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   Comments by elenchos   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jul 10, 2001

Thanks. So shaken as we are, so wan with care,

Jul 12, 2001

In Spokane, headed for Seattle. Oh! I'm in such inner conflict and turmoil! Oh!

Jul 13, 2001

Hey...waitasecond...I'm in *Spokane*! Oh! I'm in such inner conflict and turmoil! Oh!

Jul 14, 2001

My only question is this: The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 15, 2001

What version of history is this? The Truth About Reality TV

Jul 16, 2001

I have an old dear friend... Open Letter to a Stripper

Jul 19, 2001

Maybe I'm in need of a score card, but... European Union eclipses US in games market - what next ?

Jul 20, 2001

Why not just donate a lot of spunk? SUV's Bigger and Better - The Ultimate American Dream

Jul 20, 2001

I'm still unlcear as to the purpose, actually. SUV's Bigger and Better - The Ultimate American Dream

Jul 21, 2001

Wanna get spanked? Looking for pain in all the wrong places

Jul 21, 2001

Your cat is unhappy. Golden Showers

Jul 21, 2001

Actually... To the management:

Jul 22, 2001

Yeah, I knew you'd get a kick out of it. To the management:

Jul 22, 2001

I do it because... K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 22, 2001

For some reason... K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 22, 2001

This doesn't help me at all. The cultural and economic benefits of smoking

Jul 23, 2001

Oh, I don' t know. K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 24, 2001

All I have to say is... I don't know enough history to write it, but...

Jul 24, 2001

SEE! What did I tell you!! I don't know enough history to write it, but...

Jul 25, 2001

Maybe a solution? US in recession. What should we do about it ?

Jul 27, 2001

Must they be locked up? NRA sez no. The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Jul 27, 2001

This worries me greatly. The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Jul 29, 2001

Don't spoil it for me, but... Review: Planet of the Apes

Jul 30, 2001

You leave the heads on? Ewww! Lust for Life

Jul 30, 2001

First of all, German, the language of the Nazis

Jul 31, 2001

Enslave the gun nuts? Hmm... No L-O-I-T-E-R-I-N-G Allowed

Aug 01, 2001

Thanks. I will (nt) Has anyone heard of a book called...

Aug 01, 2001

Cred? Ever Fallen in Love With Somone You Shouldn't Have Fallen in Love With?

Aug 02, 2001

We call that special pleading in the argument biz. The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 02, 2001

I can't tell you. The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 02, 2001

As if YOU were ever consistent, Anonymous Reader! The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 04, 2001

Ugly flag? Ugly Queen! Why America needs laws against flag burning.

Aug 04, 2001

For a fair comparison, Why America needs laws against flag burning.

Aug 06, 2001

Another kick in the nuts for Spokane, WA. Your favourite Serial Killer is:

Aug 06, 2001

WARNING: Careful with that RAM! Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 07, 2001

And do YOU run America's Finest Weblog? No. Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 22, 2001

Haven't used it in five years? An expert then? AOL - The Saviour of the Internet

Aug 22, 2001

Other neo-Fascist tree symbolism crap... Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 22, 2001

Woo hoo! Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 22, 2001

If they arrest you at the behest of a corporation, Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 22, 2001

I'm not free to write and sell cracking tools. Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 23, 2001

Is there such a think as troll-dar? Well...

Aug 24, 2001

I'd like to comment on this. DVD Versus VHS: The Surprising Truth

Aug 25, 2001

What disturbs me is... DVD Versus VHS: The Surprising Truth

Aug 26, 2001

People today scoff, but... One More Mouth to Feed

Aug 27, 2001

What about the one doing the eating? Stunned Beef: Dangerous Compassion?

Aug 28, 2001

OT: fluffy grue is on Las Adequacy! DVD Versus VHS: The Surprising Truth

Aug 28, 2001

Isn't that added to the GNP? Philip Morris Is Right

Aug 29, 2001

Cool! I've been looking for a cheap Aeron. (nt) land of the dead

Sep 05, 2001

Sarah is a real pretty name. Don't Go In The Water

Sep 08, 2001

I really enjoyed the happy bobbing buttocks part. George Lucas is a Pathetic Dirty Thief!!!

Sep 08, 2001

Libraries may be our last dim hope. In Praise of Censorware

Sep 10, 2001

Or not. The Democratization of Status. Rap music is to blame.

Sep 11, 2001

I keep looking at her masturbating nude... Good Golly

Sep 11, 2001

Unkind? How so? Good Golly

Sep 11, 2001

Boo Ya! America is still the greatest

Sep 11, 2001

If I'm an idiot... America is still the greatest

Sep 12, 2001

You should write about yourself. Greetings.

Sep 12, 2001

I'd just tell security who he is. Why the Bombings Mean That We Must Support My Politics

Sep 12, 2001

Well...? Then what are you wearing? (nt) Greetings.

Sep 12, 2001

Which article do you mean? Once again, blame Microsoft!

Sep 13, 2001

He was talking to *me*. Get your own fans. Greetings.

Sep 13, 2001

Licence to Ill, Beastie Boys album, see cover (nt) Draft for a WTC joke.

Sep 14, 2001

The hell I can't! nobody...

Sep 15, 2001

She would be an excellent role model for... nobody...

Sep 15, 2001

Exactly! Thomas Kinkade brings art back to the people

Sep 15, 2001

Pearls before swine. Thomas Kinkade brings art back to the people

Sep 16, 2001

Naturalistic fallacy, and a few others. A Day on the Town

Sep 17, 2001

One good strategy... Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 18, 2001

Dogs are an awesome responsibility. Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 18, 2001

She is going to run out an have a baby now, and... Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 18, 2001

Leo is a good name for a dog. Review: Fred Fortin, 'Le Plancher des Vaches'

Sep 19, 2001

No more elitist Bauhaus and Mies van der Ro crap. A Living Memorial to the WTC Victims

Sep 19, 2001

I've always been a student of women-in-prison film Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 20, 2001

I tried to mod you up... Under the Bridge

Sep 21, 2001

Just going by how she sounds... Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 21, 2001

I'll suspend judgement here. Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 21, 2001

SAG? help wanted

Sep 21, 2001

One wonders... Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 22, 2001

O such hatred for humanity! Such venom! Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 23, 2001

Um... Hey qp!

Sep 23, 2001

I knew you would fucking gloat. Hey qp!

Sep 23, 2001

Oh yes. I blame them completely. Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

Well, of course. Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

Well, Hey everyone,

Sep 24, 2001

Nice try. The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

Oh, right, right. You're 21. *Winky winky* (nt) Hey everyone,

Sep 24, 2001

Exactly. The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

I was just thinking... Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 25, 2001

Perhaps adequacy needs a list. The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 25, 2001

We hardly bother with the pretense any more. Hey everyone,

Sep 25, 2001

Do you think this is all one big joke?! The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 26, 2001

Ban those who read it wrong, not the Word itself. The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 26, 2001

Ratings are everything to me. There's not enough meta-whining here.

Sep 27, 2001

Support for this: We are all children of Adam and Eve

Sep 27, 2001

'One' by Metallica... The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 28, 2001

Give the guy credit. Moaners

Sep 29, 2001

Indeed, book

Sep 29, 2001

If you're going to promote perversion, at least... New Adequacy Feature?

Sep 30, 2001

Not throughout all history. Just during... Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Welcome real linux user! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Not so fast there, Mr. Language Person! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Filters don't work with images. Fortunately... Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

Don't post INSTRUCTIONS for other hackers! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Sep 30, 2001

A Plea: Don't DOS The Adequacy. Thank you. Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 01, 2001

The GPL is a legal question mark. Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 01, 2001

Quite so! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 01, 2001

I don't see much of relevance here, except... Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 03, 2001

Yes. I feel terrible.

Oct 03, 2001

UPDATE: Grim news. I feel terrible.

Oct 03, 2001

Hey, I didn't know that... Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 04, 2001

Damn you to hell, Clarence Thomas!!! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 04, 2001

I can lick 50 tigers today. Hi Catfish!

Oct 04, 2001

There is no Godwin's Law. (nt) Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 04, 2001

Ooh! Oooh! I know this one! Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 04, 2001

I need to see white cotton panties to get off. Twisted Worlds

Oct 04, 2001

I stared at that for a full minute... Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 05, 2001

Oh god no. You know...

Oct 05, 2001

Hey, my site has photos just like that. Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 05, 2001

I'm an old person. You know...

Oct 05, 2001

I want to (get paid to) profile w/Onion characters Divination al� Peanuts

Oct 05, 2001

You have to interpret them properly. Divination al� Peanuts

Oct 05, 2001

Madeleine! *sob* rain

Oct 05, 2001

I think the article itself is clear enough. Divination al� Peanuts

Oct 05, 2001

You mean they're not all the same guy? Divination al� Peanuts

Oct 05, 2001

I'm pretty sure it belongs there. LA

Oct 06, 2001

Update: Beware anyone named Jen! rain

Oct 08, 2001

'positive effect on the economy' Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

I like them. Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 08, 2001

All sorts of thieves are capitalistic. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

I'm quite dismayed. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

On self-regulating systems. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

And who will buy classical musicians their heroin? Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Yes. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

Oh God yes! Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 09, 2001

You seem to spend a lot of time defining words. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

Yes, you said that is what piracy is. Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

See? It's not a war. It's a slaughter. A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

Go! Go! Go! Break 'em Off

Oct 10, 2001

How right you are. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Where do you find these optimizations? Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

Of course. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

News from the intellectual elite: we read Joyce. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

Yes, I got that part. Thanks. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

What do you think it means to be the... Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

At least no one is calling you a t****. somebody's family

Oct 11, 2001

That's not *my* goddamn home page! Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

Oh. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

If only they knew. somebody's family

Oct 12, 2001

Linux Torvalds is no hobbyist. Don't take credit. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

It is a violation of the license agreement. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Yes I like Sylvia Plath. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

BSD was not made by hobbyists. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

I da ho. You da pimp. On the Establishment of a Palestinian State

Oct 12, 2001

Nice defense of Open Source. So what? Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Yes, you are no better than anyone else. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Well, then tell them that. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Oh dear. On the Establishment of a Palestinian State

Oct 12, 2001

We know for a fact... Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Oh sure. Put a high tax on plutonium. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

I knew you would start telling sci-fi stories. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Now you're catching on. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

At one time cocaine was over-the-counter. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Many others have posted the same canard. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Sorry, I guess I went too fast for you. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

A profession is not a trade. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Hello! Hello!

Oct 13, 2001

Debased INTP that I am. Feature: Flags

Oct 13, 2001

Nothing I propose would prevent... Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 13, 2001

Well, then... Hello!

Oct 13, 2001

Why not take off the boots? (nt) Hello!

Oct 13, 2001

Are you new at this? Hello!

Oct 14, 2001

Typical'hacker' Anti-Americanism. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 14, 2001

We have also done well banning some things. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 14, 2001

Mabye he's a Protestant Heretic. A site to look at if you care to

Oct 14, 2001

Freud would have had a field day with you people. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 14, 2001

I bet it was 'rosebud'! (nt) Review: Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition

Oct 14, 2001

Sure we have done all those bad things... Osama Bin Falwell

Oct 15, 2001

You need to go back and read it again. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 15, 2001

Perhaps it was 'Sussudio' (nt) Review: Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition

Oct 15, 2001

Please. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 15, 2001

This is progress. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 15, 2001

Hey! Amazing difference! Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 15, 2001

Mother lode! Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 15, 2001

I hate to brag, but... It happened AGAIN...

Oct 16, 2001

Oh no! This is the right place. Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 16, 2001

I got tired of talking about that. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 16, 2001

On the DoS attack.

Oct 16, 2001

Wouldn't that make it an even worse shock? (nt) what fun

Oct 16, 2001

You seem quite angry. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 17, 2001

Anyone can see. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 17, 2001

Couldn't customers paint in some deer? Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 17, 2001

No, you can still go to jail for that. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 17, 2001

You go girl! The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 17, 2001

Oh nothing. One of my nutty English papers.

Oct 17, 2001

Zikzak! That Painter of Light guy?!? WTF? One of my nutty English papers.

Oct 18, 2001

Ohhhh! Zizek! OK. One of my nutty English papers.

Oct 18, 2001

Who is this Emperor Palestine? there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 19, 2001

A vital tool for every critical thinker's toolkit: The Hidden Threat

Oct 19, 2001

Listen, uh... The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

But that just isn't possible! The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

As a student at Gonzaga Univerity... Hey BC!

Oct 21, 2001

No. A short quiz

Oct 21, 2001

I see. A short quiz

Oct 21, 2001

So have you actually done this? Peace Protestors

Oct 22, 2001

Yes I mean Bluth. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 22, 2001

Sure, we all hate those crybabies. Peace Protestors

Oct 22, 2001

Exactly as it should be, #842. (nt) Millennium

Oct 22, 2001

By 'anybody' you mean... Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 23, 2001

Suggested edit: Turning Unix into Windows

Oct 23, 2001

Maybe you're on to something. Turning Unix into Windows

Oct 23, 2001

So why are you asking me questions? Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 23, 2001

What? Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 23, 2001

I do so go that far. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 23, 2001

I'm saying... Turning Unix into Windows

Oct 23, 2001

What are his thoughts on sexual harassment? Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 23, 2001

Lunix is spelled L-U-N-I-X. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 23, 2001

Once we stop giving away the secrets... Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 24, 2001

Are you admitting the rest is horseshit then? Peace Protestors

Oct 24, 2001

I sort of expected this. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 24, 2001

A heap of nonsense jargon isn't fooling anyone. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 24, 2001

So you agree with Falwell and bin Laden. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Speak for yourself. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

'What way would I have it?' More solipsism. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

But you just said... Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 25, 2001

So you just dump the Old Testament completely? Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

I still think it's just tkatchevism. Kill Yr Idols: God

Oct 25, 2001

Well sure. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 27, 2001

We're all doomed. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 28, 2001

I'm not sure what you mean. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

This topic cries out for coverage. IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 29, 2001

Yes, it's bait. IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 29, 2001

My stories never have any links. IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 29, 2001

And who is in charge of the mosquitos? Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 29, 2001

What kind of reasoning is that? Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 29, 2001

This is a view worth considering. IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 29, 2001

You only think that because... I can't escape Tkatchev.

Oct 29, 2001

The Torah sez... IRC; an internet wasteland?

Oct 30, 2001

Before I had dogs... I'm bored

Oct 30, 2001

Lots of things attempt to answer those questions. Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

Flies. He is 'Lord of the *Flies*', not mosquitos Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 30, 2001

You mean you're *not* gay? Why girls are better than boys

Oct 30, 2001

I have. I've stopped pretending. Was the fourth plane shot down during an attack on 9/11?

Oct 30, 2001

Oh, I see no need for fleas. Just a dog. I'm bored

Oct 30, 2001

Fierce? Flesh-eating? I'm bored

Oct 31, 2001

That adorable doggie... I'm bored

Oct 31, 2001

A couple more pointers to get you organized. Killer Wheels: How To Get Started in the Custom-Car Movement

Nov 01, 2001

We just went and saw... El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 01, 2001

You're probably feeling like it's too generic. Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

That is to be expected. Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

He probably meant terrorists, not Americans. (nt) we've hit the big time, baby!

Nov 01, 2001

No, he's one of them. Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

Everything's creepier in a goth Cathedral! El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 01, 2001

Yeah, who cares about disorganized religion? El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 01, 2001

You're only talking about *Russia*. El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 02, 2001

What are the odds anyway... Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 02, 2001

Circumcison Bible question! Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 02, 2001

Why does everyone keep bringing up 'fast'? Killer Wheels: How To Get Started in the Custom-Car Movement

Nov 03, 2001

You need allies. Killer Wheels: How To Get Started in the Custom-Car Movement

Nov 05, 2001

Are you talking about baseball to *me*? 'My dog barks..'

Nov 06, 2001

Why must we always bend to accomodate them? Why They Should Abolish the World Series

Nov 06, 2001

Tasteless AND urbane? Nice guys

Nov 08, 2001

Why can't we beat our guns into plowshares... Ban All Guns Now!

Nov 08, 2001

Score one for the cops! Woo hoo! Ban All Guns Now!

Nov 08, 2001

You could have avoided this risk. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

C++ code has structure. Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 09, 2001

Yes, but they're *made up* answers. Why Science Got Me and God Didn't

Nov 09, 2001

poetry == structure? Classic Poetry--for our time

Nov 10, 2001

You sound suicidal to me. Thanks everyone!

Nov 11, 2001

Oh good. Thanks everyone!

Nov 11, 2001

Great. Studies.

Nov 12, 2001

They should sign up for .Net and Passport. Another terrorist act.

Nov 13, 2001

You must be one of those Lunixers we sometimes get Another terrorist act.

Nov 13, 2001

Now we are getting death threats. Figures. Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

Maybe I should back down. Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

I've consulted with the other editors on this... Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

You know, in a very real sense... Another terrorist act.

Nov 15, 2001

Does anyone know... Another terrorist act.

Nov 15, 2001

Blast! He's uncovered our spelling errors! Another terrorist act.

Nov 15, 2001

Ah yes, death. Another terrorist act.

Nov 15, 2001

They live, but they aren't people. Sad realization

Nov 16, 2001

You're making all of this up... I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 16, 2001

If you have time to sit here and whine... Another Friday night

Nov 17, 2001

I'd use neither. DMG's spicy chilli-lemon chicken with toasted cashews

Nov 18, 2001

We call it 'method acting' in case you dont' know. Monsters Incorporated: Film Review and Merchandise Buyer's Guide.

Nov 18, 2001

Britney Spears and Madonna go to church. Another Friday night

Nov 21, 2001

Alert! Leftivist beam in thine own eye! My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 21, 2001

This is not so far fetched. Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 22, 2001

Don't rule out electroshock or lobotomy. Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 24, 2001

Give land to the common man... comrade? My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 24, 2001

Perhaps a Meta article is in order. The Reason I'm Posting on Adequacy Despite Being Unwelcome

Nov 25, 2001

What? Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

Again, What? Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

You agreed to the TOS, not Micro-Soft. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

Programming languages are 'hacker's' tools. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

Has your lawyer recommended this strategy? A request (and warning) to our readers

Nov 27, 2001

This person is not a lawyer. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

Hmmm. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

No 'smart women' option? The importance of a very nice figure

Nov 27, 2001

This verbal terrorism will be held against you. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

There is no 'technique'. Uncle OSM's Guide to Covert Dating: Episode I

Nov 28, 2001

Your language... Are you Adequate?

Nov 28, 2001

Micro-Soft is your fetish. Are you Adequate?

Nov 28, 2001

Some of us are a bit envious... The importance of a very nice figure

Nov 28, 2001

See? Is this really so hard for you people? I have made an exciting discovery

Nov 29, 2001

Thanks, but please do not post 'hacking' how-to's Are you Adequate?

Nov 29, 2001

You're really anti-Semitic. Really. (nt) adequacy diary icon is _very_ inadequate

Nov 29, 2001

Don't insult those trying to help you. Are you Adequate?

Nov 29, 2001

Please stop doing it. Are you Adequate?

Nov 29, 2001

What a sad, lonely picture you paint of yourself. Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

See? Our spam worked perfectly. You'll never guess how I got here.

Nov 30, 2001

That's for damn sure. Kuro5hin

Nov 30, 2001

I heard it here first. George Harrison is dead.

Nov 30, 2001

It seems to make them all the more courageous. I know why Europeans hate Americans...

Dec 01, 2001

I only want to say that just because... seventypercent of 0.01% clue on communist theory

Dec 01, 2001

Unfortunate? Was the Bible open-source?

Dec 01, 2001

One detail to add... refugee history

Dec 02, 2001

What? seventypercent of 0.01% clue on communist theory

Dec 02, 2001

You should just post it and let us judge. Is fiction permitted in the Diaries?

Dec 02, 2001

boobs. A poem by anonymous. Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 04, 2001

Eh, hold on there. hey, alprazolam,

Dec 04, 2001

Is it possible for a hacker to not steal? Is Your Son a Computer Hacker?

Dec 05, 2001

Mabe he didn't have anything to say about... hey, alprazolam,

Dec 05, 2001

ROTFL! STFU YUO SUXR!!! T Reginald Gibbons hear me.

Dec 05, 2001

Jeian, have you been drinking alcohol? T Reginald Gibbons hear me.

Dec 08, 2001

Killed? So what. Death is inevitable. The sky: a revisionist examination

Dec 10, 2001

If you are capable... Review: The Spitfire Tour at EWU Nov. 20

Dec 10, 2001

You all see why we need a gated community? Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 10, 2001

An answer: Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 11, 2001

The poem really speaks for itself, doesn't it? Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 11, 2001

The whining about your damn gift is fine... Crappy birthday

Dec 12, 2001

yes indeed... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

Fiction is not an excuse... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 12, 2001

I hope you didn't get that Einstein thing from... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 13, 2001

You've got a point... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

But then why... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

Obviously, I don't take Russia into account. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 14, 2001

No. I haven't. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 15, 2001

Since no one else has the balls to tell you: Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 15, 2001

Like every other Adequacy reader... Deor Adequecy Readers

Dec 15, 2001

I know it's garbage. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 16, 2001

Maybe I should reconsider. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 16, 2001

In comparison to the 3583+ flames posted... What do people have against hackers?

Dec 17, 2001

Stop pretending to be a Man. Irresponsible Meat Judge

Dec 18, 2001

Even though the implications frighten me... Autism and geeks

Dec 18, 2001

So now you say Windows programs are unhackable? Are you Adequate?

Dec 18, 2001

Don't call me a moron, and then say... Are you Adequate?

Dec 18, 2001

God. You guys really are autistic. Are you Adequate?

Dec 19, 2001

You need to study more of my published work. Are you Adequate?

Dec 19, 2001

Where did you read that...? Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 19, 2001

Didn't I warn of this? Didn't I? Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 19, 2001

So it's *me* then? Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 19, 2001

Uh, no thanks... Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 19, 2001

et tu, Anonymous Reader, et tu. (nt) Are you Adequate?

Dec 19, 2001

I guess your'e not so 3l33t, eh? Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 19, 2001

*bwaaaahhhhh!* *sniff* (nt) Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 19, 2001

My own emphasis is on the *Science* part. g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

White Hats are just Black Hats... Just who is Mr Gibbons?

Dec 19, 2001

You needn't lecture me on how you wish... Just who is Mr Gibbons?

Dec 19, 2001

What was your point again? Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 20, 2001

Once again, hacker violence. Why oh why is it letting me post a diary as anonymous reader?

Dec 20, 2001

Thank you. That is quite instructive. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 20, 2001

You are almost saying something. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 20, 2001

Yes. Gollum was the dark side. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 20, 2001

Your vigilance is gratifying. A Formal reminder.

Dec 21, 2001

What? (nt) Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 21, 2001

OK, I figured you out now. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 21, 2001

He didn't say it isn't poetry at all. Sick in the Mind

Dec 21, 2001

"Village idiot" might hurt but... Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 21, 2001

Call it incentive. Tired of brownnosers at work

Dec 22, 2001

Ok, I'll bite. Are you Adequate?

Dec 22, 2001

So we should let kids become criminals then? The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 22, 2001

Yes! And it's so easy too! My browser's choking on all these pretty lights and stuff

Dec 22, 2001

It is a syndrome. Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 22, 2001

No. (nt) The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 23, 2001

Are you familiar with... My browser's choking on all these pretty lights and stuff

Dec 24, 2001

A horrific, horrific oversite. Wow.

Dec 24, 2001

It isn't that kind of drug. Wow.

Dec 24, 2001

A whine is like a prayer. Imagination

Dec 24, 2001

Intriguing... Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 24, 2001

Why reading is such a valuable skill. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 24, 2001

Holy fuck, it's Christ's birthday?! Already?! Happy Birthday Christ!

Dec 25, 2001

Um, sure you are. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 25, 2001

Wow, you do look smart now. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 25, 2001

Eh, just toss them on the pile... The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 25, 2001

Isn't that the fallacy of the beard? (nt) The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 26, 2001

Their acts are no better than an exploding shoe. Raving paranoid readers

Dec 26, 2001

Gee. It's true. Thomas Kinkade: Jigsaw Review

Dec 27, 2001

Because we are thorough and conscientious. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 27, 2001

Cahill? Tolkien, autism, and geeks: peas in a pod.

Dec 27, 2001

Perhaps... Thomas Kinkade: Jigsaw Review

Dec 29, 2001

Do you know where that idea comes from? You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Don't listen to the bad man, Mr. Gibbons! (nt) You're all whores.

Dec 30, 2001

I have a question for pot addicts. Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

Hey! Just wonderin'

Dec 31, 2001

This is a variation on the LFT. Just wonderin'

Dec 31, 2001

The media? How about English? Microsoft Is Watching You

Dec 31, 2001

He doesn't know. Microsoft Is Watching You

Dec 31, 2001

Of course you wouldn't want it. Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 01, 2002

Pry out of hacker fingers? Easy. Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 01, 2002

All this 'maintenance' is just hacking. Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 01, 2002

Now this old lie again... Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 01, 2002

What? (nt) Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 02, 2002

What are you talking about? Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 02, 2002

You're telling us a sex worker... My brush with a playmate

Jan 02, 2002

God. What a mess. Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 02, 2002

I'd delete it but... Are you sure you are [redacted]

Jan 02, 2002

But isn't it so much more fun this way? Microsoft Windows XP Is Truly the Superior OS

Jan 02, 2002

On *this* site it's my name. Are you sure you are [redacted]

Jan 02, 2002

No one believes you, you know. Microsoft Is Watching You

Jan 03, 2002

I deleted his rejoinder, of course. Are you sure you are [redacted]

Jan 03, 2002

This would be a good time to remind you... Linux Zealot sticks to his guns.

Jan 03, 2002

You all should get together and start your own... Linux Zealot sticks to his guns.

Jan 04, 2002

Why can't all Lunixists be fun like you? Richard M. Stallman: Portrait of a Pirate Hacker (in Layman's Terms)

Jan 04, 2002

Oh please. Hackers would sell their mother... Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 04, 2002

It proves who matters when they make laws. Richard M. Stallman: Portrait of a Pirate Hacker (in Layman's Terms)

Jan 05, 2002

Question! Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 05, 2002

We do get a lot of terrorists posting here. Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 05, 2002

I should delete this... Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 06, 2002

Oh noooo...! Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 06, 2002

YES!!! Hackers are criminals! Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 06, 2002

Accusing law-abiding computer scientists... Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 06, 2002

Which laws are you accusing me of breaking? Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 06, 2002

Now wait just one darn minute there! Dear Anonymous Reader Sir,

Jan 08, 2002

That reminds me... A Love Sonnet

Jan 08, 2002

No, I think he's right. *Sigh* And The World Falls Farther...

Jan 10, 2002

I'm not saying 'Kill Christians', but... Baby Seal Skinning Factories: Has Their Time Come?

Jan 12, 2002

Well... After days of reading....

Jan 13, 2002

These 'fanatics' you speak of... Grandma Linux

Jan 13, 2002

I see. Grandma Linux

Jan 15, 2002

What is funny to me... Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 15, 2002

Indeed. Help Save Me!!!

Jan 17, 2002

We almost believed your story... In censure of technological debate

Jan 17, 2002

No problem. why?

Jan 17, 2002

Mmmm yes. The punishment. The financial time bomb

Jan 17, 2002

O.S.M. has devoted fans on every continent. Luser makes ass out of himself

Jan 18, 2002

None of them would read it. Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 18, 2002

Well, if it were up to me... Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 18, 2002

That's the part that outrages me so. Too controversial for Adequacy

Jan 18, 2002

What you need to do. Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 18, 2002

Please? Please? Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 19, 2002

Holy Sonnet #14 IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!

Jan 19, 2002

I'll shatter one myth at a time for you: Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 19, 2002

Candygram for gcsb! Candygram for gcsb! IP-Tokens. The truth revealed!

Jan 19, 2002

Yeah, yeah, sure. Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 19, 2002

Please, may Morgan Freeman find this psycho... Love hurts.

Jan 20, 2002

#1680 Taboo: The Downfall of America

Jan 20, 2002

You should seek an education, rather than... Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

As a practicing Computer Scientist... Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

But but but... Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

I bet they ARE all alike! Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 20, 2002

A Red Hat user! AOL in Negotiations to Buy Red Hat

Jan 20, 2002

Given the choice? Win fabulous /. Moderator Points in this exciting contest!

Jan 21, 2002

I have a question. My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 21, 2002

I did, and will... Martin Cortez Newsletter, Issue 5, Vol 1.

Jan 21, 2002

It seems we have a winner! Win fabulous /. Moderator Points in this exciting contest!

Jan 22, 2002

Better? (nt) Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 22, 2002

Once again... Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 22, 2002

You know... What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

I saw this Japanese cartoon... Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 22, 2002


Jan 22, 2002

FREEMONT! Martin Cortez Newsletter, Issue 5, Vol 1.

Jan 22, 2002

Well, I've decided to just panic. Martin Cortez Newsletter, Issue 5, Vol 1.

Jan 24, 2002

Typical hackers. Stealing credit again. Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 24, 2002

No, really. Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 25, 2002

Uh, Miramax Films? Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 25, 2002

Hacker! Martin Cortez Newsletter

Jan 26, 2002

Get a Mac. Who's Copying Whom?

Jan 27, 2002

I knew this would happen. Where Do You Stand in the GNU World Order?

Jan 27, 2002

LFT reached!!! Who's Copying Whom?

Jan 28, 2002

Anti-Christians too. Wicca FAQ

Jan 28, 2002

Heeeeeey. What's this guy's game, anyway? Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 28, 2002

It's not that farm animals don't have a right... Liberalism is not only wrong, it's ugly.

Jan 28, 2002

So are we. (nt) Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 28, 2002

Unfortunately... Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 28, 2002

Well, the only cause that makes sense... Adequacy using too much bandwidth?

Jan 30, 2002

InTel? Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 30, 2002

This is not a drug addict 'hang out' you know. Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 30, 2002

Who cares? Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 31, 2002

Let's cut the crap, girlfriend. Linux Geeks Take Over

Jan 31, 2002

But you *are* gay, skillit. You are *so* very gay Linux Geeks Take Over

Jan 31, 2002

I love your wonderful description... Screw All of You

Jan 31, 2002

Which bands? Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

Well yes. I should have gotten into that. Meta crap...

Feb 01, 2002

So you agree the revision is better? Meta crap...

Feb 01, 2002

Like which bands? Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

Ha HA! Screw All of You

Feb 01, 2002

Well, if you knew only one 20th century English... Meta crap...

Feb 01, 2002

Sure sure! I need love.

Feb 01, 2002

Lord no PAY! I need love.

Feb 01, 2002

Well, go make them the offer. Okay I'll pay for music

Feb 01, 2002

I see a 'delete' button at the bottom of... Okay I'll pay for music

Feb 01, 2002

So go download some of that stuff. Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 02, 2002

He's shouldering the White Man's Burden. Okay I'll pay for music

Feb 02, 2002

It is about the license. Okay I'll pay for music

Feb 02, 2002

And who is to blame for that horror? I need love.

Feb 03, 2002

Your church says it was MY fault? I need love.

Feb 03, 2002

Why do you hate... clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Hmmm... clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Leaving something out, aren't we? A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 03, 2002

Assuming it has the decency to exist, clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Sir, clarity

Feb 03, 2002

Civilization in the future will model its... The diaries Section has been hijacked

Feb 04, 2002

Oh dear. clarity

Feb 04, 2002

There are... clarity

Feb 04, 2002

You can if they are imaginary. clarity

Feb 04, 2002

We do NOT like him! The diaries Section has been hijacked

Feb 04, 2002

You are mistaken. Is brain power that good?

Feb 04, 2002

Mmmm yes, yes. Super Bowl Commercial

Feb 04, 2002

So? A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 04, 2002

Nay! Too much zealotry for me! Poz techie seeks same. T-count above 10000.

Feb 05, 2002

Sir, A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 05, 2002

My sexual ambiguity is not... A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 05, 2002

A mad Russian put a pox on you and... The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 05, 2002

What is the postmodernist ideal? LOTR: Please don't kill me.

Feb 06, 2002

Well, sometimes I say 'fuck' but... The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 06, 2002

I think you would enjoy the phone book. LOTR: Please don't kill me.

Feb 06, 2002

2 to the 5th. Happy birthday to me

Feb 06, 2002

Only for cases of rape, incest, or when... Capital Punishment

Feb 06, 2002

Attractive? She looks so English. Boys can never be sexually abused by women

Feb 06, 2002

For years I've said nothing but good things.... The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 07, 2002

Normal students... The Artist...

Feb 07, 2002

So... The Artist...

Feb 07, 2002

The Mad Scientist is a known criminal, kids. Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 07, 2002

We're all just lucky that... Happy Birthday, Reagan

Feb 08, 2002

Mere bankers and merchants? 9/11 and Class Conflict

Feb 11, 2002

What? Why Drunks Should Not Sing

Feb 11, 2002

You did not... Proudly Serving My Corporate Masters

Feb 11, 2002

Yes it is... Why Drunks Should Not Sing

Feb 11, 2002

When did flamewars become manly? am I being stalked?

Feb 11, 2002

Is there *one shred* of evidence... Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

A swarm of Luxitic ad homeneim attacks... Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

I knew this was coming: Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

Ooh! I got one hint! What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

I said that!? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 12, 2002

Gimmie gimmie gimme Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 12, 2002

Indeed. Why Drunks Should Not Sing

Feb 13, 2002

This is outrageous. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

Hell sounds pretty cool, actually. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 13, 2002

You think it's a joke? So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Even if you can get good coffee... I need better sources of caffeine

Feb 14, 2002

Sometimes nothin' can be a real Cool Hand. Circus Roboticus

Feb 14, 2002

And how. I need better sources of caffeine

Feb 14, 2002

That's why... I need better sources of caffeine

Feb 16, 2002

Secondary nations... Patenting of hyperlinks

Feb 17, 2002

As legal as the GPL, I suppose. Patenting of hyperlinks

Feb 19, 2002

Why do you keep saying that? Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 19, 2002

Just because... Enough already! Ban programming.

Feb 19, 2002

I knew that was coming. The good ol' DSM. Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 20, 2002

To whom it may concern: Question

Feb 20, 2002

This diary...

Feb 20, 2002

What's so compassionate about censorship? Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 20, 2002

WARNING: Question

Feb 20, 2002

Designed? Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 20, 2002

What? (nt) Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 20, 2002

This 'Linux Tovaltz' person... Question

Feb 20, 2002

Sure, big fella. Whatever you say. Question

Feb 20, 2002

I'm not seeing where... Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 21, 2002

The truth about Gates and Jobs... Question

Feb 21, 2002

I can edit diaries... I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

Lines are for the weak. A world ruled by Posh

Feb 21, 2002

I think you're right. I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 21, 2002

We already knew his cover story. Question

Feb 21, 2002

A day spent on opiates... I can speak six languages and fly a jetliner.

Feb 22, 2002

You know your own experience. Remember. Do not eat today.

Feb 24, 2002

I'm shocked, but not for what you think. I'm very disappointed with Noam Chomsky

Feb 24, 2002

Hey, that's a good point. Someone Help This Poor Guy

Feb 25, 2002

Perhaps the US should intervene. The Politics of Envy

Feb 25, 2002

Is it so foreign to you... The Politics of Envy

Feb 26, 2002

Mmmmmmm. Oh, my...

Feb 26, 2002

Oh, okay. Oh, my...

Feb 26, 2002

Your lies are unconscionable. It's Time We Rounded Up Rich White Males

Feb 27, 2002

Oh come on. It's Time We Rounded Up Rich White Males

Feb 27, 2002

I figured you would like him. Robert Frost: a damn geek.

Feb 28, 2002

Your ignorance is an offense to all humaninty. Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Feb 28, 2002

Um, no. It's Time We Rounded Up Rich White Males

Feb 28, 2002

God. Oh, my...

Feb 28, 2002

It's impossible to respond.. Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Mar 01, 2002

Well, Caffeinated mints, and getting into the body you desire.

Mar 02, 2002

No one cares if you're a guy or not. GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 03, 2002

He's never had any friends. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 03, 2002

Well, I am sorry, but... Shocking.

Mar 03, 2002

But you know I'm not ashamed to admit it... GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 03, 2002

Mabye... Shocking.

Mar 04, 2002

Oh, death. It's time to surrender.

Mar 04, 2002

And this makes you feel safe? It's time to surrender.

Mar 04, 2002

Yes! GPL goes to court: Part 2

Mar 04, 2002

Well, I suppose you could try. It's time to surrender.

Mar 05, 2002

Heh... you're kidding of course. It's time to surrender.

Mar 06, 2002

Wow, you really know how to step on your dick. It's time to surrender.

Mar 06, 2002

You're more right than you know. Keep them ignorant

Mar 06, 2002

You think my beliefs are some fickle game? Keep them ignorant

Mar 06, 2002

Better? (nt) Adequacy is full of namby-pamby liberals

Mar 06, 2002

'empowered' because of second-hand knowledge? It's time to surrender.

Mar 06, 2002

Contradiction? Where? Keep them ignorant

Mar 06, 2002

A gurantee like that means everything... It's time to surrender.

Mar 06, 2002

Back to Micro-Soft again. Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

Excellent work. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

What is a canonical liberalist? What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

Me? This is absurd. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

Why would a Computer Scientist work at Micro-Soft? Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

He's a product of the Soviet education system. Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

Sure, that's easy to say. What is god?

Mar 07, 2002

Oh NOW you want your shit deleted? Keep them ignorant

Mar 07, 2002

Cat got your link? Keep them ignorant

Mar 08, 2002

Whom are you quoting? What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Resumes are for nobodies. Keep them ignorant

Mar 08, 2002

You should be ashamed of yourself. bug report

Mar 08, 2002

You might want to try... Keep them ignorant

Mar 10, 2002

Hitler! It's time to surrender.

Mar 10, 2002

I am your dutiful Editor. bug report

Mar 10, 2002

Plus it would... Public Gallows in every town square.

Mar 10, 2002

We can always use Truth as a defense. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 11, 2002

I must admit, I am rather taken aback. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 11, 2002

I love tha irony. I've had enough of this Enlightement crap

Mar 12, 2002

You don't need to tell *me*... Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

Are you deliberately sowing confusion? Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

Ah, now you show your true colors. Open Source? More Like Openly Racist

Mar 12, 2002

You must think I'm Greek then? (nt) Google Needs a Winston Smith

Mar 13, 2002

Sir, Exciting new diary

Mar 14, 2002

Quite so. March 14 2002

Mar 14, 2002

Which is way more important than ever getting laid I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

You must really knock 'em dead at parties. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

You could threaten to vote for Mark Sidran. should women?

Mar 15, 2002

I'm 16, you bastard. I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Oh, this is a black, black day. The truth finally comes out.

Mar 15, 2002

I'm actually not that familiar with these people. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 15, 2002

Well, it is. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 15, 2002

You don't? Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

You're not IAP. Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 16, 2002

I'm beginng to sense both anger and denial. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

Tell me about your father, tkatchev. Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

Because... Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 16, 2002

Did your tyrannical father... Homosexual propaganda

Mar 17, 2002

You have share if you want to make progress. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 17, 2002

Those Russian girls... Thoughts on Lee Harvey Oswald's widow's affair with his Brother

Mar 17, 2002

That excuse... Don't waste your time reading this.

Mar 17, 2002

Will these half-measures be enough? America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 17, 2002

This wouln't happen if there weren't so many... I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

Mar 17, 2002

Well, that's good advice, I guess. Snot Bubbles

Mar 17, 2002

You couldn't let any hackers work on it. I haven't been getting a whole lot of sleep

Mar 17, 2002

Well, what a stupid story. Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

Trolling is strictly forbidden here. Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

Hey, you know... Snot Bubbles

Mar 18, 2002

Money is quite important to you. Weekend Socializing

Mar 18, 2002

It's so... different. Is this a troll?

Mar 19, 2002

It's all so frighteningly abnormal. Is this a troll?

Mar 19, 2002

This only proves Windows is hackable. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 19, 2002

That is just disgusting. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 19, 2002

What use are these things... Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 19, 2002

Did you not know... A request

Mar 19, 2002

Absurd. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 19, 2002

Micro-Soft does not give away free tools. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 19, 2002

I'd just like to interject... Hating Libertarians: Reason #241

Mar 19, 2002

I ask this question all the time. Hating Libertarians: Reason #241

Mar 20, 2002

You have nothing to apologize for. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 20, 2002

You are a Career Criminal. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 20, 2002

Don't take this out on Hypermints, you terrorist. Yes, I am a hacker. I hack.

Mar 20, 2002

Now you're just posting flames. A request

Mar 20, 2002

Funny, I was thinking of a Christian wife for... Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Mmmmmmm. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Hrm. Maybe a maid would do. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Alas. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Just exploring the boundaries of my world. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 21, 2002

bleh a new threat

Mar 22, 2002

I saw this music video... what does this dream mean?

Mar 22, 2002

You are 100% correct. a new threat

Mar 22, 2002

Someone comes here asking for help with... a new threat

Mar 23, 2002

It's about power. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

Sir, Don't read this!

Mar 25, 2002

What power? Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

Is this your new ploy? Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

But why should anyone listen? Why "Hacker?"

Mar 26, 2002

Don't forget the fan thing. On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 27, 2002

So Macintosh Apples don't need all that air? On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 28, 2002

We've considered having the site feng shui'd. What's with all the 'My' stuff?

Mar 28, 2002

I can't scan it. wiccan woes

Mar 29, 2002

You're a Calvinist now? It's time to rise up, stand tall, and confess:

Mar 29, 2002

I hadn't considered this. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 29, 2002

The little monsters don't deserve it. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

Well, that's better than becoming a hacker. Let us pray for the priests and victims of sexual abuse

Mar 30, 2002

So then... RIP Queen Elizabeth II the Queen Mother

Mar 31, 2002

You have no idea what it means... Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Mar 31, 2002

I might well be one... Serious Inquiry about Paganism

Apr 01, 2002

Hey! Winnona Ryder was in the X-Men? It's April 1 everyone

Apr 01, 2002

Well it should lead him to God. An idea Hollywood would probably pay millions for

Apr 01, 2002

Excuse me for not hacking. It's April 1 everyone

Apr 02, 2002

I suffer fools. What mental illness do you have?

Apr 02, 2002

The source of this information... This Has Gone Too Far

Apr 02, 2002

The idiom we use in English is... What mental illness do you have?

Apr 03, 2002

This is intriguing. Getting married

Apr 03, 2002

We don't really get that low level in CS. Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 03, 2002

I keep finding Olgas and economists. Getting married

Apr 03, 2002

Well what annoys me... Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 03, 2002

As I have discussed adequately... Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 03, 2002

Al Gore? Every Virus Warning You'll Ever Need

Apr 03, 2002

I guess it in Bulgaria... Getting married

Apr 04, 2002

Please post in English. Thanks. What mental illness do you have?

Apr 04, 2002

You don't mention your childhood. I am schizophrenic and so am I.

Apr 05, 2002

The opposite approach is our only hope. Difficult-to-Learn Computer Topics???

Apr 05, 2002

The number one thing we need... Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 05, 2002

We know why. The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

We are the site that gives bullies their respect. The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

The causes of school shootings: The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

The only person who could ever miss with this gun I need your help

Apr 06, 2002

Someone of your discriminating tastes... I need your help

Apr 09, 2002

What? Is he gone now? Silencing The Aryan King

Apr 09, 2002

That is tantamount to terrorism. Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 10, 2002

So...? God and High Society

Apr 10, 2002

Doh! Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 11, 2002

Well, you're not getting any of my ice cream. Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 11, 2002

This soft-ware company seems important to you. Trustworthy Computing !?!

Apr 11, 2002

Clearly, this subject agitates you. Trustworthy Computing !?!

Apr 11, 2002

Freud discredited?! Trustworthy Computing !?!

Apr 11, 2002

The Best Things Ever Said On Adequacy Pages... Adequacy Quotes

Apr 11, 2002

Of *course* he gives others credit. Trustworthy Computing !?!

Apr 12, 2002

Cherry Garcia (nt) Paging Dr. Science, paging Dr. Science...

Apr 14, 2002

Don't men on businesss trips... Stranger in paradise

Apr 14, 2002

You know, that guy *is* annoying. Security

Apr 14, 2002

I think this could be a breakthrough. Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 15, 2002

This is not science at all. Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 16, 2002

Your anger... Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 16, 2002

Sex, sex, sex! Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 16, 2002

What do women want? Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 18, 2002

Ow! Ouch! April madness

Apr 18, 2002

Hey, I know which way the wind blows. April madness

Apr 18, 2002

Oh crap. April madness

Apr 18, 2002

I hear Niclole Brown Simpson was quite the juicer. April madness

Apr 19, 2002

Well... April madness

Apr 19, 2002

I feel duty bound to issue a warning. Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

I am detecting anger here. Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

Well, not right away. April madness

Apr 22, 2002

You're either for us or against us, Ivan. complaint

Apr 22, 2002

Get yourself a gold tooth. Can you help me?

Apr 23, 2002

My god. Russia is so barbaric. Can you help me?

Apr 23, 2002

To a racist, rap stars are "stupid", but Can you help me?

Apr 24, 2002

Also... Can you help me?

Apr 24, 2002

Is Flav conscious of what he is doing? Can you help me?

Apr 24, 2002

But aren't they just subsumed... ANZAC Day

Apr 24, 2002

I suppose you are prepared... ANZAC Day

Apr 25, 2002

Perhaps. Or perhaps you couldn't find anything. ANZAC Day

Apr 25, 2002

More accusations. No evidence. ANZAC Day

Apr 25, 2002

I do this to serve the public good. ANZAC Day

Apr 25, 2002

Yeah, you can. Sure. Spikey-Haired Asian Chicks

Apr 26, 2002

As usual. ANZAC Day

Apr 26, 2002

That won't tell you much. Am I a 75-cent whore?

Apr 27, 2002

You an extremely important individual... ANZAC Day

Apr 29, 2002

The Mafia tries that line too. Enough already! Ban programming.

Apr 29, 2002

Considering how fastidious they are... Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

Sir, Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

May 01, 2002

When veganism becomes a crime... This is sick

May 01, 2002

I thought God made the Lamb... This is sick

May 02, 2002

I call it downright surreal. Vandalism in the PRC

May 05, 2002

I wouldn't have interpreted this as a threat... Happy Tango-no-Sekku!

May 06, 2002

What can we conclude from this personal attack? Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 06, 2002

Ha. You agreed with me from the beginning. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

Why I like Spider-Man. Four Spider-Man movies reviewed

May 07, 2002

The teenager is an invention of affluence. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

The technology exists. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 07, 2002

You misspelled "IP theft" Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 08, 2002

Why? None of us will see it. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

Really? Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 08, 2002

If Dad is a drill instructor, no problem. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

Perhaps some power greater than me is at work. (nt Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 08, 2002

Us? Linux Zealot (almost) Makes a Friend

May 08, 2002

NON-sexual classical. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

Email us your location immediately! Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 08, 2002

The Office Of Homeland Security will be alerted! Finally here

May 08, 2002

How else does one access the Internet? Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

It has educated me in the many pleasures... Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

You're not paranoid. You're a typical crimnial. Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

You seemed to be crying out for help. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

He's saving us from point by point. Report from the War Department.

May 09, 2002

Do real nutters even need money? Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

Excellent. But... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 09, 2002

Ah! This is what got us here! Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

I started to write a flame to that article. more kuro5hin bashing

May 10, 2002

No, you can't have money meant for the needy. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

So what if we do want to avoid responsibility? Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

Those are your *wants*, not your power. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

I love jazz. Booze too, and weird sex. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 10, 2002

Discipline must begin early if it is to work. Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 11, 2002

You know... Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 12, 2002

If you want respect around here... Revelation

May 12, 2002

It is good to salvage what is useful. Burma Shave!

May 12, 2002

Just what is it you expect? Mortality Forcibly Reconsidered

May 13, 2002

I have determined that golf is displeasing. Revelation

May 13, 2002

Ralph Nader has a posse. (nt) Mortality Forcibly Reconsidered

May 13, 2002

That just isn't fair. Dearest Adequacy Readers,

May 14, 2002

Please be advised... The Dark Side of Cancer

May 15, 2002

Who? Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 16, 2002

Why so defensive? No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 16, 2002

The next one will be... Hottest Aussie Hottie ?

May 19, 2002

Pedophilia is defined by your mental image. No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

May 28, 2002

What news? Enough already! Ban programming.

May 30, 2002

What is proven by these ads? Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 03, 2002

The message: Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 03, 2002

What? The loss leader? So what? Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 04, 2002

You will be held responsible for this. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 04, 2002

All hetersexuality is toxic in Lucasism. George Lucas, Oscar Wilde, and Homosexual Theater

Jun 04, 2002

Using a gay computer doesn't bother me. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 06, 2002

Perhaps there should only be one computer. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 06, 2002

They copy them because they are gay. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 07, 2002

Yes, hackers and fanboys and geeks would hate it. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 07, 2002

Your version of reality sounds exciting. Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 08, 2002

Many thanks, Dr. Martino Cortez, PhD. Sirs,

Jun 08, 2002

Your prediction of the future was extrapolated... Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 10, 2002

Sir, No, you STILL can't look at Kate or Ashley, and if you do you are a filthy pervert.

Jun 15, 2002

Please, please. Microsoft gives Korean developers little cause for worry

Jul 15, 2002

More than just seclusion... Damn them.

Jul 16, 2002

Yep. Damn them.

Jul 18, 2002

This idea has been kept down by The Man. A New Kind of Feminist Science

Jul 22, 2002

Who are you really working for? I am dating a liberalist

Jul 23, 2002

The whole world is one big re-education camp. do some atheists hate religion?

Jul 25, 2002

Here, let's practice the first question: Dear Sirs,

Jul 26, 2002

Your answers are quite revealing. Dear Sirs,

Jul 28, 2002

You need a book that addresses all your issues. Culture: Sweetcorn and Milton

Jul 30, 2002

This is Eurpope's chance to show us... Citizen Corps and TIPS - do they go far enough ?

Aug 01, 2002

Don't forget the second hand smoke. Citizen Corps and TIPS - do they go far enough ?

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