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Friends, welcome to the Summer of the Shark.
If you've paid any attention at all to the news this summer, you know one thing: shark attacks against innocent bathers have risen exponentially. These days, you can't turn on your television set without being treated to the graphic details of the latest violent shark incident. Recent years have been comparatively quiet on this front .. so why are these attacks on the rise? What (or who) is to blame? Regular Adequacy readers will not be surprised by the answer. |
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In 1993, the National Marine Fisheries Service, with the full support of the United States Congress (which at that time was controlled by Democrats -- in both houses), implemented stringent new regulations regarding shark fishing. The management plan included 39 species and established a quota of 2,570 metric tons for two groups of sharks: large coastal (e.g. sandbar, blacktip, dusky sharks) and pelagic (e.g. blue, mako, thresher sharks). In addition, the management plan set up a system of catch reporting to stop overfishing and close federal waters when necessary. The federal regulations apply out to 200 miles off the coast of the United States. However, these regulations do not apply to the first three miles off the coast of the United States. This area is state coastal waters and is regulated by each state.
So what have the states done? Let's look at Florida as an example. Florida bowed to environmentalists and made sharks -- all sharks -- a protected species. Shark fishing in Florida waters is still allowed, but anglers are limited to one per day. One. And boats with multiple fisherman are limited to two per boat -- even if there are twenty people in the boat. How can anybody look at this ridiculous governmental intervention and be surprised that the excess sharks are killing our children? For what it's worth, this legislation was put into place under the regime of Democratic governor Lawton Chiles; incidentally, the Supreme Court of Florida is also controlled by Democrats (this is the same court that tried to steal the state of Florida for Al Gore, who is an admitted environmentalist and probable shark-lover.) It should come as no surprise that these draconian regulations and attacks on personal freedom came as a result of Democratic rule. This legislation, both at the federal and state level, is complete leftivist horseshit -- I'm afraid there is no more diplomatic way to describe it. Now, the enviro-commies will call me an "Earth-hater", but I tend to be a bit more practical about things. I'm one of these weirdos who thinks that human life is more important than shark life. If I'm given a choice between having a shark on my grill or having it on my jugular, then pass me the salt and give me the goddamned tongs, because we're cooking this son of a bitch. And my Sarah's got an apple pie in the oven for dessert. Naturally, the usual suspects in Washington, D.C. have been quite silent on this issue. In particular, the silence has been deafening from Tom Daschle, the Majority Leader of the Senate. Daschle is an old-school leftivist and a big advocate of government regulations on wildlife and the environment. Much the same can be said about Richard Gephardt, the Democratic leader in the House of Representatives; Gephardt is one of the most left-leaning congressmen in the history of this nation, and in the wake of all of these shark attacks, the man has blood on his hands. Or is that blood in his jaws? And what was Terry McAuliffe, head of the Democratic National Committee (DNC) doing at the same time that a man was killed and his girlfriend wounded in a horrific Monday shark attack near Cape Hatteras, North Carolina? He was at a $5,000-a-plate Democratic fundraiser intended to help the Florida gubernatorial campaign of ex-Attorney General Janet Reno. Guess what happens to Florida shark policy if Reno gets elected, friends? That's right .. it gets worse, and more innocent people will be eaten. Remember, this is the same Janet Reno that killed countless children at Waco and sent an innocent young boy away from freedom and into the claws of a bloodthirsty Communist butcher. Here's an interesting factoid: One of the biggest individual contributors to the DNC is filmmaker Steven Spielberg. Spielberg, as you probably recall, made a little film in 1975 about shark attacks. Jaws went on to be one of the biggest blockbusters in history; in fact, it was just released last year in DVD format to celebrate the film's 25th anniversary. Spielberg probably is making quite a killing (pun intended) off of the latest wave of shark attacks; the media interest and resulting paranoia will obviously cause interest in his movie to increase. You can bet that the Democratic politicians that Spielberg has in his pocket aren't going to be lifting any fishing regulations anytime soon .. not as long as Jaws is still making money, that is. This much is clear; the recent wave of shark violence is a direct result of the big government policies of the Democratic party and its organizational structure, the DNC. The evidence trail isn't obvious .. it's blatant. If ever there was a case study to demonstrate why government meddling doesn't work, this is it. You know what's funny? The liberals want me (and the rest of White America) to apologize to the blacks for something that happened centuries ago and that we had nothing to do with (slavery), but those same liberals refuse to apologize to shark victims for something that they (the liberals) directly caused. How's that for a double standard? Nothing that these people do surprises me any more.
One thing is clear: leftivism's body count is quickly becoming incalculable. The type of politics that is practiced by the Democratic party and those loyal to it have resulted in the horrible deaths of countless innocent souls. How many more shark attacks will it take for us to realize that these monsters ought to be removed from offices? How many more Columbines, Wacoes, Ruby Ridges, and Chandra Levies will it take for people to stand up to the DNC's "politically correct" smokescreen and say "enough is enough?" Our founding fathers are turning in their graves as they survey the collectivist dead zone that we're turning this nation into; luckily, we can still stop them if we fight them, and fight them together. |
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