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   Comments by bc   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jul 06, 2001

Your own fault

Jul 06, 2001

More ravings I see

Jul 06, 2001

And so the real iat is revealed for all to see

Jul 06, 2001


Jul 06, 2001


Jul 06, 2001

No I don't. Let me refresh your memory.

Jul 09, 2001

Yeah Just joined the club

Jul 09, 2001

There are two extremes here. America the Beautiful

Jul 09, 2001

Glad to have you aboard El Capitano Why do I feel that I've stepped into a hostile debate club meeting?

Jul 09, 2001

I have searched high and low Why do I feel that I've stepped into a hostile debate club meeting?

Jul 09, 2001

I haven't gotten round to adding myself yet Why do I feel that I've stepped into a hostile debate club meeting?

Jul 10, 2001

I just want to take issue with one thing :) America the Beautiful

Jul 10, 2001

Yes So shaken as we are, so wan with care,

Jul 10, 2001

Nothing wrong with a little judgement Holes

Jul 10, 2001

Reminds me of something Yet another day in the life of Orion Blastar, Space Pirate, and depressed suicidal alright guy?

Jul 10, 2001

Don't worry A simple announcement.

Jul 10, 2001

He can come across that way A simple announcement.

Jul 11, 2001

Heh, funny Damnit!

Jul 11, 2001

You didn't offend anyone. My first story here is rejected

Jul 12, 2001

Wicca Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 12, 2001

Ahh shame Where'd it go?

Jul 12, 2001

That sounds a bit fundamentalist... Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 12, 2001

Hahaha The Law Fought The Law And Nobody Won

Jul 13, 2001

Response Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

Yes Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

Here we go (I think) Where'd it go?

Jul 13, 2001

Agreed Reparation and reconcilation - the time is right.

Jul 13, 2001

Just FYI Wow!

Jul 13, 2001

A Troll Wow!

Jul 13, 2001

hehe Holy Shit... With a mission statement like this....

Jul 13, 2001

Heh yes Holy Shit... With a mission statement like this....

Jul 13, 2001

Puffins & so-called Animal Lovers Eric Raymond - Open Source hero ? or Environmental Pariah ?

Jul 14, 2001

Depends... The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 14, 2001

haha Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 16, 2001

I think... One more geek classic added to my divx:) collection

Jul 16, 2001

Umm The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 16, 2001

Well, what is the alternative? The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 16, 2001

Welcome yay

Jul 16, 2001

The Kohinoor The British Empire - Why it was so good.

Jul 17, 2001

A good idea Solutions

Jul 17, 2001

Thank You Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

*whew* Solutions

Jul 17, 2001

Yes Winning The Battle Against Pornography

Jul 17, 2001

Thank you Troubles with Impure Thoughts

Jul 18, 2001

Ah hah Arrested Development (Part One): Saving the Human Race

Jul 18, 2001

There are different opinions on this hello.

Jul 18, 2001

Nudist Camp is an idea Troubles with Impure Thoughts

Jul 18, 2001

Yes hello.

Jul 20, 2001

It is unnatural Lolita's World: The disturbing tendencies of the modern man.

Jul 21, 2001

Censorship? To the management:

Jul 21, 2001

Not really a conceit The Sinister Secret of our Schools

Jul 22, 2001

I think only blokes can be gits. Git

Jul 22, 2001

Yes I have found that frustrating too K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 22, 2001

Yeah K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 22, 2001

Some good reasons to smoke The cultural and economic benefits of smoking

Jul 23, 2001

Watch out for that iat Where's my...

Jul 23, 2001

You are outnumbered Milosevic Goes Free, Thanks to Godwin's Law!

Jul 23, 2001

These ensubstantiated arguments are worthless. Kill Yr Idols: Tiger Woods

Jul 23, 2001

Nice diary Manners

Jul 23, 2001

Maybe so Manners

Jul 23, 2001

Yeah this situation is a pain in the arse Ow.

Jul 24, 2001

Will you have a Theban Band? Conscription: the return of American values

Jul 24, 2001

Well done osm a day in the park with opalhawk

Jul 25, 2001

Well I don't know The Guide to Cheap Legal Highs: Garlic

Jul 25, 2001

I am proven correct by the poll Models - Stormtrooping superbitches of the Fashion Industry

Jul 26, 2001

That sounds really horrible So today

Jul 26, 2001

True love is only possible in monogamy

Jul 26, 2001

I like the word lass no sleep for the weary

Jul 26, 2001

Thats not all heresy

Jul 26, 2001

Sure heresy

Jul 26, 2001

Yeah I remember that heresy

Jul 26, 2001

They should do a remake heresy

Jul 26, 2001

Curious heresy

Jul 27, 2001

I never said they were `better` no sleep for the weary

Jul 27, 2001

Proof is not required Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Jul 27, 2001

It is about Nietzsche's Will to Power The Science of Poetry

Jul 31, 2001

Yeah! Credit Card Companies

Jul 31, 2001

He wasn't saying that Germans=Nazis German, the language of the Nazis

Jul 31, 2001

PR Needn't be fair German, the language of the Nazis

Aug 01, 2001

Thanks man Don't look at me.

Aug 01, 2001

Indeed Gutless In Seattle

Aug 01, 2001

Thanks again Don't look at me.

Aug 02, 2001

Lovely A paean to masochism: A new philosophy of life.

Aug 03, 2001

Here The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 04, 2001

Reply Why America needs laws against flag burning.

Aug 05, 2001

Reply Why America needs laws against flag burning.

Aug 07, 2001

Normally I would delete this... Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 07, 2001

No way AOL - The Saviour of the Internet

Aug 22, 2001

Hooray! We're back!

Aug 22, 2001

'Fun to read' Comment Display stuff | Philosophy stuff

Aug 22, 2001

How can we forget the Temples of Syrinx? Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 22, 2001

Heh, that's right Understanding Ayn Rand through the music of Rush

Aug 22, 2001

Because Hello!

Aug 23, 2001

No An Analysis of Marketing Techniques in Supermarkets.

Aug 24, 2001

You have a rational personality An Analysis of Marketing Techniques in Supermarkets.

Aug 27, 2001

Interesting One More Mouth to Feed

Aug 29, 2001

CD V Cassette DVD Versus VHS: The Surprising Truth

Aug 31, 2001

There were many candidate OS'es Favorite operating system

Aug 31, 2001

Always Favorite operating system

Aug 31, 2001

It isn't a troll An Essay on Microsoft

Sep 02, 2001

Desalterizers are a very good idea Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001 is not a valid source Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

The OED is the only source Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 04, 2001

It does run fine An Essay on Microsoft

Sep 04, 2001

Never fear Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 05, 2001

There probably is a reason Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 05, 2001

That's worrying How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

Informative How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

This is the age of the internet Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 06, 2001

Free Willy Don't Go In The Water

Sep 06, 2001

Where do you live again? Fucked Off By Usians

Sep 07, 2001

Trolling! 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 07, 2001

Yes he was good there Found a great album

Sep 08, 2001

You are mistaken Football & Fascism -- Prima Donnas and the Superman

Sep 10, 2001

I meant the World Cup, not Germany (NT) Football & Fascism -- Prima Donnas and the Superman

Sep 12, 2001

Yes, but... Football & Fascism -- Prima Donnas and the Superman

Sep 12, 2001

There doesn't appear to be anything there What a wanker

Sep 13, 2001

Trolling! Who is your favourite Artist?

Sep 14, 2001

I see you have been hard at work Link Button

Sep 14, 2001

This is difficult hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 14, 2001

Ahh that would chafe my willy!

Sep 14, 2001

Voltaire was anti-Christian hello, will you be my friend?

Sep 16, 2001

Danke A Day on the Town

Sep 16, 2001

Sport is barbarous A Day on the Town

Sep 17, 2001

I agree The fleeting memories of a bowl of cereal

Sep 17, 2001

Yea The fleeting memories of a bowl of cereal

Sep 20, 2001

I have an idea The Guide to Airplane Hijacking in the Post-WTC Era

Sep 24, 2001

It is genuine! Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

Clarification Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

Dear Mr IAT Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

Extremism Hey qp!

Sep 27, 2001

Speaking as a Wahhabi Muslim A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 27, 2001

nope A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 28, 2001

Would that be you? (nt) Moaners

Sep 28, 2001

I think you must mean yourself Moaners

Sep 28, 2001

I must draw a line Moaners

Sep 28, 2001

Keunwoo Lee Moaners

Oct 01, 2001

I think all those pads help Best football player of all time

Oct 02, 2001

Hello The editors of do not want you to know of the Alien Conspiracy.

Oct 05, 2001

And DMG is one of them Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 10, 2001

You must have high T Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

No Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Behold a typical INTP Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 10, 2001

Rubbish It seems I have a cavity, amongst other things...

Oct 11, 2001

That is very tunnel visioned of you Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Farmers are Feelers Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

I don't think it is Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

The 'Green Revolution'? Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Perhaps the farmers you know are different Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

So? Irrelevant It seems I have a cavity, amongst other things...

Oct 11, 2001

So It seems I have a cavity, amongst other things...

Oct 12, 2001

No way! Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 12, 2001

Still no! Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 12, 2001

I still disagree :) Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 13, 2001

Yeah The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow.

Oct 13, 2001

That's a very interesting history The eagle never lost so much time as when he submitted to learn of the crow.

Oct 16, 2001

Zikzak is not like other men Fundamental lifestyle change

Oct 20, 2001

Heh The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

Hi Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 20, 2001

Typical INTP Propaganda Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 26, 2001

Or even just 'My Buddies' Sigh

Oct 30, 2001

coo Impending Career Change

Nov 05, 2001

Guy Falkes Day is a National Celebration A Penny for the Guy!

Nov 06, 2001

I told you... The Writer

Nov 07, 2001

Yes Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Don't worry Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

It was a risk Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Intriguing Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Yes, but... Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

You seem to misunderstand. Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 08, 2001

Well Real Men use Realdolls™

Nov 09, 2001

130 pounds?!? Weight Loss

Nov 09, 2001

At least they aren't promoting homosexuality now Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 09, 2001

Yeah Back to School...

Nov 10, 2001

Coo Thanks everyone!

Nov 18, 2001

Yes Favorite nearly (if not already) extinct language:

Nov 23, 2001

That's funny Hey Nobby

Nov 24, 2001

Inden The Reason I'm Posting on Adequacy Despite Being Unwelcome

Nov 24, 2001

I hate subjects The Reason I'm Posting on Adequacy Despite Being Unwelcome

Nov 25, 2001

If you can use some exotic booze there's a bar... Are you Adequate?

Nov 27, 2001

I agree with hauntedattics A request (and warning) to our readers

Nov 27, 2001

I don't know A request (and warning) to our readers

Nov 27, 2001

As I said in my other post A request (and warning) to our readers

Nov 29, 2001

*sob* Are you Adequate?

Nov 29, 2001

As may be Are you Adequate?

Nov 30, 2001

Obviously... George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 02, 2001

Absolutely not Is fiction permitted in the Diaries?

Dec 03, 2001

Temporarily off Who's Online?

Dec 08, 2001

Reply George Harrison Dead: The World Mourns

Dec 14, 2001

Mmmm Extremely attractive people do not wear makeup regularly.

Dec 14, 2001

cooooo worthy link

Dec 18, 2001

I got 5 Autism and geeks

Dec 18, 2001

Yeah well worthy link

Dec 19, 2001

I agree g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

Don't know g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

There Yes, Indeed, Anonymous has a Diary

Dec 19, 2001

Don't be silly young man Yes, Indeed, Anonymous has a Diary

Dec 22, 2001

I couldn't be bothered reading this. THE QUESTION

Dec 30, 2001

Indeed Just wonderin'

Dec 31, 2001

Can't you just leave osm alone? Just wonderin'

Dec 31, 2001

How Very New World of you Celebrating 2000 Years of British Achievement

Jan 02, 2002

Criminal Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 07, 2002

Britain should join the Euro Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 08, 2002

Truly Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 08, 2002

Not Really Great Britain must keep the pound.

Feb 04, 2002

This was close Poz techie seeks same. T-count above 10000.

Mar 20, 2002

Michael Douglas, Tarzan of Hollywood America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 20, 2002

An excellent suggestion Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Don't be disgusting Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

I don't know Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

That must be it. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Sort of. Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

They tend to be rather poor Why I want a Wiccan Wife

Mar 20, 2002

Important Question! Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 21, 2002

Various Theorists are trying to create a G.U.T America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 22, 2002

The English are sceptical for good reason. The Death of the Channel

Mar 26, 2002

A question for any Voodoo Priests, like em Favorite Vodoo loa:

Apr 06, 2002

South Equatorians are inferior What is your favorite Maldivian atoll?

Apr 10, 2002

Somehow, Silencing The Aryan King

Apr 18, 2002

Thanks, Boss Bye, Ass

Apr 18, 2002

You are absolutely right. Bye, Ass

Apr 19, 2002

You only see a tiny facet of the whole operation Bye, Ass

Apr 20, 2002

Eh? That's shite! Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

They are just annoying Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

Well Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

I fucking hate subjects Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 20, 2002

You think? Human Nature (the movie) and a question about hair

Apr 26, 2002

Nope Why I want to be an American Citizen

Apr 26, 2002

Reply Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 05, 2002

It's true Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 08, 2002

That's correct I have been enlightened.

May 08, 2002

A step too far Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 09, 2002

Simple Explanation Koleen Brooks Has Got The Right Stuff

May 09, 2002

You forgot the roleplaying Finally here

May 09, 2002

To hell with Robotslave's IP protection! Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

I dont know Finally here

May 09, 2002

Other places don't matter Improving Adequacy

May 09, 2002

By talking above their heads Improving Adequacy

May 10, 2002

Cows This is disturbing.

May 10, 2002

Butting This is disturbing.

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