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 Comment Display stuff | Philosophy stuff

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Aug 22, 2001
[Comment Display stuff | Philosophy Stuff | Ta]

More diaries by finn
Thank you elby

I don't know how feasible this would be, but would it be possible to alter the way that comments are displayed so that the full text is only displayed for unread comments? I don't really feel comfortable using up your bandwidth loading a page of, for example, 252 comments just to read the 35 or so that I haven't read (especially when they turn out to be inane "me too" comments by humourless computer geeks).


I've just got hold of some of Kant's writing. Is it worth reading it?

And is Clauswitz any good (as in fun to read)?


Thanks for getting the site back up.


Bandwidth... (5.00 / 2) (#1)
by iat on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 06:19:14 AM PST
I wouldn't worry too much about using up our bandwidth - we're no longer on the DSL line and we should now (hopefully, 1337 hax0rs permitting) have enough bandwidth to support much more traffic then we're currently getting. The idea of changing viewing preferences is a good one - maybe elby will implement it. - love it or leave it.

'Fun to read' (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by bc on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 06:47:18 AM PST
Kant is not a good writer I found, bloody hard to wade through his works. But they are interesting if you can be bothered putting in effort I suppose (Kant's categories I liked, though it's been a while).

Dunno about Clauswitz, haven't read him directly just a synopsis of his ideas in other places.

I'd like a similar comment preference scheme too, mostly because in the occasional huge article we get it is a pain to load it all through a v90 or equivalent. Now that the site is back up on a different machine, elby has a proper development box, and we can all harass him for these features. I intend to start immediately.

♥, bc.

suggested reading (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by Logical Analysis on Thu Aug 23rd, 2001 at 06:03:35 PM PST
I've just got hold of some of Kant's writing. Is it worth reading it?

No. "Christian Philosopher" is an oxymoron IMO. Don't waste your valuable time on that nonsense! You need to study some of the renowned Wiccan Philosophers like Nietzsche, Buddha, and Cleo the Jamaican Psychic. Only then will you begin to grasp the multifaceted transdimensional nature of clustering reality.

Buy the Cliff's Notes version or something..

And is Clauswitz any good (as in fun to read)?

Not unless you are interested in olde tyme warfare techniques (Are we thinking of the same Clauswitz here?)

On the other hand, if you will be joining us in the Glorious Revolution, then perhaps some skilled military planning would be appreciated. The globbering masses shall be overcome only by our dedication to the holy ideal!

Long Live the Adequate Revolution!

Some ulterior motive, perchance... (5.00 / 2) (#4)
by finn on Fri Aug 24th, 2001 at 03:26:45 AM PST
No. "Christian Philosopher" is an oxymoron IMO. Don't waste your valuable time on that nonsense! You need to study some of the renowned Wiccan Philosophers like Nietzsche, Buddha, and Cleo the Jamaican Psychic. Only then will you begin to grasp the multifaceted transdimensional nature of clustering reality.
I asked whether it was worth reading, not whether it was true. It's the same as asking whether "Perdido Street Station" is worth reading - it is, if you want something blandly entertaining. Doesn't mean you should base your personal philosophy on it.


"Christian Philosopher" is an oxymoron IMO.
Does your opinion have any reasoning behind it? Especially when you are espousing Naziesque (should that be hyphenated, do you think) propoganda.

Cleo the Jamaican Psychic
Would that be Cleo Jamaican Psychic? You really should provide links, you know. Not everyone is as genius at googling as me.

On the other hand, if you will be joining us in the Glorious Revolution, then perhaps some skilled military planning would be appreciated.
My skills are promised to the Republic of Aberystwyth, whose stated goals are the overthrow of the vegetarian shop who perverted the perfect place for (yet another) pub, ten metres from the nearest voucher dispenser.

Kant & Clausewitz (5.00 / 1) (#5)
by jsm on Tue Aug 28th, 2001 at 03:36:19 AM PST
Kant is very good, and the person below calling him a "Christian Philosopher" skated very close to being deleted for trolling. It's worth persevering with the style, because if you don't master it, the whole rest of philosophy will be painful.

I tried Clausewitz once -- I even had a contract for a book on "Clausewitz for Executives" -- but I simply couldn't read the fucker. Fuhgeddaboudit. But keep the book on your shelf to point to knowledgeably if anyone mentions Sun Tsu. For my mind, the best military boks you can get are Lidell Hart "On Strategy" (theory of blitzkrieg, Luttwak "Strategy" (guerilla conflict, politics in war), Luttwak "Coup d'etat" (a practical guide) and Schelling "Strategy of Conflict" (theory of nuclear deterrence). All very fun and readable.

In related news, I'd point out that if you hand around the Military History section of the bookshop, you're not going to meet many girls.

Norman W Dixon's "On the Psychology of Military Incompetence" is a *masterpiece* too.

... the worst tempered and least consistent of the editors
... now also Legal department and general counsel,


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