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   Comments by jsm   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Jun 27, 2001

Is this the only way? Stunned Beef: Dangerous Compassion?

Jun 29, 2001

*smacks head*! I don't enjoy life

Jul 06, 2001


Jul 10, 2001

Uncensored? Bwahahahahaha

Jul 10, 2001

Sacks of water Holes

Jul 10, 2001

good lord, the smugness .... Seeking a Sensible Tomorrow: The Media Marketing Accountability Act

Jul 10, 2001

don't be ridiculous Linux in the corporate world

Jul 10, 2001

If you do ... Feeling So Real

Jul 11, 2001

I call "racist". Is Catholicism to be tolerated?

Jul 11, 2001

get real A Declaration of Independence for the Indebted States of America

Jul 12, 2001

comment deleted by jsm Obesity and the Jennifer Lopez Message

Jul 12, 2001

don't be stupid Obesity and the Jennifer Lopez Message

Jul 12, 2001

*second* comment deleted by jsm Obesity and the Jennifer Lopez Message

Jul 12, 2001

you are making a dangerous mistake Solving Teen Pregnancy

Jul 13, 2001

threefold, heh Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

heh Hump Day News Wrap-Up #1: Where is Chandra Levy?

Jul 13, 2001

Numerous comments deleted, with regret Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 13, 2001

The Threefold Rede Wicca - a scientific, Christian approach to the problem

Jul 17, 2001

wow cool Open Letter to a Stripper

Jul 17, 2001

don't be ridiculous Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

I am the king of google searches Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

I am also apparently unaware that diaries update Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

easy for you to say Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 17, 2001

seeker after truth The Malaise of the Middle Classes.

Jul 18, 2001

difficult call I Guess I'm Just a Sick, Sick Bastard.

Jul 18, 2001

nonsense Where to drink in London ?

Jul 18, 2001

perhaps so Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 19, 2001

Stalin was not a Communist Abortion or Treason? Towards a more populous America

Jul 19, 2001

nah, I like it Abortion or Treason? Towards a more populous America

Jul 19, 2001

sorry From Kids To Commies: The Truth About Daycare

Jul 19, 2001

meaningless without context Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 19, 2001

Hitler *was* a Goth Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 20, 2001

if you were to write an article to this effect Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

what the fuck? Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 20, 2001

"Quality" *sniff* *sniff* Zippity-do-da

Jul 20, 2001

it's in the queue My Submission

Jul 20, 2001

if you wrote an article on this subject SUV's Bigger and Better - The Ultimate American Dream

Jul 20, 2001

sorry -- you've misunderstood me Milosevic Goes Free, Thanks to Godwin's Law!

Jul 20, 2001

yes there is Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

thanks, but we were looking for a picture Goths and Vampirism - A final solution?

Jul 20, 2001

don't get me wrong Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

did you think "The Gay Tax" was hateful? Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

fair enough Why Bother?

Jul 20, 2001

what balls Milosevic Goes Free, Thanks to Godwin's Law!

Jul 20, 2001

so what? Why Bother?

Jul 22, 2001

South African AIDS drugs K5 and Adequacy at War: the escalation continues.

Jul 23, 2001

it's being spell-check'd Where's my...

Jul 23, 2001

no Where's my...

Jul 23, 2001

word blindness Where's my...

Jul 23, 2001

IP logged Tax the Childless, Double Votes for Parents

Jul 24, 2001

just thought you might like to know Where's my...

Jul 24, 2001

it hardly matters _____: _____ Cyber-[Redacted] and [Redacted]

Jul 25, 2001

I like this so much Beating Children Saves Lives

Jul 25, 2001

you seem confused US in recession. What should we do about it ?

Jul 25, 2001

you are a Nazi. US in recession. What should we do about it ?

Jul 25, 2001

perhaps so US in recession. What should we do about it ?

Jul 25, 2001

your cowardice is most un-Christian Beating Children Saves Lives

Jul 26, 2001

if you're wondering opalhawk's childlike innocence

Jul 26, 2001

consider yourself commissioned [UPDATED]heavenly white roses seem to whisper to me when opalhawk smiles

Jul 26, 2001

Kant never wrote a word of drivel in his life Luv Yr Enemies -- Jesus Christ

Jul 26, 2001

quote of the decade Libertarian geeks - patting their own pale backs

Jul 26, 2001

our slogan I am now truly amused

Jul 27, 2001

fat yank US in recession. What should we do about it ?

Jul 27, 2001

bullshit no sleep for the weary

Jul 30, 2001

it's even better than that Credit Card Companies

Aug 01, 2001

Overlord X! Marion 'Suge' Knight to be released - Young white rap fans in danger ?

Aug 01, 2001

errata The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Aug 01, 2001

missing poll option Marion 'Suge' Knight to be released - Young white rap fans in danger ?

Aug 01, 2001

lest this remain as inaccurate The Terrible Truth About Gun Owners

Aug 02, 2001

exactly The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 02, 2001

so what Dungeons and Dragons: Don't Let it Happen to Your Kid

Aug 03, 2001

hrm broken link The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 03, 2001

they all worked on the day that I wrote it The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 03, 2001

my favourite ever kuro5hin comment Wow.

Aug 06, 2001 has many editors The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 07, 2001

might I make a suggestion? Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 07, 2001

congratulations sir. The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 07, 2001

interestingly The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 07, 2001

addendum The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 07, 2001

nah The Real Darwin Awards

Aug 07, 2001

From the editors Building your dream PC. What the experts don't tell you.

Aug 28, 2001

Kant & Clausewitz Comment Display stuff | Philosophy stuff

Aug 29, 2001

*dub" DVD Versus VHS: The Surprising Truth

Aug 31, 2001

clarification Boo hoo

Aug 31, 2001

words ending in "us" An Essay on Microsoft

Aug 31, 2001

troll patrol .... Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 03, 2001

context regarding Satan Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 05, 2001

god knows I'm no techie How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 07, 2001

Scousers officially welcome Fucked Off By Usians

Sep 07, 2001

you have a point 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 07, 2001

you, also have a point 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 07, 2001

grrr 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 07, 2001

actually, you may have done Don't Go In The Water

Sep 10, 2001

thanks for contributing Thinking of buying Marconi shares

Sep 10, 2001

what a weird idea The Democratization of Status. Rap music is to blame.

Sep 12, 2001

I can answer this one! A Day on the Links

Sep 12, 2001

oh come on, be fair A Time For Patriots

Sep 12, 2001

hullo! Greetings.

Sep 14, 2001

Just a brief comment ... Link Button

Sep 14, 2001

clarification Link Button

Sep 17, 2001

*ahem* Fish and Chips

Sep 17, 2001

**TOLERANCE PATROL** -Giving My Goodbye

Sep 17, 2001

we don't play favourites Fish and Chips

Sep 18, 2001

let the record stand Crazy, Like Me

Sep 18, 2001

fractured logic Chile to bomb the U.S.A.

Sep 19, 2001

#ahem# Review: Fred Fortin, 'Le Plancher des Vaches'

Sep 21, 2001

me too Coping with the unexpected

Sep 23, 2001

So what? Kill Yr Idols - Donald Knuth

Sep 23, 2001

This character is getting old The Myth of "Facts"

Sep 23, 2001

I would just like to say Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

welcome to new readers Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

hrmmp? Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

steady on now Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

bad news Hey qp!

Sep 24, 2001

I ought to point out Favourite race?

Sep 25, 2001

That is priceless Wikipedia / Nupedia

Sep 26, 2001

bullshit Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

yes it is Hijacked plane crash destroys Canary Wharf; Shocked Americans ask, `What's Canary Wharf?'

Sep 26, 2001

well..... Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Sep 26, 2001

I appreciate your view Announcing a competition!

Sep 26, 2001

sometimes this site digusts me We are all children of Adam and Eve

Sep 26, 2001

yeah sorry about that A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 27, 2001

so help me I did Announcing a competition!

Sep 27, 2001

ah, barry A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 27, 2001

basically no Announcing a competition!

Sep 27, 2001

perhaps so .... A Taliban Warlord answers YOUR questions.

Sep 27, 2001

really? - popularity increasing.

Sep 30, 2001

calm down Moaners

Oct 01, 2001

"our collective anii"? Kill Yr Idols: Usamah bin Muhammad bin Laden

Oct 01, 2001

hey, punk as fuck Why I'm Glad The World Trade Center's Gone

Oct 01, 2001

WARNING WARNING! Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 01, 2001

clarification Another 'I just don't get it' post

Oct 01, 2001

death threat noted Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 03, 2001

wow. Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 03, 2001

indeed Hungover

Oct 03, 2001

Dick Butkis Best football player of all time

Oct 03, 2001

You are utterly wrong Review: Linux Mandrake 8.1

Oct 03, 2001

I have undeleted this 'Free' software must not undermine our Freedom

Oct 04, 2001

don't piss and moan to us matey Brett Favre Must Be Stopped

Oct 04, 2001

Post deletion report Urban Scavengers

Oct 04, 2001

"sinus mucus issue" Hi Catfish!

Oct 04, 2001

not true Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 04, 2001

how about TeX Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 04, 2001

Goths in every country? We are all children of Adam and Eve

Oct 04, 2001

good point Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 04, 2001

regarding anthrax Hi Catfish!

Oct 04, 2001

hmmm Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Nov 06, 2001

sure we do Nice guys

Nov 07, 2001

oh dear My photos from Qu�bec!

Nov 28, 2001

errrrm Um yeah

Jan 16, 2002

2 Live Crew Hey Kids! Need a Band Name? Then Check This Out!

Jan 17, 2002

in defence I don't like the OSM story on the front page.

Jan 20, 2002

ahem Teaching Astrology In Schools

Jan 28, 2002

I like your style Wicca FAQ

Jan 28, 2002

Jesus Christ Who's Copying Whom?

Feb 01, 2002

wow Mundane Rambling

Feb 13, 2002

Look you halftwitted Yanks We must invoke the Monroe Doctrine!

Feb 17, 2002

oh yeh. "reputations" We Licke Icke

Mar 08, 2002

Don't despise Millberg Weiss Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 09, 2002

Robert Crumb Slashdot Subscriptions and VA Software -- what's going on?

Mar 24, 2002

Heh Who knew?

Apr 13, 2002

WHAATT!?!? Apache 2.0 - Still Not a Contender?

Apr 13, 2002

No less, but much more Adequacy Quotes

May 16, 2002

5001 [n/t] 5,000 posts. ~5,000 idiots.

Jun 14, 2002

wow, concept Linux Zealot needs a job

Jun 15, 2002

the upstart Buonaparte had a point ... Alcoholic Beverages.

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