Smoking is a disgusting habit. Thanks to you insensitive fuckheads out there (that is, smokers) I am unable to go out for an enjoyable night of drinking a few ales with friends without coming home with my clothes smelling fucking terrible. Not only that I've probably increased by succeptability to lung cancer a bit more just by sitting within 20 metres of your filthy carcinogen inhaling presence.
If you're going to kill yourself at least have the decency to do it like a real person and step in front of a bus, or put on an N*Sync CD and blow your fucking brains out with a shotgun. All you're doing is poisoning me, poisoning yourself and generally being anti-social.
On the plus side, your spending AU$10 on a packet of death sticks is providing me with free Government Health Care and a decent public transport system. However, at least the heroin addicts have the decency to participate in their filthy habit in their own homes or so called "shooting galleries".
One reason people, okay let's narrow that down - women, take up smoking is to lose weight. However many times I see a fat bitch smoking. If it's not working for you why persist? Again, if you're just trying to kill yourself there are better ways to do it. If you're trying to lose weight try something radical like, I don't know, STOP FUCKING EATING SO MUCH.
In summary, if you're a smoker kindly fuck off and die.