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Did you know that there were a fuck-load of babies born in the US between 1980 and 1996? 70-some-odd million, who will grow up as 41% of the US population. Already, pundits are calling the WTC this generation's "Wake-up call", and suddenly the attempts to place some form of broad-stroke characteristics on this group are taking on a kind of seriousness, rather than being laughed off at the absurdity that it is. Worst of all, it seems that the unimaginative, derivative, lazy moniker of "Generation Y" seems to have stuck. |
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Right now I'm can't help but flash back to Newsweek magazine, circa 1993. We had a subscription, and I would usually pour through the magazine the day it arrived. I remember the articles they did, and the issue they devoted, to "Generation X". Even then, at 13, I could tell what a load of crap they were shoveling. It was less like they were attempting to describe something as they were attempting to shape it. To give some kind of generational stereotype that the kids could conveniently fall into. Even though it was total crap, I have to admit, in a way, it worked. Now, it seems that the same thing is happening again. The far-left is already coming out and saying that Generation Y is strongly anti-globalization, ignoring the fact that they're some of the biggest comsumers of the goods the anti-globalists hate most. I'm sure that the mainstream will start hitting on things as well, especially now that there's a galvanizing national event that they can use as a point-of-contact. I'm in that odd 1979-1980 group that was caught in between these two media-defined "generations", and being labeled twice is the quickest way to realize that the labeling isn't right. I've seen it before, and in a way, I feel immune to it. I also feel impotent to make any headway against it, though. I mean, the bullshit can be seen coming up from the horizon. Buisnesses, media conglomerates, political groups, they're looking at this like a remake of the 60's, and they all want to sit in the director's chair. When you've got so many voices, all so very loud, saying one thing, how does one single person possibly communicate another view? So, that's pretty much the summery of today. Despair over a potential (despite my futilism, this is all still potential) diabolical overtaking of the youth of America by those who's interests are wholly selfish. As for my love life, something are more honest and genuine that I could have written about with much more clear and coherent information... Well, there isn't much to say about that now. Things are still in flux, and right now I'm too busy living it to write about it. |
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