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   Comments by alprazolam   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jul 10, 2001

i stopped reading Of Microsoft and "Great" Britain

Jul 10, 2001

is trolling art? Linux in the corporate world

Jul 11, 2001

lame comment Misogyny: Why hurt when you can hate?

Jul 12, 2001

honesty Well, let's see what happens...

Jul 12, 2001

you need more Favourite Multinational Corporation:

Jul 16, 2001

difficult articles Misogyny: Why hurt when you can hate?

Jul 16, 2001

rsi The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 19, 2001

confused Winning The Battle Against Pornography

Jul 20, 2001

I would be leery of a church My first diary on Adequacy, woot etc...

Jul 23, 2001

Rationale Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 23, 2001

debate K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 24, 2001

huh I'm Bored, so I decided to write something here

Jul 27, 2001

caution The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Jul 27, 2001

he lives in austin Mister Macho Man, Is It True?

Jul 27, 2001

i'm very interested to know I Want A Girl With A Mind Like A Diamond

Jul 27, 2001

huh I Want A Girl With A Mind Like A Diamond

Jul 30, 2001

Hamas Favourite `terrorist` organisation:

Jul 30, 2001

yea Favourite `terrorist` organisation:

Aug 01, 2001

better yet Has anyone heard of a book called...

Aug 03, 2001

fuck the UN Ever Fallen in Love With Somone You Shouldn't Have Fallen in Love With?

Aug 03, 2001

definition Wow.

Aug 06, 2001

i do Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 06, 2001

heh heh. You're Older Than You've Ever Been. And now You're Even Older.

Aug 06, 2001

how is aol easy? Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 06, 2001

serial killers are boring Your favourite Serial Killer is:

Aug 06, 2001

there's only one problem with this story The Online Social World: Internet Dating

Aug 06, 2001

you moron Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 07, 2001

it wouldn't be so bad Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 07, 2001

very soon Wish You Were Here

Aug 24, 2001

duh The rise of pseudo-connoisseurship and beer

Aug 24, 2001

road of enlightenment Well...

Aug 24, 2001

obvious you are no expert Newbie's Guide to Online Gaming

Aug 27, 2001

beating cows to death with baseball bats Stunned Beef: Dangerous Compassion?

Aug 28, 2001

how are you dispatching of them Philip Morris Is Right

Aug 28, 2001

there are formulas to do that Philip Morris Is Right

Aug 29, 2001

atheist The Problem is You - Not Religion

Aug 29, 2001

don't know land of the dead

Aug 29, 2001

make money land of the dead

Aug 29, 2001

here? land of the dead

Aug 29, 2001

you racist pig The Problem is You - Not Religion

Aug 30, 2001

bunch of luddites Favorite operating system

Aug 30, 2001

art to goods How to Lose Your Name by Succeeding

Aug 30, 2001

technically they aren't allowed to own them My Neighbor Is Allowed To Own A Pot-Head Neo-Nazi Juvenile-Delinquent Street Punk With Purple Hair,

Aug 31, 2001

christ Boo hoo

Aug 31, 2001

regardless of the facts Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

hooray for microsoft? An Essay on Microsoft

Aug 31, 2001

makes me think all right Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

well Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 04, 2001

wouldn't it make more sense How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 04, 2001

neither of the illegal How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

Best way to spend time: Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 05, 2001

while you're at it Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 05, 2001

absurdity Are not even our schools safe from intellectual property theft?

Sep 05, 2001

thought provoking and intelligent post The Problem is You - Not Religion

Sep 05, 2001

right The Problem is You - Not Religion

Sep 06, 2001

probably gets annoying to hear this Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 06, 2001

Myths My husband wants to do my ass!

Sep 06, 2001

ahah! Don't Go In The Water

Sep 07, 2001

actually whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 07, 2001

hate whooooooooo! look at the flurry of activity

Sep 10, 2001

nah Thinking of buying Marconi shares

Sep 10, 2001

ridiculous notion of the purpose of dress codes The Democratization of Status. Rap music is to blame.

Sep 10, 2001

not getting dressed The Democratization of Status. Rap music is to blame.

Sep 11, 2001

Arabs stay home peace

Sep 11, 2001

in that case peace

Sep 12, 2001

Most people don't know anything Is adequacy the best forum we can get?

Sep 12, 2001

I wonder Is adequacy the best forum we can get?

Sep 12, 2001

Fucking moron What a wanker

Sep 12, 2001

psychotic Why the Bombings Mean That We Must Support My Politics

Sep 12, 2001

moronic opinion Why the Bombings Mean That We Must Support My Politics

Sep 12, 2001

and Greetings.

Sep 13, 2001

if you like, buy it Thomas Kinkade brings art back to the people

Sep 14, 2001

Because it's a lie Who is your favourite Artist?

Sep 14, 2001

i don't think i have an enemy either hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 14, 2001

either way Ahhht...

Sep 15, 2001

hundreds World Trade Center - Capitalizing on terrorist atrocities.

Sep 15, 2001

wow You win some, you lose some

Sep 15, 2001

yea nobody...

Sep 17, 2001

frosted flakes are disgusting The fleeting memories of a bowl of cereal

Sep 17, 2001

not quite anything Taking requests.

Sep 17, 2001

alcohol for breakfast The fleeting memories of a bowl of cereal

Sep 17, 2001

oh and by the way Ethical Conundrum

Sep 18, 2001

what is this Crazy, Like Me

Sep 19, 2001

$800 Damn.

Sep 19, 2001

maybe she will mail you a body part Coping with the unexpected

Sep 20, 2001

think from their perspective Is this sexual harrassment?

Sep 20, 2001

what's most maddening The Myth of "Facts"

Sep 20, 2001

i like both of those books Frank Herbert foresaw this situ

Sep 21, 2001

what's the point of this war? The Myth of "Facts"

Sep 21, 2001

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Run Away.

Sep 24, 2001

i'd like to see your source on that Favourite race?

Sep 24, 2001

actually Favourite race?

Sep 24, 2001

are you sure about that? Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

who's flocking Positive reinforcement, the secret weapon!

Sep 24, 2001

believe it Favourite race?

Sep 25, 2001

who cares what type of burial you get? Hey everyone,

Sep 25, 2001

i think this Wikipedia / Nupedia

Sep 25, 2001

i love newsweek Something in the Way

Sep 26, 2001

infinite justice Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

historical perspective Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

take your straw man bullshit home Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

bah Who is that in the Diary icon?

Sep 26, 2001

you LIKED The Fountainhead? Announcing a competition!

Sep 27, 2001

first half is interesting Announcing a competition!

Sep 27, 2001

perfect place to rant So, how about that local sports team?

Sep 27, 2001

lie/misstatement. We are all children of Adam and Eve

Sep 27, 2001

diaries are truly a ghetto here - popularity increasing.

Sep 27, 2001

inaccuracies A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 27, 2001

asia Hijacked plane crash destroys Canary Wharf; Shocked Americans ask, `What's Canary Wharf?'

Sep 27, 2001

help A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 27, 2001

yyy Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 27, 2001

not true of the diaries - popularity increasing.

Oct 01, 2001

this sort of thing always happens Best football player of all time

Oct 02, 2001

your problem Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 03, 2001

not even close to trolling Slashdot comment of the year

Oct 05, 2001

different LA

Oct 05, 2001

football You know...

Oct 05, 2001

strip clubs crud

Oct 08, 2001

Something better for geeks to do Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 08, 2001

yes Untitled

Oct 08, 2001

obviously Everybody's a c**ksucker

Oct 09, 2001

what, It's all about me.

Oct 09, 2001

geeks haven't invented shit Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 09, 2001

better yet Anthrax - it's not just for breakfast anymore.

Oct 10, 2001

kuro5hin anti christian? Public service announcement

Oct 10, 2001

lowest of the low Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

huh? Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

what world are you living in? Public service announcement

Oct 12, 2001

are you supporting terrorism! Who is your favorite terrorist?

Oct 15, 2001

i would have recommended more How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 16, 2001

fear is never a problem How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 17, 2001

mob rule My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 17, 2001

how Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 17, 2001

what? Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 17, 2001

lose? Why should I care?

Oct 19, 2001

i'm a cross there is no god but shoeboy

Oct 19, 2001

i don't get it Question For The People Here

Oct 19, 2001

question Hey BC!

Oct 19, 2001

i was thinking more along the lines of eastern Hey BC!

Oct 19, 2001

hopeful I bought a cd today

Oct 22, 2001

no A short quiz

Oct 22, 2001

limbaugh and reagan I hate commies...

Oct 23, 2001

mozart is overrated Kill Yr Idols: Kurt Cobain

Oct 23, 2001

don't let ari fleischer here you say A short quiz

Oct 23, 2001

questions Is adequacy getting lame?

Oct 23, 2001

exactly what a freak

Oct 23, 2001

hmm bulb

Oct 24, 2001

what would you do? Alan Cox Is an Unprofessional Jerk

Oct 24, 2001

regardless of all that Wil Wheaton Moves Beyond Wesley To Internet Stardom

Oct 24, 2001

16 or 17 Gimme Danger

Oct 24, 2001

sometimes you have to make sacrifices My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 24, 2001

looks accurate to me Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

i would assume Gimme Danger

Oct 25, 2001

benjamin franklin My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 26, 2001

study Religion: The Appendix of Modern Society

Oct 26, 2001

well Sigh

Oct 26, 2001

nice churn

Oct 26, 2001

I fear the government more than I fear terrorists Are we safe?

Oct 29, 2001

I would just like to take a moment This will be Skippy's Last Diary Entry Here

Oct 30, 2001

girls Why boys are better than girls

Oct 30, 2001

porn Impending Career Change

Oct 31, 2001

so you're saying that Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

that's coke I'm bored

Oct 31, 2001

no wonder Why boys are better than girls

Oct 31, 2001

They? tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Oct 31, 2001

because tangential point off h.a.'s recent diary

Nov 01, 2001

you horrid bastard Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

yes but we've hit the big time, baby!

Nov 01, 2001

wichita falls is in texas Reader feedback

Nov 01, 2001

sounds like a waste of money to me El Dia de Los Muertos

Nov 02, 2001

Really important reason Should we circumcize our boy?

Nov 02, 2001

what kind Terrorism in the PRC

Nov 05, 2001

ermmm Am I sick or Dying?

Nov 06, 2001

hey let's stop this prejudice The Writer

Nov 06, 2001

whats the difference Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

In a little less than a month Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 06, 2001

nothing wrong with that My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 06, 2001

what if Nice guys

Nov 06, 2001

i had to vote for peta It's deer season!

Nov 07, 2001

i downloaded freebird Whew. Recording is a lot of work. Plus, Sylvain is a wanker.

Nov 07, 2001

just a nit I've hit an epiphany

Nov 07, 2001

are you claiming Nice guys

Nov 08, 2001

don't gloat Why do I feel good today?

Nov 08, 2001

why not Why do I feel good today?

Nov 08, 2001

in addition Why They Should Abolish the World Series

Nov 08, 2001

because Ban All Guns Now!

Nov 08, 2001

well i was planning on bringing one of those rolly Hey

Nov 09, 2001

I can't play it is up

Nov 13, 2001

is it? Fuck Cunt Shit Piss Cocksucker Motherfucker Tits

Nov 13, 2001

ask them Have Any Questions For Anthrax?

Nov 13, 2001

nostradamus I am so completely enamored...

Nov 14, 2001

vast estates await you Hullo.

Nov 15, 2001

grow out of it? I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 15, 2001

imagine Sad realization

Nov 15, 2001

don't worry Sad realization

Nov 16, 2001

wow I am the secular humanist media conspiracy!

Nov 19, 2001

huh? Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 22, 2001

actually I think it's more important My wife hungers for dark meat, and my nephew is a Commie!

Nov 23, 2001

you can't really Hey Nobby

Nov 23, 2001

you haven't exactly Jakarta News

Nov 23, 2001

In Okemos, Michigan Thomas Kinkade: Insensitive Capitalist Bastard

Nov 24, 2001

proud to be a k5er The Reason I'm Posting on Adequacy Despite Being Unwelcome

Nov 26, 2001

drugs are a crutch Home for the holidays? No! Send my body home!

Nov 26, 2001

what is wrong with gates Here's one for you, Mr. ZikZak

Nov 26, 2001

please, think about the children Here's one for you, Mr. ZikZak

Nov 26, 2001

thanks, Hello.

Nov 26, 2001

question for poltroon.. Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

get it working Oh What a day !!! !!

Nov 27, 2001

of course Nobel Prize for Irrelevance: How Wrong I Was !

Nov 27, 2001

how about Um yeah

Nov 27, 2001

well The Ethics of Human Cloning

Nov 27, 2001

give the man a break A request (and warning) to our readers

Nov 28, 2001

government Yet more hacking in Open Source software

Nov 28, 2001

any evidence? Let the Bible Belt Come and Save My Soul.

Nov 28, 2001

god damn that was funny Let the Bible Belt Come and Save My Soul.

Nov 29, 2001

pedophilia Not just harmless fun

Nov 29, 2001

who decides Asian psychedelia

Nov 29, 2001

all zealots suck Windows Zealots

Nov 30, 2001

painful to see my favorite band dying off George Harrison is dead.

Nov 30, 2001

names New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001

or don't My money pit, rust bucket MGB sportscar

Nov 30, 2001

poll master My newfound non-conformity

Nov 30, 2001

if only New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001


Nov 30, 2001

almost completely accurate New to adequacy

Nov 30, 2001

rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Nov 30, 2001

maybe, maybe not I'm so inadequate.

Nov 30, 2001

preferences I chipped a tooth

Nov 30, 2001

secular nihilism Not just harmless fun

Nov 30, 2001

categories Musings

Dec 02, 2001

i told him I chipped a tooth

Dec 05, 2001

twinkle twinkle little star Rich Man

Dec 05, 2001

of course Goofing Off or getting to work

Dec 06, 2001

digital cable blows DSL

Dec 07, 2001

They meet the Rumsfield criteria Why the US should bomb Russia today !!

Dec 08, 2001

when i die Harrison's Last Laugh

Dec 09, 2001

do you care? Diaries...

Dec 09, 2001

You know Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 11, 2001

I am astounded by your lack of ethics Good Morning Nobile Sirs

Dec 13, 2001

technically welcome to adequacy

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