I was able to watch Jamie Salie and David Pelletier skate in the finals competition on my new, flat screen Magnavox with stereo sound, and I was quite entranced. Normally, I'm with the Americans all the way, being the patriotic sort, but since no Americans had a chance for a medal, I was rooting for Jamie and David, they're cute, and they're our Canadian natives, which makes them almost as good as an American.
Their performance was flawless, nary a mis-skate or flubbed landing to be seen. Their costumes were a little boring, but as most Canadians prefer understated things, it was to be expected.
Contrast this with the Russkis. While Elena Berezhnaya and Anton Sikharulidze had better costumes and perkier nipples (Elena that is), I noticed several landing flaws and a generally unsmooth performance. Any objective viewer would have rated them a silver.
But the fix was in. The dang French, eager for any chance at a medal, made a deal with the Russians to give the Russian a gold in exchange for support at a later event. What a crock, what a mockery of Olympic values.
Fortunately, the Olympics were held in America, so we have a solution, the Monroe Doctrine. In short, America has a long history of declaring the western hemisphere to be under the United State's sphere of influence, to be kept free of European meddling. France and Russia are both in Europe, and their vote-peddling sounds like meddling to me.
Due to President Bush's foresight, we have plenty of troops in Utah. I suggest with, using the Monroe Doctrine as precedent, occupy the Olympics, arrest the French and Russian skating judges, and award the gold medal to Salie and Pelletier. The international community may be a little upset, and even the Canadians may protest, but you know deep down those hosers would really appreciate our fighting their battles for them.