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   Comments by T Reginald Gibbons   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Sep 22, 2001

To the editors of Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 24, 2001

Impossible The Evil of M*A*S*H

Sep 24, 2001

Free software is like sex? Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 25, 2001

Neutral point of view Wikipedia / Nupedia

Sep 25, 2001

I've always hated the Irish You are not Irish, They are not Republicans. Please stop sending them money and guns.

Sep 25, 2001

If by pure you mean fundamentalist, then yes. Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 25, 2001

Look in the mirror Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 25, 2001

You are applying a culturally biased view Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

Are you blind? Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

China was outpacing the world for centuries? Announcing a competition!

Sep 26, 2001

Something I admire about the US Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

You seem unable to view the US critically Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

You can't be serious Announcing a competition!

Sep 26, 2001

Is this some sort of joke? Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 27, 2001

Capitalism Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 28, 2001

Excuse me? Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 28, 2001

Reading for comprehension: A dying art? Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Oct 03, 2001

Relativist dissembling Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 04, 2001

Excellent! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 04, 2001

Ill-considered criticism Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 04, 2001

I didn't hear him say anything about you Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 05, 2001

I prefer capitalism, thanks Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 05, 2001

No, it isn't Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 05, 2001

I see Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 08, 2001

Damn it all An Early Analysis of Today's Attacks

Oct 09, 2001

It is your peace and war-time duty Something Patriotic that The Geeks Can Do Right Now

Oct 10, 2001

Architecture is a failed discipline Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Just out of interest... Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

The truth about fascism Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

Your thinking is flawed Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 11, 2001

RMS and false assumptions Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

Exactly! Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 11, 2001

Scientists ruined food. Using the Myers-Briggs System for a Better Society

Oct 15, 2001

I hear Bach knew lots of musical theory Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 15, 2001

Let me see if I understand Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 15, 2001

here ya go Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 15, 2001

There is no such thing as christian death metal Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 15, 2001

Nice idea, but completely unfeasible Genetic Warfare and Matrilineal Cultures

Oct 16, 2001

I'm afraid not Anthrax - Please, PLEASE change your name.

Oct 16, 2001

More speculation for you Genetic Warfare and Matrilineal Cultures

Oct 17, 2001

Idealists and language The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 19, 2001

Not that I actually think this, but... Hey BC!

Oct 20, 2001

You overlook the central issue The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

Oh Jesus The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 21, 2001

Blasphemy is not cool, man Islam: What is it?

Nov 10, 2001

No, it doesn't Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 12, 2001

You are ignorant of several key facts Looking For A Few Good Crusaders

Nov 12, 2001

Selling out? objectivist club

Nov 14, 2001

Trying to weasel out of it, eh? Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

Dubious Thanks everyone!

Nov 14, 2001

Self-congratulatory nonsense Ken Kesey will go no furthur

Nov 14, 2001

I have reviewed your post Another terrorist act.

Nov 14, 2001

You have my utmost support Another terrorist act.

Nov 15, 2001

I wholeheartedly agree The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 15, 2001

Really? Shrek: the greatest basest fairy tale never ever told

Nov 16, 2001

Maybe he's asian? Or indian? Or native american? Some major flaws in Evolutionary Theory

Nov 17, 2001

This is quite an outdated perspective Book Review: A pair of holiday novels

Nov 18, 2001

Hypocrisy The Evil of Harry Potter

Nov 19, 2001

Roman? Some help for all you aspiring Santas.

Nov 21, 2001

Stupid rants Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 22, 2001

Dammit, he's right! Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 22, 2001

Maybe it's for the best Review: The Spitfire Tour at EWU Nov. 20

Nov 23, 2001

May I suggest an amendment? Review: The Spitfire Tour at EWU Nov. 20

Nov 24, 2001

Jew and Christians Delicate Question for Muslims

Nov 25, 2001

I didn't have time to read the whole page Dealing With Communism in the Workplace

Nov 25, 2001

You are what's wrong with Australia today Are you Adequate?

Nov 26, 2001

I applaud your progressive outlook Are you Adequate?

Nov 30, 2001

Popular culture has the answers the opposite sex

Nov 30, 2001

AI? I'm so inadequate.

Nov 30, 2001

Ennui? Lessons in amused tolerance

Dec 01, 2001

Contradiction in terms seventypercent of 0.01% clue on communist theory

Dec 16, 2001

Wow My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 16, 2001

New Zealand My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 16, 2001

I have rated the above comment "1" My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 17, 2001

Absolutely not. My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 18, 2001

You kids don't know how good you have it My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 18, 2001

That's quite OK Linux Zealot is Busted

Dec 18, 2001

Swiss banks My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

Internet weirdos My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 19, 2001

Music and Mathematics g**k math is not hard.

Dec 19, 2001

You must be joking My Vacation Dilemma. How can I be an ethical tourist ?

Dec 23, 2001

Even if you're right, you're wrong Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 23, 2001

It's time to do something Living Nihilism (sic)

Dec 23, 2001

Piracy Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 23, 2001

I demand your credit card information Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 24, 2001

Advice noted Living Nihilism (sic)

Dec 24, 2001

Nice double standard Linux Zealot learns a valuable lesson.

Dec 24, 2001

Why we ignore alakazooloom Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 24, 2001

Duuuhhhh, code is art, dood. Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 25, 2001

Anyone can misinterpret art Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 25, 2001

Is that a PEARL script? Security, Microsoft, and You

Dec 29, 2001

That's rape talk You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

In what sense? You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Explain how I'm partially wrong You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Well of course You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Dominating the dead horse You're all whores.

Dec 29, 2001

Speaking for myself You're all whores.

Dec 30, 2001

You don't know what "opposite" means, do Why marijuana is the worst drug

Dec 30, 2001

You don't even understand angst Why marijuana is the worst drug

Jan 01, 2002

What is it about? hello

Jan 02, 2002

It is not difficult hello

Jan 03, 2002

Finally, a system that works! Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 03, 2002

Why are you arguing about vaporware? Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 03, 2002

Mental recovery from puberty The Doctor sayz...

Jan 03, 2002

This site is powered by: Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 04, 2002

Error Richard M. Stallman: Portrait of a Pirate Hacker (in Layman's Terms)

Jan 04, 2002

Too true Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 04, 2002

Just so everyone knows Internet Licenses: An Idea Whose Time Has Come?

Jan 04, 2002

More lie Richard M. Stallman: Portrait of a Pirate Hacker (in Layman's Terms)

Jan 05, 2002

Of course they are Linux Camp to Gain...a Country!

Jan 05, 2002

Obvious editing error Richard M. Stallman: Portrait of a Pirate Hacker (in Layman's Terms)

Jan 07, 2002

Introductory economics Reexamining the Recording Industry

Jan 08, 2002

I don't see what the problem is Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 08, 2002

I must respectfully disagree Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 08, 2002

Injustices? Alieved? Hackers: Misunderstood

Jan 09, 2002

Oh ye of blind faith Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 09, 2002

Hype, mostly Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 09, 2002

I'm confused Observations: Lord of the Rings

Jan 09, 2002

American pseudo-education Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 09, 2002

You're affiliated with 850 sites? Even OSS Prefers Windows XP

Jan 11, 2002

You've described the human condition The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 11, 2002

Sex does not describe the human condition The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 13, 2002

Thank you, Martin The Consolation of Melancholy

Jan 15, 2002

Nathan joins the elite Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 16, 2002

California punk is lame Hey Kids! Need a Band Name? Then Check This Out!

Jan 17, 2002

Why are you trying to help these troglodytes? Great Britain must keep the pound.

Jan 18, 2002

I can vouch for his credentials Linux Zealot in the Future

Jan 18, 2002

The list goes on Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 19, 2002

Truly rare educated people Too controversial for Adequacy

Jan 19, 2002

Science is wrong Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 19, 2002

This is what I despise about science groupies Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 19, 2002

Translation: Napster, Gnutella and the file sharing revolution

Jan 19, 2002

It is your own death that you fear and love Love hurts.

Jan 22, 2002

Can't you see? Foreigner hacker indicted for stealing US films.

Jan 23, 2002

I love my children My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 23, 2002

No My Chat With Tim Mathews

Jan 25, 2002

You're obviously a terrible father My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Jan 25, 2002

The source of disagreement My Children Will Not Be Attending College

Feb 03, 2002

Maybe the American people need this Torture - it's inevitable, so lets do it right !

Feb 06, 2002

Nice shot, wrong target, redux Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 07, 2002

Completely unconcerned, of course. Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 08, 2002

Internet connection Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 08, 2002

Two points Your Adequate Guide to Weekend Television

Feb 09, 2002

ahem Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 09, 2002


Feb 09, 2002

Here you go! Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 09, 2002

I am rubber, you are glue Chip Hell -- the AMD story

Feb 11, 2002

Benchmarks Linux: From awk to sed

Feb 20, 2002

Accurate Statistics America's Death Machines

Mar 08, 2002

But not humane Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 20, 2002

Another teenager thinks school is unjust Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

I think we're beyond that sort of thing I was just thinking...

Mar 21, 2002

Conservative porn America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

You laugh now Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Zero tolerance Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Expand Your Vocabulary Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Another would-be sophist Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Where do 16-year-olds like you get porn, anyway? America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 21, 2002

He isn't innocent Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

A little empiricism would help you a lot Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

By Gum, he's right! Common Sense taught in school

Mar 21, 2002

Don't worry Microsoft supporting sweatshops!?!

Mar 23, 2002

I don't have sex America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 24, 2002

To: Uppity tech support drone Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

Nobody ever got run over by a computer Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

Bullshit Why "Hacker?"

Mar 24, 2002

You work tech support Why "Hacker?"

Mar 25, 2002

You haven't been looking hard enough! The Proselytizing Atheist

Mar 26, 2002

Perhaps you should start reading a different site On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 26, 2002

The real nature of English Breaking Down the Language Barrier

Mar 27, 2002

Why I bother On criminal language and the word `hacker'

Mar 28, 2002

Civilized languages, please Good Evening Dear Sirs,

Mar 29, 2002

No, of course not wiccan woes

Mar 29, 2002

Oh, fuck off Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 30, 2002

It's necessary wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

Dictionaries Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 30, 2002

That's all very well and good wiccan woes

Mar 30, 2002

You really are sick America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 30, 2002

Well, duh! is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 30, 2002

Are you a doctor? is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Martin Amis America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 31, 2002

Read. America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Mar 31, 2002

Are you for real? Wicca and the Insult to Religion

Mar 31, 2002

Liar is Christianity theistically monistic?

Mar 31, 2002

Devil worship is older than Christianity wiccan woes

Apr 01, 2002

Well, perhaps An idea Hollywood would probably pay millions for

Apr 01, 2002

They'll agree with me wiccan woes

Apr 01, 2002

It should be obvious wiccan woes

Apr 01, 2002

Responsibility America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Apr 01, 2002

Bonus post America - Land of the free ? Or home of the DEPRAVED ?

Apr 02, 2002

I'm agape I might have something...

Apr 02, 2002

Creationism and evolution reconciled The Treason of Creationism

Apr 02, 2002

Really? A Reader Disputes Our Wisdom

Apr 02, 2002

Of course you're confused The Treason of Creationism

Apr 03, 2002

Disregard this comment The Treason of Creationism

Apr 03, 2002

So you're saying... The Treason of Creationism

Apr 05, 2002

This is so cute! Adequacy. Can we make it even better ?

Apr 10, 2002

From one Aryan to another... We need more toxins

Apr 11, 2002

You're an anti-american Aryan satanist We need more toxins

Apr 13, 2002

There's only one thing to do, then Liberalist morons strike again.

Apr 16, 2002

Very insightful Literature and the Law

Apr 17, 2002

No, you FOOL! You have broken my will

Apr 18, 2002

Cro-Magnum P.I. Linux Zealot and Economics 101

Apr 20, 2002

I'm curious New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 21, 2002

Patently untrue Attn: Yoshi

Apr 22, 2002

Educating detikon Innovation

Apr 22, 2002

I've anticipated your argument Innovation

Apr 22, 2002

Funtastic typos Innovation

Apr 22, 2002

Sir. Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

Truth Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

Poorly argued as ever Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

I want it to look good New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 23, 2002

That's a little harsh Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

What is proof, really? Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

I don't find that perverted at all Ex-Porn Star Lovelace Dies at 53

Apr 23, 2002

No, you do have to provide proof Innovation

Apr 23, 2002

That's a fairly deceptive hint, citizen The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 24, 2002

Yeah, we're all bamboozled here New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

The Future! New medical study: Microsoft products better for your health

Apr 24, 2002

Einstein isn't rolling in his grave The Incontrovertible Existence of God

Apr 27, 2002

New men What is the more superfluous gender?

Apr 29, 2002

This is an outrage! Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

Apr 30, 2002

Interface copying Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

May 01, 2002

People once believed that the Earth was flat, too What is the more superfluous gender?

May 02, 2002

Don't you live in Poland or something? Why I want to be an American Citizen

May 03, 2002

Politech Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 04, 2002

I guess that was ambiguous Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 04, 2002

Copyright Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 04, 2002

Get out your tin hats, people Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 04, 2002

Got it. Abolutely. Skipping ads is stealing, says CEO of Turner Broadcasting

May 04, 2002

okee dokee Linux Zealot attempts to get laid.

May 07, 2002

Cost of hosing Teenage problems, teenage solutions.

May 15, 2002

Executive summary: Anakin Loses a Hand

May 16, 2002

How can you be so naive? Anakin Loses a Hand

May 16, 2002

Can't prevent proliferation Anakin Loses a Hand

May 17, 2002

Whatever Anakin Loses a Hand

May 17, 2002

False on all counts What makes Australian women so hot?

May 17, 2002

Look who knows so much! Anakin Loses a Hand

May 17, 2002

He's right The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

That will be fantastic The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

I refer to g**k dogma The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

Point-by-point rebuttal The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 19, 2002

Deletions 5,000 posts. ~5,000 idiots.

May 19, 2002

I am dying. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 20, 2002

This is so unlike you. The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 20, 2002

Paranoia The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 23, 2002

You are an animal The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 24, 2002

Pardon me The Onion imitates Adequacy

May 24, 2002

Makes sense? Diary Entry 24/05/02

May 25, 2002

Acceptable levels? Women and the Internet

May 25, 2002

I'm not sure I understand you Women and the Internet

May 28, 2002

Half-truth The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 29, 2002

Who asked? Exploding the Myths of Teenage Drug Use

May 30, 2002

No need to change anything Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

May 30, 2002

It's time for the university degree shout-out! The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 31, 2002

You are clearly lying or deluded The Heterosexual Geek's Guide to Feigning Homosexuality

May 31, 2002

For future reference Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

May 31, 2002

I disagree PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 01, 2002

I know, I know Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

Take your meds, man Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

Why are you scare-quoting your own phrasing? Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 01, 2002

You scientists are such hypocrites PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 01, 2002

I have yet to be contradicted by reliable sources Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

Virtual Mage Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

You just don't learn Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

When was Galileo tortured? PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 02, 2002

I'm not trying to beat you Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 02, 2002

Lens flare?

Jun 03, 2002

No Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 03, 2002

Ah, I see PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 03, 2002

Unlikely PsychoKinesis - Spooky or what ?

Jun 03, 2002

Adequacy jr? The Hall of Shame

Jun 04, 2002

ummm Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 04, 2002

Sure, but Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 04, 2002

Game newbies? An Introduction to Online Gaming

Jun 04, 2002

Maybe Hacker Culture and its Misportrayal by Media and Government

Jun 05, 2002

You're going to have fun I am back.

Jun 17, 2002

Competition Well, K5 is dying

Jun 18, 2002

Didn't think of that Ask The Mad Scientist

Jun 18, 2002

Looks like December will having me laughing again Well, K5 is dying

Jun 18, 2002

Call me out of touch Don't Do What Scooby-Doo Does

Jun 21, 2002

This case will never end Microsoft [continues to fight a legal challenge in a consistent manner]

Jun 21, 2002

Not illegal Microsoft [continues to fight a legal challenge in a consistent manner]

Jun 21, 2002

Civil offense Why Internet Piracy is Moral

Jun 21, 2002

In the case of the computer scientist... Why Internet Piracy is Moral

Jun 22, 2002

Damn, you geeks are perceptive Why Internet Piracy is Moral

Jun 22, 2002

PCs were a fad. [ I just can't ] stop whining

Jun 22, 2002

Niche market? [ I just can't ] stop whining

Jun 23, 2002

How do you come up with this stuff? Microsoft [continues to fight a legal challenge in a consistent manner]

Jun 24, 2002

Congratulations, by the way A Brief Explanation of the Adequacy Comment Ratings System

Jun 24, 2002

Did I ever tell you about my IQ? bored, here's a poll for you

Jun 25, 2002

That's it, I've had it with you! bored, here's a poll for you

Jul 27, 2002

It isn't a question of blame An Important Issue

Jul 28, 2002

It's nowhere near as cool The evils of smoking.

Aug 08, 2002

If you were an artist, What is MS really saying?

Aug 08, 2002

So? What is MS really saying?

Aug 08, 2002

You don't appear to have a soft spot... What is MS really saying?

Aug 08, 2002

I'd be a sculptor What is MS really saying?

Aug 09, 2002

Oddly enough, I agree with you What is MS really saying?

Aug 09, 2002

I'm not necessarily saying it can't be good What is MS really saying?

Aug 12, 2002

This is necessary Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 13, 2002

Eisenhower. Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 13, 2002

Don't you live in a country... Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 13, 2002

What are your feelings on sacrifice? Microsoft bloat and easter eggs?

Aug 13, 2002

Confidential to Mr Isn't Mommyism in the Workplace

Aug 19, 2002

Have you contacted the internet police? Dear Mr. Script Kiddie, Sir:

Sep 03, 2002

Don't wish that upon us Engineers, the silent, Anti-Social Killers

Sep 05, 2002

Software isn't knowledge Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 05, 2002

Duuuuuh Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 05, 2002

Now I see the problem Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 05, 2002

You're a geek Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 05, 2002

To begin with, computers can't know anything Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 05, 2002

OK, then Linux Zealot Takes a Bath

Sep 07, 2002

Don't want to be contacted outside work? Useless Technology

Sep 08, 2002

Oh dear Linux Zealot vs the RIAA.

Sep 10, 2002

Not so Question for The Mad Scientist

Sep 10, 2002

Kyoto One Year since 9/11 and Americans haven't changed

Sep 10, 2002

Eastern Europe. Indolent. Poor work ethic. A Guide to the United Kingdom for Americans.

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