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   Comments by motherfuckin spork   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jul 12, 2001

blah blah blah blah... Women's Magazines - reversing the accomplishments of feminism?

Jul 12, 2001

believe it or not... Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

what? The Truth About Reality TV

Jul 13, 2001

ok... I feel the need to comment on this... I'm typing a bunch of crap. read it if you want, it's not my problem...

Jul 13, 2001

no, I've not thought of becomeing a therapist... Women's Magazines - reversing the accomplishments of feminism?

Jul 13, 2001

very interesting... Reparation and reconcilation - the time is right.

Jul 13, 2001

the "state"? gimme a break. Reparation and reconcilation - the time is right.

Jul 13, 2001

what???? Eric Raymond - Open Source hero ? or Environmental Pariah ?

Jul 14, 2001

people that like kenny g do not bother me... Hey, look, its yes another wonderful entry to my dearest diary!

Jul 14, 2001

ah - 2 different guys Hey, look, its yes another wonderful entry to my dearest diary!

Jul 14, 2001

this is surely the stupidest thing I've ever read Homosexuality - Is it the next evolutionary step for mankind ?

Jul 15, 2001

why am I actually replying to this crap? Hey, look, its yes another wonderful entry to my dearest diary!

Jul 16, 2001

Cancer does not exist The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

ahhh... very observant The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 16, 2001

no... there is no "g"... Yes another entry, another rant, and this one is about rants.

Jul 16, 2001

you needn't worry Yes another entry, another rant, and this one is about rants.

Jul 16, 2001

Dear EA, I'm sick. Fuck Off.

Jul 17, 2001

Jimi Hendrix was not really left-handed Memoirs of an Ex-Southpaw: a Report from the Trenches

Jul 17, 2001

well, what are their interests? What to do about my twin teenage nieces?

Jul 17, 2001

thorazine isn't used ll that much anymore Winning The Battle Against Pornography

Jul 17, 2001

you can still get Chik-fil-a??? I Guess I'm Just a Sick, Sick Bastard.

Jul 17, 2001 Winning The Battle Against Pornography

Jul 17, 2001

I used to love Chik-fil-a... I Guess I'm Just a Sick, Sick Bastard.

Jul 17, 2001

have you considered the merits of suicide? Troubles with Impure Thoughts

Jul 18, 2001

I think your analysis ties in quite well. let us try this again: more words typed by me for your enjoyment

Jul 18, 2001

and for reasons unbeknownst to me let us try this again: more words typed by me for your enjoyment

Jul 19, 2001

hold your horses... The AIDS Hoax

Jul 19, 2001

will they have plastic onboard the Enterprise? Plastic

Jul 19, 2001

ahh.. but you forgot something... The Scriptural Proof of Extraterrestrial Life

Jul 19, 2001

not to burst your bubble or anything... SUV's Bigger and Better - The Ultimate American Dream

Jul 20, 2001

well, of course! The Scriptural Proof of Extraterrestrial Life

Jul 20, 2001

not only that... Milosevic Goes Free, Thanks to Godwin's Law!

Jul 26, 2001

my wife weighed 90 lbs. Models - Stormtrooping superbitches of the Fashion Industry

Jul 27, 2001

but you show how you fit the bill The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Jul 27, 2001

isolationism Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 31, 2001

memories... Its about time I write more!

Jul 31, 2001

What about Them? Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

all this time No L-O-I-T-E-R-I-N-G Allowed

Jul 31, 2001

do I know you? Hilarity Ensues

Jul 31, 2001

I am not Liza No L-O-I-T-E-R-I-N-G Allowed

Aug 01, 2001

no, no they didn't Hilarity Ensues

Aug 01, 2001

actually, the mini ice age didn't really exist Gutless In Seattle

Aug 01, 2001

I'm an evil cultist! Dungeons and Dragons: Don't Let it Happen to Your Kid

Aug 03, 2001

family reunions You're Older Than You've Ever Been. And now You're Even Older.

Aug 03, 2001

thank you Cryptic Message....

Aug 03, 2001

d00d! that'd take a long time Ever Fallen in Love With Somone You Shouldn't Have Fallen in Love With?

Aug 03, 2001

your lack of understanding of genetics shows Eugenics: The choice for a superior generation

Aug 03, 2001

de-evolving... that's cute Eugenics: The choice for a superior generation

Aug 04, 2001

wow... that was painfully incoherent Eugenics: The choice for a superior generation

Aug 04, 2001

pseudo intellectual? You're Older Than You've Ever Been. And now You're Even Older.

Aug 05, 2001

you're funny You're Older Than You've Ever Been. And now You're Even Older.

Aug 06, 2001

all motherboards are not a standard size Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 06, 2001

this reminds me of a story I have already imparted The Online Social World: Internet Dating

Aug 06, 2001

since you asked... The Online Social World: Internet Dating

Aug 07, 2001

no Time does not exist.

Aug 07, 2001

nice html tags bonehead Time does not exist.

Aug 07, 2001

you sure seem to care Time does not exist.

Aug 07, 2001

ain't insurance grand? My Stupid Shoulder (Part Three)

Aug 22, 2001

This is the best article I've seen here Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 27, 2001

I prefer my beef to be bludgeoned Stunned Beef: Dangerous Compassion?

Aug 28, 2001

testing Philip Morris Is Right

Aug 28, 2001

methodology Philip Morris Is Right

Aug 28, 2001

not that I want to seem like a whiner... The Problem is You - Not Religion

Aug 30, 2001

yes *yawn*

Sep 04, 2001

if I'm ont mistaken How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 04, 2001

well then, why not pull the chip altogether? How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 04, 2001

pointless consumption How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 04, 2001

the site is being upgraded I cna tpye vrey welll

Sep 04, 2001

damn good question. I cna tpye vrey welll

Sep 04, 2001

GiZ I cna tpye vrey welll

Sep 05, 2001

sadly, the hair does grow back What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 05, 2001

since you asked... What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 05, 2001

**yawn** What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 05, 2001

you could always just buy a Mac How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

well then What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 06, 2001

blame electricity Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

then I guess you'll be sleepy again sleepy, so very sleepy

Sep 06, 2001

that's vague Troublemint 0wns j00

Sep 06, 2001

actually Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

don't I know the reverand? Troublemint 0wns j00

Sep 06, 2001

I'm not sure if that's cool or frightening Troublemint 0wns j00

Sep 06, 2001

this is the best article on adequacy to date 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 07, 2001

Where's the Funky Bunch when you need them? Rock Star: Headbanging Nights

Sep 07, 2001

well then... whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 07, 2001

I can truly appreciate that. Oh, by the way...

Sep 07, 2001

shows how much you're read GiZ... whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 07, 2001

why do you think you aren't qualified? whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 07, 2001

I am impatiently waiting to get home MP3's are up.

Sep 07, 2001

yeah, integrity is often a good thing whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 07, 2001

the connection MP3's are up.

Sep 07, 2001

update: got home, listened MP3's are up.

Sep 07, 2001

which one? Rock Star: Headbanging Nights

Sep 11, 2001

Thank you peace

Sep 13, 2001

I'm not really all that fond of penguin fucking Once again, blame Microsoft!

Sep 14, 2001

I will volunteer to be your enemy hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 14, 2001

oh, sorry hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 14, 2001

consider it done! hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 14, 2001

alas, your diagnosis is incorrect hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 17, 2001

how 'bout these: Taking requests.

Sep 17, 2001

I sincerely apologize. The fleeting memories of a bowl of cereal

Sep 17, 2001

levels of severity Crazy, Like Me

Sep 18, 2001

yes Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 20, 2001

dude... the cats... Well I'm Just a Modern Guy...

Sep 20, 2001

I believe Isreali airlines have a similar policy The Guide to Airplane Hijacking in the Post-WTC Era

Sep 20, 2001

well... her info says that she's 21 Holy Jesus, what are these goddamn animals?

Sep 20, 2001

beats the living hell out of me. perspective

Sep 20, 2001

dang... Hating the idiocy that is my job today...

Sep 21, 2001

I do not envy your predicament Run Away.

Sep 21, 2001

If I am not mistaken The Myth of "Facts"

Sep 24, 2001

I am still not Irish You are not Irish, They are not Republicans. Please stop sending them money and guns.

Sep 24, 2001

Ban Catch-22 The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

not a hint of Irish in me You are not Irish, They are not Republicans. Please stop sending them money and guns.

Sep 24, 2001

I tried that once Well I'm Just a Modern Guy...

Sep 25, 2001

As a supposed Gen-X'er Something in the Way

Sep 25, 2001

Like a bad heroin habit... dactylicious

Sep 26, 2001

first off The Fact That I Adore You is Just One of My Truths.

Sep 26, 2001

oh dear... Who is that in the Diary icon?

Sep 27, 2001

just for you: There's not enough meta-whining here.

Sep 27, 2001

** UPDATE ** What's for lunch?

Sep 27, 2001

why, elby, that would be wasting company time... What's for lunch?

Sep 28, 2001

well, my friend... It's Over.

Oct 01, 2001

Cheese, Beer, and Bratwurst... Brett Favre Must Be Stopped

Oct 01, 2001

you bastard! I must kill you now! lab monkeys

Oct 02, 2001

and therein lies the crux of hell lab monkeys

Oct 02, 2001

oh yeah... lab monkeys

Oct 02, 2001

yes and no lab monkeys

Oct 02, 2001

actually, no. lab monkeys

Oct 02, 2001

umm... lab monkeys

Oct 03, 2001

exactly... Aaack...

Oct 04, 2001

dude... I've got recipies... Aaack...

Oct 04, 2001

sinuses suck Hi Catfish!

Oct 09, 2001

naw... Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

I'll try to find out Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

"odd" meter changes "South Side of the Sky"

Oct 11, 2001

yup Excellent Work!

Oct 18, 2001

I don't want to be Luke... there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 22, 2001

do0o0o0o0o0o0ood! Hello

Oct 22, 2001

hate me or not Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

you bring up some good points Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

oh... sorry... leap in my logic there. Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

hmm? Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 26, 2001

I voted for "Last Train..." I don't like spaceghoti.

Oct 26, 2001

just a blank? _____

Oct 27, 2001

if by irregular you mean... Do I have appendicitis?

Nov 05, 2001

What? Music Review: Britney

Nov 05, 2001

what the hell are you rambling about??? Music Review: Britney

Nov 05, 2001

my personal taste Music Review: Britney

Nov 06, 2001

well.. Music Review: Britney

Nov 07, 2001

I'm not saying that Ima isn't a nice name sucks to be you

Nov 26, 2001

actually, no... I'm allergic to my in-law's basement...

Nov 27, 2001

I think back on all my past professors Playing with fire

Dec 04, 2001

I want you to want me Freedom

Dec 04, 2001

my personal development plan Rich Man

Dec 06, 2001

d00d... I've got cable modem DSL

Dec 07, 2001

hmm... DSL

Dec 10, 2001

I know I'm a control freak Unfettered Boobies

Dec 11, 2001

not to disappoint small and firm

Dec 12, 2001

he could have told her to take some heroin small and firm

Dec 13, 2001

I prefer welcome to adequacy

Dec 19, 2001

what about sex? Best Mediterranean Vacation Activites

Dec 20, 2001

math A Formal reminder.

Jan 03, 2002

our head of IT is mildly insane hmm, I suppose I should have expected this

Jan 03, 2002

maybe at lunch hmm, I suppose I should have expected this

Jan 04, 2002

actually, filtering is quite goofy hmm, I suppose I should have expected this

Jan 04, 2002

I agree Britney Spears' Six-Inch Secret

Jan 06, 2002

baggy clothing? Playmate update

Jan 06, 2002

excellent article Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 06, 2002

good point Playmate update

Jan 07, 2002

no, the two luthiers I spoe of Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 07, 2002

Life Lessons Dare ya, osm! Here's your chance to prove your devotion!

Jan 07, 2002

Britain should remain true unto itself Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 08, 2002

I think perhaps he was confused Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 08, 2002

I write a pretty wide range of songs Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 17, 2002

alas, this one is my fault A Friend in Need

Jan 17, 2002

the lunch issue A Friend in Need

Jan 17, 2002

I do believe the title is Duran Duran makes some good music, and all of their band members are decent human beings

Jan 18, 2002

I'm not sure why, Where is he???

Jan 25, 2002

What? No Whinnie the Pooh? Best Utopian Novel?

Feb 04, 2002

I take it that... Super Bowl Commercial

Feb 04, 2002

after reading this Is brain power that good?

Feb 06, 2002

28 Happy birthday to me

Feb 06, 2002

holy shit I Am About to Lose It

Feb 06, 2002

my god... its true I Am About to Lose It

Feb 06, 2002

stats I Am About to Lose It

Feb 10, 2002

one more than 27 I Am About to Lose It

Feb 11, 2002

sorry am I being stalked?

Feb 12, 2002

so what? am I being stalked?

Feb 12, 2002

no problem am I being stalked?

Feb 12, 2002

alas, that only leads to frustration I had a dream

Feb 15, 2002

get a sigma/aldrich catalog I need better sources of caffeine

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