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Today is July 4th, the anniversary of America's independence. It is celebrated nation wide as the most patriotic of national holidays.
However, I think the entire world should participate in the July 4th celebrations, as they have gained much from America's independence... |
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Independence day. The day that reminds Americans that they live in the best country on earth. The day that we honor our brave forefathers who were willing to make whatever sacrifices necessary to guarantee the freedom of our country.
On July 4th, in the year 1776 America's first patriots adopted a Declaration of Indepenence. It said that the colonies that made up the nascent United States are and should forever be free and independant states, that the American continent must be untouched by foreign power. This declaration was the first step in freeing America and the rest of the world from the despotism of England, and indeed the first step in guaranteeing liberty for every person in every country. It was the first time mere subjects threw off the shackles, regained their dignity and rose up against their masters. But they did not do it selfishly, for their own good. They did it for the betterment of the entire world, as America has shown time and time again in its tireless fight against imperialism. There are countless examples that could be given. America has saved Europe and conceivably the rest of the world a number of times in war. She has offered guidance to help Europe's governments when they were confused. She established the United Nations. America has even led the world in medical and safety technology that has saved hundreds of millions of lives worldwide. However, I'm going to focus on an example that's not quite so obvious. I think however, even this will show the true colors of brave, benevolent America. When the Soviet Union was spreading communism across the globe and Europe was cowering at the edge of the iron curtain, America was the only country willing to take a stand. America was the only country willing to do whatever necessary to destroy the cancer eating its way across the globe. In 1961 the United States invaded Cuba, the invasion at the Bay of Pigs. Admittedly in retrospect the strategy in the attack was poorly planned and executed. However, this attack was absolutely necessary. Only because of its failure is Fidel Castro still ruling Cuba today, enforcing his communist government with an iron fist while his people flee the country in droves. If the soldiers America had trained had actually overthrown Fidel Castro, the poor Cuban people would not have been suffering for the last 40 years, and another source of communism on this planet would have been destroyed. Although America broke a few "laws" and "treaties" in the process, America made the right decision and was willing to risk international embarassment to do the right thing. Its soldiers were willing to give their lives to try to free the people of Cuba. Being the protector is a thankless role. For doing the right thing, America was scolded by the jaded people of Europe, who are content to just sit at home and hope everything turns out alright. Everyone complains that America is forcing herself into situations where she doesn't belong, but truly they are just jealous of America's bravery and strong moral compass. Could you imagine this world without a country like America protecting it? A country willing to act when all the others are too weak or too scared or too indifferent? Truly, America is a country to be celebrated, and the 4th of July is a perfect time for that.
So for your 4th of July, regardless of where you are, how about giving thanks to America, for all she's done for you? |
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