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 European Union eclipses US in games market - what next ?

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jul 19, 2001
According to this story at theregister, the market for games in the EU is set to eclipse that of the US.

I wonder if this will lead to more socially acceptable games being produced (i.e. ones which do not glorify violence ?) it is well known that the Europeans have more sophisticated tastes than us Americans. Perhaps this will lead to the death of the gory 1st person shoot-em-ups like Quake and Doom (widely believed to be responsible for the Columbine tragedy).

[editor's note, by jsm] spelling error corrected!

[editor's note, by jsm] sorry about that! How embarrassing! It's corrected now


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The debate about the causal link between games and violence rages on. But it looks like the good old free market may be about to solve the problem once and for all.

Historically computer games have been designed to appeal to the American market, and so they have been basically violent, gory, and utterly tasteless. Almost all American PC games involve violence of one form or another. From Doom to Quake, to Unreal, it seems the American consumer wants only to kill and kill again. (albeit in simulated form).

With the news that Europe will soon be the largest market for games, this state of affairs may soon change.

Europeans on the whole have a well adjusted attitide toward violence and sex. They tend to abhorr the former and be tolerant of the latter. It is common on European network TV to see breasts, nipples, even sometimes pubic hair but programmes containing violence are subject to strict censorship rules.

Since the content of games is driven by the largest market, perhaps America can look forward to games with less violence, and more sex. With games such as Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament being directly responsible for the Columbine massacre, I think this change in emphasis could only be a good thing. I've always been puzzled by our American morality whereby it is perfectly acceptable to show a person being violently physically assaulted, and yet to show two human beings making love is completely censored by our prudish tv networks.

How can games like Quake III which teaches kids how to slaughter their schoolfriends and promotes a satanistic agenda possibly be acceptable ? It doesn't make any sense to me - You don't have to be a Christian to see the dangers of Satanism. Let us know what you think about this important issue.

It's no surprise, Europeans have had violence (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 26th, 2001 at 09:24:20 AM PST
selectively bred out of them for centuries, through emigration, genocide and mass starvation. Violence, self defense and gun ownership are all negative traits according to the Hague based New World Order, and Europe is the beta test in reducing humans to sheeple.

The initial secular humanist cabal was satisfied using the colonies as a safety valve to eliminate violence prone individuals, figuring that the natives in the colonies (Zulus, Iroquios, Bantu, Thugges, Pollywogs and Slantees) would kill most of them, and leave the more harmless ones in Europe. Not believing in God, they didn't take God into account, who so generously provided a fecund new Jerusalem in America, where right thinking God Fearing men could subdue and populate a whole continent, Kentucky long rifle in one hand, Bible in the other.

Once the colonies were full or free, the ruling cabal had to find another way to get rid of the free thinking men who worshipped God and not man. It's not a coincidence that the most fervent Christians in the British Empire suffered a British genrerated Potato Famine in the 1870's.

Finally, the humanists attempted genocide to purge Europe of men who would defend their rights with their lives. The Jews were the first to be targetted, one only needs a cursory glance at the history of Isreal to realize what a fierce opponent to soul degrading secular humanism the Jewish race would be.

Which pretty much brings us to today. The New World Order, based in the HAgue, is slowly grinding down Europenis into sub-humans, preventing them from fully achieving their full human potential, including the ability to fight for what you believe in. Teletubbies and happy, passive, non-violent vide games are part of the insidious conspiracy. Fortunately, there are enough God Fearing, right thinking men who will fight for the right for men to worship God instead of nebulous concepts like Gaia, ecology, feminism, astronomy and humanism in America, Israel and Saudi Arabia. For those of us blessed enough to live in one of God's chosen places, all we can do is pray for the poor souls being tortured in the soul crashing socialist hellhole that is Europe, and perhaps ship them a few handguns enclosed in the cases of Budweiser that we ship overseas to sate the European hunger for fine, beechwood aged corn beer.

I would suggest allowing blink tags for added emphasis, they're spiffy!!!!

I agree (none / 0) (#2)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jun 26th, 2001 at 10:00:36 AM PST
With everything you said, with one exception.

beechwood aged corn beer

That is not corn beer, it is RICE beer. They even admit it in their advertisments. What kind of japanese crap is that ?

What link between FPS's and violence? (none / 0) (#5)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 11:23:34 AM PST
If anyone tries to take my games away, I'll KILL YOU!!!!!

Maybe I'm in need of a score card, but... (none / 0) (#6)
by elenchos on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 12:07:16 PM PST
...wouldn't all Eurogames invariably promote Homosexuality, Drug Use, and Communism? And Flaccid Captiulation? And Art (i.e. Homosexuality)? This is the same Europe usually referred to on Adequacy, right?

Easily Confused

I do, I do, I do
--Bikini Kill

Yes, the same europe (none / 0) (#7)
by elby on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 12:44:47 PM PST
A number of our editors disagree on key issues. There isn't really a party line here on Adequacy, so you will have different authors disagreeing with each other.


Bollocks to that. (none / 0) (#14)
by iat on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 01:23:17 PM PST
A number of our editors disagree on key issues.

That's bullshit, and you know it. - love it or leave it.

But I love it (none / 0) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 01:08:07 PM PST
Quake III Arena is WAY WAY COOL. Why? First, there's always something new to learn. Second, because you can remove gibs and gore by setting com_blood to 0 and cg_gibs to 0. Third, because you can MAKE CHANGES to the game.

Now, the author of this article must be a troll, since he thinks there is a proven correlation between Quake, UT, and Columbine. Hello? Just trying to get hits? People have been playing Cops and Robbers, Cowboys and Indians, and Laser Tag for a very long time. (Well, maybe not Laser Tag for a very long time, but definitely the other two.) Want to know what I think the problem is? It's a rampant lack of responsibility. There's a sick attitude in this country - do whatever the heck you want whenever the heck you want, because it's YOUR LIFE, YOUR CHOICE, and YOUR RIGHT.

Stupid liberals.

The connection is there. (none / 0) (#18)
by dmg on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 02:49:15 PM PST
Its a bit like global warming. There's no direct evidence to link greenhouse gasses and global warming, but if we wait until we have cast iron evidence, it will be too late to save the planet.

Its the same with Columbine style incidents, and violent FP Shooters. You cannot possibly believe that exposure to all that blood and violence has no effect on our children, can you ?

As for me being a troll, well I nearly deleted your post when I read that, but I guess you are entitled to your opinion, however wrong-headed it may be.

I just hope you are never caught in the crossfire as some deranged Quake player decides to live out his PC-based fantasies.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Actually.. (none / 0) (#19)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 11:55:28 PM PST
Its the same with Columbine style incidents, and violent FP Shooters. You cannot possibly believe that exposure to all that blood and violence has no effect on our children, can you ?
Actually, as it turns out.. I really can and do believe that. I'm an arm-chair pscyhologist here, but I'm relatively certain that the inability to seperate fantasy from reality is a serious problem. One for which people should seek professional help.

Children are much smarter and capable than people give them credit for.

It's a complete false-cause situation. Not entirely unlike the supposed link in the 80's between a boy's suicide and the role-playing game Dungeons and Dragons. Those in support of that theory failed to mention that he was also a closet homosexual struggling with his self-identity and a herion addict. It's not like those things ever lead to suicide. Must be the game.

Simiarily, I think you'll find that anyone who walks into their school with a gun intent on taking down their classmates have deep-rooted psychological wounds.. mostly likely inflicted by their parents or peers.

Video games and violent movies/tv are not the problem. A world full of hate mongers who would rather point a finger than offer a hand of forgiveness and love, something you might find out that you're supposed to do if you paid closer attention to that Bible you care for so dearly.

"Let he who is without sin cast the first stone."

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

How many times do we need to say NO TROLLING ??? (none / 0) (#15)
by dmg on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 01:26:12 PM PST
I have deleted three postings which I considerd to be trolls. Look guys, please appreciate we are trying to keep this site troll free. Your comments were simply designed to provoke a response, so I had to remove them. No hard feelings, feel free to post again. Just try and remember, this is not slashdot the editors here care about the quality of the site, and we do not want people to waste their time reading troll comments such as the ones you posted. Now please do not do it again or you will be permanently banned.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Pray tell, (none / 0) (#16)
by 11223 on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 01:28:20 PM PST
What's the point of posting a comment when you don't want a response of some kind?

Hah! You believe that?

Christian? (none / 0) (#17)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 01:34:57 PM PST
some very telling statements:

Europeans on the whole have a well adjusted attitide toward violence and sex....It is common on European network TV to see breasts, nipples, even sometimes pubic hair but programmes containing violence are subject to strict censorship rules.


How can games like Quake III which teaches kids how to slaughter their schoolfriends and promotes a satanistic agenda possibly be acceptable ? It doesn't make any sense to me - You don't have to be a Christian to see the dangers of Satanism.

okay, let me get this straight. first: europeans have a well-adjusted attitude toward sex - it's good, and just fine to show it and the neat-o body parts that go with it. then: you imply you're christian, or at least hold christian values. how do you reconcile this when god said, "thou shalt not commit adultery?" good grief man, you can't pick and choose. don't try to convince people of something by appealing to christian morals and in the same article say that showing sexual themes and images on television is a good thing, and well-adjusted. what could those images do but encourage sexual intercourse with people other than your spouse? i'd accuse you of being a troll if i didn't know better *cough*

by the way - the original hebrew for the word that was translated "adultery" encompasses all sexual relations outside of marriage.


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