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   Comments by derek3000   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Dec 14, 2001

Finally... New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 14, 2001

I always had a suspicion about Christians like you New Crimes, New Punishments, A New America

Dec 14, 2001

God says: Harry Potter - What Does God Have to Say?

Dec 18, 2001

maybe you're thinking about it too much? My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 18, 2001

nice... Sometimes the most amazing things in life...

Dec 18, 2001

regardless of what these liberalssay, You know...

Dec 18, 2001

Well, I'll kill two birds with one stone. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

that ninny Linux Zealot is Busted

Dec 19, 2001

you guys might like... Sometimes the most amazing things in life...

Dec 19, 2001

you work where I work? diazepam weekly ioi

Dec 19, 2001

i don't like boxing, but... Gladiator Fixation

Dec 19, 2001

I saw the deftones diazepam weekly ioi

Dec 19, 2001

subject g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

nice g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

sure. g**k math is not hard.

Dec 20, 2001


Dec 21, 2001

it should be, A QUESTION FOR YOU ALL

Dec 21, 2001

need I remind you... A QUESTION FOR YOU ALL

Dec 22, 2001

yeah, fuck 'em. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 22, 2001

yo, ass-jerk. THE QUESTION

Dec 26, 2001

yeah, I agree. Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 26, 2001

yo, dog, X-mas party, or payback, or is it confusion, help....

Dec 26, 2001

I know... Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 27, 2001

thank you for the enlightenment. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 28, 2001

ah, yes. The End of Hacking: A Holiday Un-Buyer's Guide

Dec 28, 2001

fuck objectivism... Fellowship Of The Rings Comparative Movie Review

Dec 31, 2001

Yeah, dood, Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 31, 2001

this is pretty cool. From the virtual grave

Jan 02, 2002

this probably isn't even worth posting, but... Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 02, 2002

i agree. Microsoft Windows XP Is Truly the Superior OS

Jan 02, 2002

sorry, but liberalism

Jan 02, 2002

hmmm.. Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 03, 2002

everything you say is stupid. liberalism

Jan 03, 2002

wow, score one for personal freedom. hmm, I suppose I should have expected this

Jan 04, 2002

ok, hmm, I suppose I should have expected this

Jan 04, 2002

Aren't you forgetting... Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

Nice try. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

Nice point. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

Thank goodness... Britney Spears' Six-Inch Secret

Jan 04, 2002

join us, Britney Spears' Six-Inch Secret

Jan 04, 2002

shit. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

ok, Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

I don't know how well that works. Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

ok, Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 04, 2002

sorry, Atheism, Crime, and the Connection

Jan 07, 2002

it's been said before, but... Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 07, 2002

tongue in cheek. Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 07, 2002

communism would only work... Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 09, 2002

What? The world lost a great man yesterday.

Jan 09, 2002

ummm... Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 11, 2002

Nathan, Biblical sexiness

Jan 11, 2002

RobotSlaves comment covers it, Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 17, 2002

how about... Hey Kids! Need a Band Name? Then Check This Out!

Jan 18, 2002

i had a better comment before, Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 18, 2002

a-ha. Dude...

Jan 18, 2002

Fair enough. My top 5

Jan 18, 2002

J*sus C****t. What is your favorite torture?

Jan 18, 2002

yes! Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 18, 2002

another good suggestion. My top 5

Jan 22, 2002

Maybe this is naive, What Sucks About Marriage

Jan 22, 2002

easy does it, easy... Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 22, 2002

chr*st. Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 22, 2002

but d00d, Free Escorts

Jan 23, 2002

whoops. Looking Forward: Cinema in 2002

Jan 23, 2002

hello, So this is my way to escape

Jan 24, 2002

um... My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 24, 2002

are you sure... The Caffeine Fix

Jan 24, 2002

He's not so bad. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 24, 2002

An excellent post. My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 24, 2002

what? no Brave New World? Best Utopian Novel?

Jan 25, 2002

heh. Review: Gran Turismo 3

Jan 28, 2002

I couldn't have said it better myself. Review: Gran Turismo 3

Jan 28, 2002

is is too passe to mention... An Adequate Look at Insider Trading

Jan 28, 2002

i'd love to know how, AR. Who's copying whom?

Jan 29, 2002

this one starts in the stomach, then moves up Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 29, 2002

wow. Pornography: How the Liberals won America

Jan 29, 2002

that isn't the point. Why the GNU licence is a good thing

Jan 29, 2002

that's pretty damn good. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 30, 2002

very correct. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 30, 2002

i wuv you. Linux Zealot Gets Educated

Jan 31, 2002

Every time you write about this, Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Jan 31, 2002

Good article. Animals: Food for Thought

Jan 31, 2002

Wouldn't that be service-oriented? Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

Sir, Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

starving? Animals: Food for Thought

Feb 01, 2002

I'm not sure what you are saying... Animals: Food for Thought

Feb 01, 2002

OK, I think I've got one. Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

thank you. Why copying copyrighted music isnt wrong.

Feb 01, 2002

I couldn't resist Linux Geeks Take Over

Feb 04, 2002

not that I'm an authority on the subject, Discover the Russia you never knew.

Feb 04, 2002

oh, fuck yeah! A Beautiful Mind is a Terrible Thing to Waste

Feb 07, 2002

Minor correction The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 07, 2002

No. Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 08, 2002

Indeed. Writing Satire For A Technical Audience

Feb 08, 2002

You are an idiot. Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 08, 2002

I would like to help. Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 11, 2002

I couldn't agree more. The Genital Offensive

Feb 12, 2002

i voted for uni. Indianapolis

Feb 13, 2002

Logic 101 What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

Like I said, What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

For those scoring at home Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 13, 2002

All right, What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 13, 2002

interesting. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Simple. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

so... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

hey! So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

I agree. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 14, 2002

Attn: Tkatchev So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Ok. So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 14, 2002

Just like... So what's the deal with moderation?

Feb 15, 2002

Not very well thought out. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

You could have Circus Roboticus

Feb 15, 2002

Getting to know you. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 15, 2002

How... Patenting of hyperlinks

Feb 15, 2002

It's my turn to be the bike cop. Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 15, 2002

And... We must invoke the Monroe Doctrine!

Feb 15, 2002

Um... What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 15, 2002

A Modest Proposal <---cool, huh? Human behaviour - my thinking on it

Feb 16, 2002

Anyway, What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 16, 2002

This is called competition. Patenting of hyperlinks

Feb 17, 2002

Your right to post, however pretentious it may be. What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 19, 2002

NO. We Licke Icke

Feb 21, 2002

Indeed. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Another circular, liberalist argument for you. America's Death Machines

Feb 21, 2002

Let's spell this out for you... Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 21, 2002

d00d, America's Death Machines

Feb 25, 2002

10th circle reports snowstorm; details at eleven. America's Death Machines

Feb 26, 2002

Interesting. America's Death Machines

Feb 26, 2002

It does feel good. America's Death Machines

Feb 28, 2002


Mar 01, 2002

Soren Kierkegaard, Works of Love. We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 01, 2002

Blessed by Allah

Mar 03, 2002

Doublespeak. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

Negotiating the complexities of a bike ride home. Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 04, 2002

Doobage! Sigmund Freud, Linux and The Narcissism of Minor Difference

Mar 07, 2002

Tell me. 1000 voices, drilling your thoughts every day.

Mar 07, 2002

but... 1000 voices, drilling your thoughts every day.

Mar 08, 2002

Hey Killer. What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Please excuse yourself, prick. What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Sounds like... What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

at least you realize it (n/t) What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Nature of Human Understanding Redux What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

who is over-exagerrating? What is god?

Mar 08, 2002

Very good. Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 08, 2002

Use your science to prove the existence... We Need Creationism In Our Schools

Mar 11, 2002

no. Rock and Roll !

Mar 11, 2002

no bukkake? (n/t) Favorite Ethnic Dish

Mar 11, 2002

Exaclty what are you laughing about? What is god?

Mar 11, 2002

nah. Rock and Roll !

Mar 12, 2002

You must be talking about... Adequacy stooping to Plagiarism?!

Mar 12, 2002

Ben, Thought you might like this

Mar 14, 2002

or how about... Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 14, 2002

You're both right. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

That's not true Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Hey! I may have started a conversation. should women?

Mar 15, 2002

Nonsense. Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Yeah... Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

you had to do it, didn't you? ;) [n/t] Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

Hegemony... I feel so lonely

Mar 15, 2002

Does this mean I scored? [n/t] Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

I would but... Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Jesus Christ. Why I enjoy being a girl

Mar 15, 2002

You sir... Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 15, 2002

Nice. Homosexual propaganda

Mar 15, 2002

Are you saying I'm ugly? Can someone...

Mar 15, 2002

I'm not talkin' 'bout ratings, doll. Some of you must be bad drivers.

Mar 16, 2002

I was just kidding. Can someone...

Mar 18, 2002

Why must you torment me so? Kuro5hit Update

Mar 19, 2002

the cream rises to the top Review: Linux Mandrake 8.2

Mar 19, 2002

What holes? [n/t] Review: Linux Mandrake 8.2

Mar 19, 2002

I've never seen any patches; mine works well [n/t] Review: Linux Mandrake 8.2

Mar 20, 2002

you just spelled it w/ a small 'l'. big diff. n/t Hating Libertarians: Reason #241

Mar 20, 2002

I am a big fan of the meat. n/t Hating Libertarians: Reason #241

Mar 20, 2002

Catching Wiccan chicks. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

You'd be surprised what they come up with. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

No. That's just a liberalist myth. n/t Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 21, 2002

Sadly, it was the reason for leaving. My regrets are starting to overwhelm me.

Mar 21, 2002

Moving in with friends... My regrets are starting to overwhelm me.

Mar 21, 2002

I think... Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 21, 2002

Exactly. My regrets are starting to overwhelm me.

Mar 21, 2002

Please... nothing can stop me now

Mar 21, 2002

Maybe it's because I'm baked... what does this dream mean?

Mar 22, 2002

Value is subjective. nothing can stop me now

Mar 22, 2002

I don't understand. The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 22, 2002

Jvance, Altoids are Curiously Strong.

Mar 22, 2002

To be serious, America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 22, 2002

You unintentionally answered your question. n/t The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 22, 2002

Yes. America's Case for Packing Heat

Mar 24, 2002

Shinkansen, The Nature of Stupidity

Mar 24, 2002

Yeah. My Conversion

Mar 24, 2002

Play-doh. Don't read this!

Mar 24, 2002

Glad to see you took the high road. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

Ah, yes. Don't read this!

Mar 25, 2002

Have you heard the new Cleveland Steamers album? Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

Just goes to show how stupid you really are. Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

I've got to have some allies... Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

I think you are on the money Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan

Mar 25, 2002

I don't reject free will. Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan

Mar 26, 2002

Yes, Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan

Mar 26, 2002

Sir, Godzilla Withdrawl

Mar 26, 2002

Hello, Travel advice

Mar 26, 2002

I was really hoping for this Friday, Godzilla Withdrawl

Mar 26, 2002

er, hold on a minute... Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan

Mar 27, 2002

A request Tonight @ 1:00 AM on Super Ecran

Mar 27, 2002

Some asshole on K5 said the same thing to me. The consequences of Determinism

Mar 27, 2002

ECM put out some great stuff. Iraq, Israel, Palestine and Afghanistan

Mar 27, 2002

dood, Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 27, 2002

I'm not impressed. Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 28, 2002

Interesting. On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 28, 2002

She's obviously satanic, that's what. {n/t} On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 28, 2002

hmmm.... Maybe K5 is satanic, like tkatchev said.

Mar 28, 2002

Re: your retarded question: YES. On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 30, 2002

You know... wiccan woes

Apr 01, 2002

Hey! King Cotton

Apr 01, 2002

It seems you are jealous... Repeal the Drunk Driving Laws Now

Apr 02, 2002

This is what I've been waiting for. Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 02, 2002

Yeah, sure. Blade II And The Twilight Of Science

Apr 04, 2002

I was afraid you would say that. I need your help

Apr 04, 2002

Personal taste. I need your help

Apr 05, 2002

Correction. Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 05, 2002

Please... Every Virus Warning You'll Ever Need

Apr 05, 2002

Actually... Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 05, 2002

Neat. Music

Apr 06, 2002

I understand your jealousy. I need your help

Apr 06, 2002

AOL rules! {n/t} Music

Apr 06, 2002

You're just jealous! The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

double wreck it The Fundamentalist Epidemic

Apr 06, 2002

Oh, now I see. I need your help

Apr 08, 2002

Didn't I see you... British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 08, 2002

Godspeed Music

Apr 10, 2002

What was that saying... God and High Society

Apr 11, 2002

How ugly. We need more toxins

Apr 12, 2002

Surely you jest. David Beckham

Apr 12, 2002

Listen up, David Beckham

Apr 12, 2002

And here I thought... Springtime = Sex

Apr 12, 2002

Wow! Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 14, 2002

Sweet Jesus. What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 14, 2002

This is hardly fair. What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 15, 2002

Yes, What IS adequacy all about????

Apr 16, 2002

Yeah, but Security

Apr 16, 2002

I wouldn't think of it as stabbing. Security

Apr 16, 2002

Dear Editors, The time is right

Apr 16, 2002

Pretty sweet. The alarm bells are ringing.

Apr 16, 2002

I could tell you, The time is right

Apr 16, 2002

Moral relativism again. Where are we going?

Apr 17, 2002

A couple of points for your consideration. We need more toxins

Apr 17, 2002

Just wondering. Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 18, 2002

Here is the truth baou t GOD!!! April madness

Apr 18, 2002

Don't flatter yourself. We need more toxins

Apr 18, 2002

I hope you know... Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 18, 2002

It's not that it's a burden... Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 19, 2002

I didn't get it. Myers Briggs Type Indicator

Apr 19, 2002

lb, Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

He's a Cro-magnum P.I., she's a motormouth lawyer- Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 19, 2002

Do we have to? Secret World Conspiricy Revealed!!!

Apr 19, 2002

Honestly, Should I buy an Xbox?

Apr 19, 2002

Once again, New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 23, 2002

Just to be clear, The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 24, 2002

Yes. It should be noted... Leave Linux to the Geeks

Apr 24, 2002

It's a good thing... Leave Linux to the Geeks

Apr 24, 2002

IB, The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 24, 2002

No no no--- My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 24, 2002

MLP for Haunted Microsoft

Apr 25, 2002

Not deceptive or vague... The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 25, 2002

Shut up, NAWL. My Journey Through Linux Hell

Apr 25, 2002

Funny... Why is _every_ woman psycho?

Apr 25, 2002

ok. The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 26, 2002

It's a shame... The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 29, 2002

Translation: Hats off to em

Apr 30, 2002

Your mom... If it ain't broke...break it!

Apr 30, 2002

What, Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

Excuse me, If it ain't broke...break it!

May 01, 2002

Oh, look at you! If it ain't broke...break it!

May 01, 2002

She's lying. n/t The Incontrovertible Existence of God

May 01, 2002

Um... Vice Principal checks for thongs and bras

May 02, 2002

It's always give me advice.

May 02, 2002

My confidence wained in the middle, Nathan VS SR? Who won the debate?

May 02, 2002

That's downright scary. Vandalism in the PRC

May 02, 2002

If by 'take their course' you mean... give me advice.

May 03, 2002

Can you fuckers... Why can't I get a second date?

May 03, 2002

Yeah, yeah... Why can't I get a second date?

May 07, 2002

Excuse me... flashbacks

May 07, 2002

I'm like Harry Potter, Happy Tango-no-Sekku!

May 07, 2002

Hey 'Slave, Happy Tango-no-Sekku!

May 07, 2002

I'd considered that. Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 07, 2002

Next time... Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 08, 2002

I almost killed myself. Hnh. Right, right, right. Quite.

May 08, 2002

As if I'd enjoy... I have been enlightened.

May 08, 2002

whoops I have been enlightened.

May 08, 2002

I was afriad I have been enlightened.

May 08, 2002

This is the women's bathroom, sir. I have been enlightened.

May 08, 2002

SOAD Suite-Pee

May 09, 2002

I finally found someone... Suite-Pee

May 10, 2002

Sometimes I get so Finally here

May 13, 2002

Almost. Revelation

May 15, 2002

I'm pretty sure Mortality Forcibly Reconsidered

May 15, 2002

Sorry Mortality Forcibly Reconsidered

May 15, 2002

Awesome. What makes Australian women so hot?

May 15, 2002

What the hell is wrong with you? Spring-Time is the Gaiest Time!

May 15, 2002

"When I do it, "Dr." Martina Cortez "PhD"

May 15, 2002

To be completely honest, Educating Miss Adequacy

May 21, 2002

Oh, real cool. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 22, 2002

Surely you jest. The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 22, 2002

Lauren. The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 24, 2002

I have... Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 25, 2002

Of course you know. Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 25, 2002

Stop trolling! The Internet - where is it heading?

May 31, 2002

you too? Hedonist seeks pleasure advice.

May 31, 2002

you've got to be fuckin kidding me I hate the Open Source Community

Jun 03, 2002

ahem-- w0w I must be 1337 h4X0r

Jun 03, 2002

Nathan, Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 03, 2002

it's an overly complicated regex for... On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 03, 2002

Also, My New Account - Whoop-de-fucking-doo

Jun 05, 2002

*yawn* My rant on religon

Jun 05, 2002

Wow. Update

Jun 05, 2002

A little story. The Hall of Shame

Jun 05, 2002

As much as Sauda��es!

Jun 06, 2002

Oh come off it! On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 10, 2002

It doesn't work. The Wankometer

Jun 13, 2002

Cranberry and Southern Comfort Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 13, 2002

Booooo! Debunking the Holocaust Hoax

Jun 13, 2002

Booooooo! South Park lied to me!

Jun 14, 2002

Nah. South Park lied to me!

Jun 14, 2002

It's called thujone, Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 18, 2002

Actually, [GordonJCP] is an idiot.

Jun 19, 2002

A lot of people... Woe is me...

Jun 19, 2002

Well... Time for great celebration!!!!

Jun 19, 2002

If you can afford them, Linux Zealot needs a job

Jun 19, 2002

Remember that summer, Help save Adequacy!

Jun 20, 2002

Oh, come off it. Why Internet Piracy is Moral

Jun 20, 2002

I Do Not Suck. You have 100 words

Jun 26, 2002

You'd like to think so, wouldn't you? bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 26, 2002

You are starting to get really boring. Hidden Agenda

Jun 28, 2002

Yes. I am a Milky-Smooth Adonis

Jul 03, 2002

I miss... I Miss Jin :(

Jul 03, 2002

We should hang out. Boom City, USA

Jul 04, 2002

To answer your original question, Glastonbury review, or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Smell Of Poo'

Jul 05, 2002

It's still illegal. Glastonbury review, or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Smell Of Poo'

Jul 10, 2002

I'm having a hard time putting into words... Walter Shawlee 3.0

Jul 29, 2002

How close is he... An Important Issue

Jul 31, 2002

Thank you PlebeTron3000. Citizen Corps and TIPS - do they go far enough ?

Aug 01, 2002

I just didn't like... Citizen Corps and TIPS - do they go far enough ?

Aug 01, 2002

But she didn't intend it that way... Citizen Corps and TIPS - do they go far enough ?

Aug 01, 2002

I'm getting nauseous. Citizen Corps and TIPS - do they go far enough ?

Aug 08, 2002

No self-respecting man Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community

Aug 09, 2002

Not exactly. Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community

Aug 11, 2002

I agree with both of you. What is MS really saying?

Aug 11, 2002

I'm disappointed in both of you. Linux Zealot contributes to the Open Source Community

Aug 11, 2002

I guess it'll do, What is MS really saying?

Aug 20, 2002

Oh yes. End of Open Source

Aug 27, 2002

Let me guess... Guns ?

Aug 29, 2002

Well, Rock vs Pop

Aug 29, 2002

There are few things in life... Rock vs Pop

Aug 29, 2002

Nope. Rock vs Pop

Aug 30, 2002

LFMAO! Rock vs Pop

Aug 30, 2002

-5, Dream Theater reference Rock vs Pop

Sep 05, 2002

Photography? All young women want to be artists

Sep 10, 2002

Refresh my memory. Question for The Mad Scientist

Sep 10, 2002

Thank you. Question for The Mad Scientist

Sep 10, 2002

oh...ugggggggggggggghhhhhhhhhh Question for The Mad Scientist

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