I just love it when they do that.
Anyway, if you didn't know about that, do you know how in Antarctica, a plane arrives only twice a year with their supplies and replacement crew, and in between planes there are no colds or flu cases anywhere at the base? But right after the plane arrives, everyone gets terribly sick because they are suddenly assaulted with all those germs they were isolated from for six months? Whereas the rest of the world has new germs circulating at a constant rate, rather than in waves? Right?
So anyway, I just realized that two and a half weeks ago, all that circulation of germs suddenly halted, and all the cold and flu viruses were relatively isolated for a few days, disruptig the normal circulation of bugs. Then, suddenly, travel resumed in the nation (and the rest of the world, though it hadn't been as fully halted) and we were hit with the same shock that they get in Antarctica when the new plane arrives with fresh Hustlers and AA batteries.
See? See?
Of course, if I really were smart, I'd have at least the first clue of how to profit from being so clever.