with the short, unsatisfying messages from this particular reader, nor with the large areas of blank space that he decorates them with, but rather with the moniker that he has chosen to post them under. While you have tactfully chosen to refer to him by his address rather than his chosen name, the name remains at the top of his every post, and that name remains uncivil.

A flat personal attack, repeated endlessly, is no controversy. If there is something to be said against Mr. Gibbons, then let the indictment be brought at length and in full, and its arguments defended rigorously.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Dear Mr/Mrs RobotSlave... (5.00 / 1) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 02:08:47 PM PST
I find that the choice of moniker "ihatemrgibbons" qualifies as extremely controversial indeed. Therefore, this person should be welcomed on Adequacy with open arms. Please remember our mission statement - controversial opinions, passionately held, you jack-booted Nazi.

Dear Mr/Ms Editor: (none / 0) (#17)
by RobotSlave on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 02:24:41 PM PST
Again, I reveal my utter inferiority. Clearly, in debating the matter, I have shown that "ihatemrgibbons" is, in fact, a controversial pseudonym.

I am such an idiot. I am not even worth the time that it would take an editor to log in. I feel ashamed. And excited. Especially about the Nazi Boots part.

Mmm, Nazi Boots.

© 2002, RobotSlave. You may not reproduce this material, in whole or in part, without written permission of the owner.

Dear Noble Slave to Robots (none / 0) (#18)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 04:04:38 PM PST
While it takes great courage to admit when one is wrong, I must say you are not an idiot. There is only one idiot in these brave, tremulous times, and it is truely not you.

Merry Christmas to you Kind Sir,

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

Me too (5.00 / 1) (#4)
by iat on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:00:09 PM PST
I found the [...] weird variant of English used quite impenetrable.

I think it was written in Scottish. HTH. - love it or leave it.

Dear Sir, (none / 0) (#2)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:45:43 AM PST
Sir, I must ask that you stop this personal tirade against the fair folks of Adequacy. I have assigned my security experts to track you down, and report you to the FBI (for alleged hacking), and now to the DEA (for possessing marijuana). As we speak, they are contacting the editors of this "weblog" to gain what my experts call an "IP address", which according to them is a back door used by hackers to break into other peoples computers.

As for your long, ranting article on legalizing marijuana, I must say that this will never happen. It has been proven time and time again that marijuana is lethal. After one takes the first injection, %95 percent of all users become addicted. It can lead to permanent liver and kidney damage, as well as severe neurological damage. Not only that, but after taking the first injection, many marijuana users become violent, and often become a danger to society. Just last week, several marijuana users were arrested after robbing a convinance store at gun point!

In light of the cold hard facts I have outlined above, I beg of you to reconsider your miscreant ways.

As always - a pleasure talking with you fine sir,

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

bring it (1.00 / 1) (#5)
by ihatemrgibbons on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:01:26 PM PST
dood, you dont phase me! You honestly think that the fbi is going to do anything to me. because of no proof you have. i dont think so. and just so you know, i can pass a piss test RIGHT NOW. my argument was to legalize it, not that i do it. BITCH. i'm not afraid, i'm not worried, and if you want to know where i live. (i'm not giving out my ip) but heres the town valparaiso, indiana. bout an hour from chicago. maybe that will help your alleged freinds in the dea and fbi. there guna come to a little town in indiana and arrest and 18 yr old kid for posting his views to a bunch of ignorant narrowminded fuckups! I'm not scared at all. bring it! You aint go nothing on me! And the cops will know this, and nothign will happen!
I hate mr gibbons,and any other ignorant f*ck up parents out there.

Congratulations! (5.00 / 1) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:28:24 PM PST
and just so you know, i can pass a piss test RIGHT NOW.

That's about the only test you could pass. Your mother must be so proud of you.

Dear Mr. Gibbons (5.00 / 1) (#10)
by osm on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 12:41:18 PM PST
It does not matter whether you give us your IP. We, here at Adequacy (the web's most popular and controversial site), are using special Microsoft software which allows us to know your IP when you login. This was a feature implemented in Microsoft's latest products in order to combat "trolling" and "hacking."

Please do not leave your home until the FBI has visited.

yo, ass-jerk. (none / 0) (#13)
by derek3000 on Sat Dec 22nd, 2001 at 11:14:46 PM PST
7. "that america's values were based on the writings of people like Paine and Jefferson, both staunch libertarians? Stop wasting your time...and worry about rapists and murderes." ok your basing our laws as being correct and good. When a group of guys who believed that women should stay at home and be our bitches, wrote these laws in the 1900's (well somewhere in there...). If they wrote such good laws...then why are we changing them and adding new ones everyday? And to your next point, fine then legalize the pot, and worrry about the murderers and rapists!

That was my point--you look like a complete idiot right now. Libertarians are the sort that don't care what you do to yourself. The reason we are making all sorts of new laws that interfere with our civil rights is because the government is not libertarian. See?

That's the last time I'll try to defend your stupid ass.

"Feel me when I bring it!" --Gay Jamie

I'm sensing a theme here (none / 0) (#14)
by SpaceGhoti on Sun Dec 23rd, 2001 at 05:34:47 PM PST
No, don't tell me. Let me guess.

You want to legalize marijuana.

More power to you. People have been taught to believe that any illegal drug will ruin your life. Overcoming that stigma will be a real challenge. In the meanwhile, move to Colorado and find a doctor to give you a prescription for it. It's legal that way.

A troll's true colors.

it's NOT harmless! (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 07:07:54 AM PST
I know firsthand that pot will ruin a person's life. My friend from church's older brother was studying to be a minister and was good at sports. Then for some crazy reason (I think it was a girl) he started smoking pot, first only on the weekends and then eventually almost every day!

Now two years later he has stopped studying, grown breasts, and spends all day in his room listening to music and carving gnomes out of bars of soap. He has lost all motivation, he has lost his looks, and it is clear that he will never amount to anything.

After watching his transformation, I know I'll never smoke marijuana, not even once. And all other kids shouldn't either.

In America, laws are there to protect you from harming yourself. Suicide and underage drinking is illegal, as is riding in your car without your seatbelt on or riding your bicycle without a helmet. This is no different.

The laws prohibiting pot must stand.


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