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 America the Beautiful

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jul 04, 2001
Today is July 4th, the anniversary of America's independence. It is celebrated nation wide as the most patriotic of national holidays.

However, I think the entire world should participate in the July 4th celebrations, as they have gained much from America's independence...


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Independence day. The day that reminds Americans that they live in the best country on earth. The day that we honor our brave forefathers who were willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to guarantee the freedom of our country.

On July 4th, in the year 1776 America's first patriots adopted a Declaration of Indepenence. It said that the colonies that made up the nascent United States are and should forever be free and independant states, that the American continent must be untouched by foreign power. This declaration was the first step in freeing America and the rest of the world from the despotism of England, and indeed the first step in guaranteeing liberty for every person in every country.

It was the first time mere subjects threw off the shackles, regained their dignity and rose up against their masters. But they did not do it selfishly, for their own good. They did it for the betterment of the entire world, as America has shown time and time again in its tireless fight against imperialism.

There are countless examples that could be given. America has saved Europe and conceivably the rest of the world a number of times in war. She has offered guidance to help Europe's governments when they were confused. She established the United Nations. America has even led the world in medical and safety technology that has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide.

However, I'm going to focus on an example that's not quite so obvious. I think however, even this will show the true colors of brave, benevolent America.

When the Soviet Union was spreading communism across the globe and Europe was cowering at the edge of the iron curtain, America was the only country willing to take a stand. America was the only country willing to do whatever necessary to destroy the cancer eating its way across the globe.

In 1961 the United States invaded Cuba, the invasion at the Bay of Pigs. Admittedly in retrospect the strategy in the attack was poorly planned and executed. However, this attack was absolutely necessary. Only because of its failure is Fidel Castro still ruling Cuba today, enforcing his communist government with an iron fist while his people flee the country in droves.

If the soldiers America had trained had actually overthrown Fidel Castro, the poor Cuban people would not have been suffering for the last 40 years, and another source of communism on this planet would have been destroyed.

Although America broke a few "laws" and "treaties" in the process, America made the right decision and was willing to risk international embarassment to do the right thing. Its soldiers were willing to give their lives to try to free the people of Cuba.

Being the protector is a thankless role. For doing the right thing, America was scolded by the jaded people of Europe, who are content to just sit at home and hope everything turns out alright. Everyone complains that America is forcing herself into situations where she doesn't belong, but truly they are just jealous of America's bravery and strong moral compass.

Could you imagine this world without a country like America protecting it? A country willing to act when all the others are too weak or too scared or too indifferent? Truly, America is a country to be celebrated, and the 4th of July is a perfect time for that.

So for your 4th of July, regardless of where you are, how about giving thanks to America, for all she's done for you?

I'm ashamed (none / 0) (#6)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 02:37:12 PM PST
I grew up in the USA, and I am ashamed of the bullshit my birth country has done.

The only thing that's been protected is the USA's own interests.

Lead by stupid, hateful men, who have declared war on the rest of the world because they think a free market is some kind of god, when in reality it doesn't work.

Whoever wrote this vomit was a good troll, or a clueless yank that's never been outside their little midwestern town. Go visit the rest of the world with an open mind (if you've even still got a mind, I suspect you're a drone), and see what's out there that needs to be protected from the USA. For if this is not done, all that'll be left is a McDonald's world, where everything is bright and shiny, processed to death, and people only live to consume.

Response (none / 0) (#7)
by kezgin on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 03:55:35 PM PST
It was the first time mere subjects threw off the shackles, regained their dignity and rose up against their masters.

And now they're just as willing to give it up.

When the Soviet Union was spreading communism across the globe and Europe was cowering at the edge of the iron curtain, America was the only country willing to take a stand. America was the only country willing to do whatever necessary to destroy the cancer eating its way across the globe.

Ok, wake up from your reverie that is fed to you in this country. First of all, America did nothing to stop the "cancer". We stock piled nukes and played spy vs spy. Secondly, what was implemented in the Soviet Union was about as far from communism as could be managed. Regardless of what it was called, it was closer to a monarchy than true communism.

In 1961 the United States invaded Cuba, the invasion at the Bay of Pigs. Admittedly in retrospect the strategy in the attack was poorly planned and executed. However, this attack was absolutely necessary. Only because of its failure is Fidel Castro still ruling Cuba today, enforcing his communist government with an iron fist while his people flee the country in droves. If the soldiers America had trained had actually overthrown Fidel Castro, the poor Cuban people would not have been suffering for the last 40 years, and another source of communism on this planet would have been destroyed.

Once again, not communism.

Everyone complains that America is forcing herself into situations where she doesn't belong, but truly they are just jealous of America's bravery and strong moral compass.

I was born in and live in the U.S. and I am ashamed of everything that we stick our collective nose into. However much you may think that we are doing things for the good of the people we "help", chances are that there's more in our interests than you know of. As for moral compass, how anyone can say we have any morals when we kill our own citizens, is beyond me.

Make a difference in our society. End it.

There are two extremes here. (none / 0) (#8)
by bc on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 04:58:38 PM PST
I myself am from the UK, so perhaps I can provide an external perspective.

The USA has had a troubled history, sure, but it is no different from any other nation in tht regard. Americans do tend towards hubris and self glorification at times, like the author of this article.

OTOH, I do not accept that you should go to the other extreme and be ashamed of your nation's actions, as you are.

Although the label of communism may have been misapplied to Cuba and the Soviet Union in later years, it is still the most widespread term. Furthermore, just because t wasn't communism, but rather a despotic totalitarian regime, did not make those countries any less dangerous; they made them more so. Pure communism is not to be feared; the Soviet Union and its satellite states were to be feared.

I think the USA has done many good things in its history, and the fight against the Soviet Union was one of them. We in Europe are very thankful for some of the US's selfless actions, such as the Marshall Plan.

However, the US is not perfect, and can be selfish. But overall, as global superpowers go, the USA has been relatively benevolent in comparison to all previous historical examples (like the British Empire).

♥, bc.

I wouldn't quite say Cuba is dangerous (none / 0) (#10)
by kezgin on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 06:52:27 PM PST
They don't have any world domination plans(at least not that I am aware of) and Castro seems pretty content on his island. And I still fail to realize how exactly the US helped bring about the fall of the Soviet Union, unless you count spreading democratic ideas to it's people. Seems like poverty and the way people were treated would have been the major factors contributing to it's collapse.

Make a difference in our society. End it.

The Marshall Plan (none / 0) (#11)
by fsh on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 06:55:51 PM PST
The Marshall Plan basically consisted of the West blocking the USSR from the economic sources they required to survive. Whenever they tried to expand to territories that could help them sustain their burgeoning population, we interceded, all in the hopes of opening up their markets for our profiteers. It was remarkably succeessful.


Ahh thank you (none / 0) (#12)
by kezgin on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 07:13:49 PM PST
Thanks for refreshing my memory on what that was.

Make a difference in our society. End it.

The World Without America's Protection (none / 0) (#9)
by fsh on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 06:03:15 PM PST
How would the world be without America's Protection? Well, that depends. First of all, America's Protection is only extended to where we have economic interests. Where are we in Chechnya's fight for independance? Second of all, America's 'Protection' is often extended to where it is not wanted, in places such as Cuba and Chile. Is Cuba such a great example of the failure of even totalitarian state communism? Amazing that they haven't collapsed entirely under the pressure of a decades-long trade embargo. Sure people are trying to leave Cuba to come to America, since America has the Force to back up her ideals. We don't like the way you're trying to run you're country, so we will fight you economically, tooth and nail, until you capitulate, and we'll use our military force to ensure that capitulation; that is the lesson of America's Protection. Might makes Right.

Communism will always be a threat to the ideals of Capitalism, because a Communist country cuts itself off from Capitalism, and prevents the expansion of Capitalism into these markets. Since Capitalism requires growth and expansion, it views such isolation as a threat. When a capitalist country is content to rest, and let other governments try what their people want, then I will agree that that country is the bastion of the free. If communism is truly such a horrible way of life, then why not let them alone, or even trade with them normally? Abide by their rules, and let them rise or fall on their own merits. As long as we, the capitalists, actively try to make them fail, we will never know which is a better way of life.


yes, america is not perfect (none / 0) (#13)
by elby on Mon Jul 9th, 2001 at 09:35:54 PM PST
I admit in the article that America is not perfect, and I admit it here again. But I think your comments are hypocritical. First you complain that America goes where she belongs yet the complain that she's not helping in Chechnya.

While it may appear that America only helps where it has vested interest, there is a simple explanation for this. There are far more places America could help than any one country could possibly be expected to do. It makes perfect sense that America helps those closet to it first.

And even if you think America still helps in places where she does not "belong", I would much rather have a protector that tries to hard than no protector at all.


Not Demonizing America (none / 0) (#18)
by fsh on Tue Jul 10th, 2001 at 09:36:30 AM PST
I do not want to give the impression that I am demonizing America, for there is a lot that we do that is good, and we do help those who agree with us, politically and economically. I simply think it is absolutely vital to be aware of the bad sides. You had many good points which I agree with, but since the bulk of your article was about communism and our foreign policy, I am replying only to those points.

One of our problems as I see it is how quick we are to use the force of our military to impose our will on other countries. Another bad side, I feel, is the demonization of communism and the USSR in particular, for reasons that I mentioned in my last post (jumbled and incoherent as it was).

But if the people of a country feel that capitalism is immoral, what right do we have to force ourselves on them for monetary gain? Doesn't this just reinforce the idea that capitalism is immoral? In mind, the better option would be to let these countries grow as they wished, and offer as best we can the option to the populace to move to a capitalist society if they so wish. As I said, if capitalism is by its nature a better society than any other, why not prove it by allowing other societies to grow as they will, than by forcing them to accept capitalism.
And even if you think America still helps in places where she does not "belong", I would much rather have a protector that tries to hard than no protector at all.
The Protection that America offers to those who do not want it can easily be likened to the Protection offered to local businesses by the Mafia. As I see it, there's plenty enough time to come to someone's aid once they ask. To do otherwise is bullying, or worse.


This entire article is a troll (none / 0) (#14)
by pompomtom on Tue Jul 10th, 2001 at 12:36:45 AM PST
Trolling is not tolerated here. Any comment may be deleted by a site admin, and all trolls will be deleted. This is your fair warning.
Could we please have this article deleted? Not even the doziest, gung-ho-est yank could write this without giggling.

Why is it so fashionable to hate America? (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 10th, 2001 at 12:59:23 AM PST
Why is it that any expression of pro-USA sentiment on the Internet these days gets knee-jerk response: "how can anyone not hate America?" Loving one's country is not wrong or a crime, and I'm starting to get fed up with attitudes like yours. Disagree with the author's opinions if you must, but his facts were completely correct, and your suggestion that his article be censored is way out of order.

That's not true... (none / 0) (#16)
by zmooc on Tue Jul 10th, 2001 at 04:19:39 AM PST
It's not true that any expression of pro-USA sentiment get's knee-jerk responses. This only happens to expressions which lack any sort of arguments for what they're trying to say. Calling communism cancer without even giving a reason for that is only one example.

And for as far as your statement about pro-USA sentiment is true; I think this is true for most pro-<FILL_IN_COUNTRY> expressions. It makes absolutely no sense at all to love a country. Just love it's ideas. Love for countries is what has caused many wars in history.

I just want to take issue with one thing :) (none / 0) (#17)
by bc on Tue Jul 10th, 2001 at 04:32:48 AM PST
It makes absolutely no sense at all to love a country. Just love it's ideas.

I think this is a little extreme. It makes perfect sense to love a country - just as it makes perfect sense to love one's people, or culture. Those who pervert this most healthy of emotions, Patriotism, must necessarily demonise other countries and make the central plank of love for one's country that it is superior to others.

So love for countries has not caused many wars; hatred of other countries, religions and cultures has, however.

How would Britain have got on when it stood alone against the might of Nazi Germany had its people's not been bound together by an irrational perhaps but very natural love of the Mother Country?

The problem with much of modern society is sentiments like your I think - the liberal fallacy that patriotism -> war. This has led to a huge identity crisis in the modern western world, as globalisation and lack of patriotism have caused a collapse in a common culture and identity which binds society together.

Just IMO :)

♥, bc.

Why so fashionable. (none / 0) (#21)
by pompomtom on Tue Jul 10th, 2001 at 05:24:33 PM PST
I'm not sure if it is fashionable. Or - if it is - why. It's just that I do. My original comment was more about the pisstake tone of the article.


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