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Are your children in daycare?
Yes, and I want it that way 12%
Yes, but I wish they weren't 4%
No, I cannot afford it 4%
No, I am a loving parent 36%
I have not reproduced yet 44%

Votes: 25

 From Kids To Commies: The Truth About Daycare

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jul 18, 2001
In decades past, the societal norm was for mothers to stay at home and care for the children while fathers went to work and "brought home the bacon." In recent years, things have changed dramatically. These days, mothers who decide to stay at home are in a dwindling minority; most households today consist of two working parents or a single (!) working parent. This leads to the inevitable question: What to do with the kids during the day?

For the majority of these families, the answer is daycare. And for years, pop psychologists and a left-leaning media have been reassuring us that there is nothing wrong with sending children to daycare. But recent statistics and events demonstrate that not only is daycare harmful .. it is arguably dangerous.


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The truth about daycare is that daycare centers are not the "caring, nurturing" environments that they and their defenders claim they are. Daycare centers are liberal slaughterhouses of the mind. And I can prove it.

I am a father of three wonderful children: two boys (Micah, age 8 and Caleb, age 2) and one girl (Rebekah, age 3.) For the first three years of Micah's life, my wife stayed at home to care for him. After he had grown out of infancy, we made the choice to send him to a daycare center so that my wife could take a job as a receptionist. As it turns out, that choice was regrettable. Our judgement was temporarily impaired by a lust for material wealth; we wanted to build a new house, and had determined that we could not do it on one income.

The first incident involved a set of toy blocks. I had just finished a day of work and had arrived at the daycare to pick Micah up. Normally, this is obviously something that my wife would have done, but she had an appointment with the pastor of our church. On my way into the daycare center, I paused at the window so I could observe my son at play. The daycare provider had opened up a box of blocks, and Micah had run quickly over to it and helped himself to a large number of them. The other children followed suit, although they did not get quite so many as Micah did. The children then began to sit on the carpet and play with the blocks.

What happened next chills me to this day.

The daycare provider walked over to Micah, looked disapprovingly at his pile of blocks, and then forcibly took nearly half of them away. She then proceeded to give them to the other children, so that they all had roughly the same amount. I thought to myself: What in the name of Heaven is this woman doing? Micah had all of those extra blocks because he had the ambition and initiative to run over to them and pick them up. The other children missed the boat by not being observant and quick enough! What are these people teaching children when they step in and redistribute their blocks -- by force -- to "equalize" things?

It occurred to me that this type of toy policy (strong central control with an emphasis on punishing the successful and rewarding the lazy) was no different than the style of economics practiced in the former Soviet Union and Communist China. The most important lesson that children can be taught is that hard work yields rewards and that those who refuse to work will go without. Yet the message that this daycare women sent was "Lazy children, just sit back and we'll bring your fair share of the blocks to you. Assertive children, shame on you!"

The second incident was the straw that broke the camel's back.

My wife arrived at the daycare center to pick Micah up, and the daycare provider was reading to the children from a book entitled (I swear this is true) Gay And Loving It. As you can probably guess, the book was nothing more than a rambling piece of homosexualist propaganda aimed at children, intended to convince them that the chosen "gay" lifestyle is perfectly normal and acceptable. My wife, as you can probably understand, was outraged. She went out to the car, which we keep well-stocked with Jack Chick tracts, and grabbed a copy of an appropriate one. She then brought it into the daycare center and politely asked the provider to read it, in the interest of fairness to both sides.

What was the response? You can probably guess.

She was told that "preaching is not allowed" and that "we cannot teach any single religion as the truth." Sound familiar, friends? Of course it does. This is the exact mantra that is robotically spewed by the teachers' "labor unions" that control government (pagan) schools. At any rate; that was it. My wife and I immediately pulled Micah out of that horrid daycare center, and she turned in her resignation at her place of employment the very next day. Enough was enough, we had decided, and my wife has been an at-home parent and homeschooler ever since.

So let's review the environment of a typical American daycare center:

  • Forced redistribution of capital; hatred of success
  • Institutionalized atheism
  • Embracing of anti-Scriptural perversion
  • Brutal censorship

If you can't see what the true agenda of America's daycare industry is, then you are either blind or willfully ignorant. There is much evidence to suggest that organized elements of the Communist party either own or control a large percentage of this country's daycare providers. This is a battle that we can win, but we have to win it now, before things get out of hand. Communists are called "Reds" because they have this little habit of spilling the blood of their own people on the soil via assault rifle. It is a thoroughly despicable and dangerous worldview. If we are not committed to saving our children from Communism, how can we call ourselves parents?

Scriptural Perversion among toddlers a problem (none / 0) (#6)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 18th, 2001 at 04:31:06 PM PST
I once went to my local nursery school to find them teaching the good word to the children, but they had grossly simplified the word of God and were using little plastic books from Woolworths with strange versions of the tale.

Whats wrong with giving them the Old Testament? The first thing I ever read was Genesis 1:1 and I expect the same for my children, not horrible calumnies and simplified children's tales.

Freedom of Religion (4.00 / 2) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 18th, 2001 at 08:27:05 PM PST
Does anybody ever stop to think that not everyone is a Christian? We are citizens of The United States of America, where freedom of religion is a right. There are a great many religions in this country, not any one right or wrong. Why should I, as a tax-paying citizen of this country, send my child to pre-school and have them taught a system of morals and values that are 2,000 years old and meaningless in todays world? You are entitled to your beliefs as is anyone else, but why read to our children a book that has been proven to be nothing but a prose of falsifications, misinterpretations, and hallucinations.

This isn't a question of religion (1.00 / 1) (#9)
by seventypercent on Wed Jul 18th, 2001 at 08:42:58 PM PST
Okay, so you're not a Christian. You really should be, but that is neither here nor there. It's a story for another day. Let's not get sidetracked. The issue here is not religion; the issue is Communism.

Communists have a long history of using gas chambers and AK-47s to silence those who disagree with them. Communists have killed over 100 million people in this century alone, far more than Adolf Hitler. And yet the media always uses Hitler as an example of a mass murderer .. they never once mention Stalin, Mao, or Pol Pot .. Communists all. (Please note I'm not defending Hitler; he was a sick man who deserved what he got.)

When we, as a society, see the daycare centers that we take our children to being taken over by Communists, this should be a cause of concern. I don't care you're Christian, Muslim, Hindu, Wiccan, atheist, or Roman Catholic. (Atheists have a long history of collusion with the Communists, but most modern atheists distance themselves from Stalin and Mao.) I have my religious views, and you have yours. But I cannot see how anybody -- religious or not -- could be content to let our children be brainwashed into becoming bloodthirsty Communist butchers.

It's not going to happen on my watch, and I hope this is a battle that you will fight with me.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

Contradiction (5.00 / 1) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 07:42:56 AM PST
"But I cannot see how anybody -- religious or not -- could be content to let our children be BRAINWASHED into becoming bloodthirsty Communist butchers."

I really have to stop you there, because you are raising the accusation of 'brainwashing', when you, yourself, told the person who wrote the post that they "really should be a Christian".
That is not for you to say nor even bring up.

Overstating your case. (5.00 / 3) (#34)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 09:44:01 AM PST
Communists have killed over 100 million people

As far as I've been able to determine, this figure is an absurd liberal myth. It is widely accepted that the number could actually be as low as 85 million. That's clearly not high enough to warrant the shrill anti-communist rhetoric you've been spewing.

the reason for such discrepancies (none / 0) (#39)
by venalcolony on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 01:55:42 PM PST
It should be noted that when anti-communist fervor is aroused, the demand for serious evidence in support of claims of communist abuse is suspended, and moralizing economists as well as other charlatans can thrive as evidentiary sources.

The difference between trolling and life is life doesnt have to make sense.

Eh? (none / 0) (#43)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 03:31:59 PM PST
As far as I've been able to determine, this figure is an absurd liberal myth. It is widely accepted that the number could actually be as low as 85 million.
Wouldn't it be a righ-wing myth since communism is the ultimiate extension of liberalism?

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

Actually (5.00 / 1) (#49)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jul 31st, 2001 at 12:32:33 PM PST
All of those were not communists in the true sense of the word. Perhaps you should read some Marx, and then judge whether they are or not.

What is this drivel? (none / 0) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Jul 18th, 2001 at 10:40:33 PM PST
Do you really beleive the "American daycare industry" (as if there is such a thing) has some hidden communist agenda? So you didn't like the daycare center you stuck your kids in. You probably didn't bother to interview the people who run it or compare to other daycare centers in your area. Big deal.

Oh, and how is this considered "news" as the name of this site states?

*sigh* (none / 0) (#11)
by seventypercent on Wed Jul 18th, 2001 at 10:48:35 PM PST
I'm making some very easily-refutable points. First, American daycare centers enforce wealth redistribution. Second, they forbid religious expression. Third, they rely on censorship of ideas that they find threatening. You can either make a connection or not. Personally, I think that you're being a bit naive if you don't make a connection, but what do I know? All I do is write "drivel."

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

*chuckle* (5.00 / 1) (#44)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 03:35:24 PM PST
I'm making some very easily-refutable points.
Wait a second.. You admit that your points are bogus and easy to refute? =)

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

Ok, I'll bite. (4.50 / 2) (#13)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 02:53:43 AM PST
I may well regret this, but I'll go ahead and argue with you.

  • The day care center is most likely not trying to brainwash the child into communism by forcing him to share the blocks. Instead, I would imagine what they were probably trying to do is reinforce the positive trait known as generosity as opposed to the negative trait of greed. Perhaps the workers should've asked him to share rather than grabbing his blocks, but it's hardly communism.

    Since you've proclaimed yourself to be a follower of the Christian set of beliefs, you surely hold that teaching a child to share is important if not vital. After all, Jesus sacrificed himself for all the mortals who were to lazy to get off their asses and start being without sin. =)

  • If they're not specifically enforcing any set of religious beliefs, it can't really be considered institutionalized atheism. If they were telling the kids that there is no God then you might have cause for cocern, but in this case they're just not saying anything connecting to religion.

    For better or for worse, this has probably been caused by people just like you except of other relgious beliefs. Consider how you would feel if the center was teaching Hinduism as the one-true-religion, I'm sure you'ld have a mountain of objections. Celebrate rather than critize the fact that most of aspects of our society are mostly secular in nature and aren't touched by any religious beliefs, because Christianity currently has numerical superiority.. but that could change. If Christians take up oppressive practices, one day those same practices could be enforced against you if another religion had a burst of growth.

  • As a private organization, they really have the freedom to teach whatever they want.

    Personally, I believe that you as a parent are responsible for giving a child a firm sense of morality, and if you're doing such a flimsy job that a day care employee with a book can unravel all your work, then you don't have much ground to stand on.

    If you still find it intolerable, you're well within your rights to either complain to the management or withdrawl your child. It's not like there are no alternative. Many churches actually offer day care services, and you'ld be assured there that no religious objections would come up, and let's face it.. that's all you had. The Communism bit was just a thin smoke screen.

  • See 2.

There maybe a plain text version of this floating around as I accidently hit post as opposed to preview without thinking. If an admin sees it, feel free to delete it.

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

Reply (1.00 / 1) (#27)
by seventypercent on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 07:19:30 AM PST
Since you've proclaimed yourself to be a follower of the Christian set of beliefs, you surely hold that teaching a child to share is important if not vital. After all, Jesus sacrificed himself for all the mortals who were to lazy to get off their asses and start being without sin. =)

My son was sharing. If he wasn't, he would have taken all of the blocks. There is a big difference between sharing and forced redistribution of capital. The other children may not have had as many blocks as he did, but at least they had some. It is important to teach children to share, but it is brainwashing to teach them that forced equalization (making everybody conform to the lowest common denominator) is acceptable.

Jesus sacrificed Himself on the cross so that we would not have to make the same sacrifice. From a Scriptural standpoint, God is obviously a free market capitalist. We are told in the book of Exodus that we must earn our bread with the sweat of our brow, and that those who will not work will not eat. In other words, work varies with reward, and ownership of private capital is an overriding Scriptural principle.

If you still find it intolerable, you're well within your rights to either complain to the management or withdrawl your child.

This is what we did.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

capitalists and their mental blocks (5.00 / 1) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 02:01:58 PM PST
those who will not work will not eat

Yes, but the owners of blocks dont work, they simply own blocks. Which is too bad because it is the meek who shall inherit the earth, not the bullies.

Alright Then (5.00 / 1) (#42)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 03:29:18 PM PST
My son was sharing. If he wasn't, he would have taken all of the blocks. There is a big difference between sharing and forced redistribution of capital. The other children may not have had as many blocks as he did, but at least they had some. It is important to teach children to share, but it is brainwashing to teach them that forced equalization (making everybody conform to the lowest common denominator) is acceptable.
Whenever you buy presents for your children, do you buy a number that doesn't allow for equal distribution and then have them race to see who gets more to encourage capitalistic tendencies? Do you refuse to give your child love/affection if he doesn't work at hard as school/chores than your other children? If you brough home a cake and one of your kids ate half of it before the others even got a slice would you pat him on the back?

I'm guessing not.

The daycare workers are just doing their job, and trying to keep all the kids generally happy and entertained. It's a sheltered enviroment not some kind of dog eat dog world where the kid with the fastest feet gets the toys and the snacks.
This is what we did.
Good. Now quit slandering an entire industry just because you found one example that you didn't care for. At best, this should've been an arguement in favor of being careful when selecting a daycare center and making sure the policies of the one you choose are to your liking before placing your child in their care instead of this vastly overstated nonsense about day care being a communist plot.

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

Daycare (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 03:10:48 AM PST
okay, personally i think that daycare is a bad idea. you're putting your flesh-and-blood child into a place for 8 hours a day with a virtual stranger. you haven't interviewed the person even. this is not proper parenting.

however, in some cases short stints of daycare are necessary.

sharing IS something that should be encouraged there, not first-come-first-served, especially considering that the children there will not necessarilly be the same exact ages.

what's this about communism? the principle dogma behind it has been shown to be flawed, and historically all communist leaders have been corrupt sadistic tyrants. this is not proof that sharing, or providing equally, is a bad thing. there are VERY many aspects of american life that lend themselves to the "communist" spirit, this is ignored however. blame it on maccarthyism, i suppose.

you should try examining your core beliefs before sharing them with the world, if you want to be taken seriously.

I don't notice anyone complaining about schools (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 03:27:12 AM PST
you're putting your flesh-and-blood child into a place for 8 hours a day with a virtual stranger. you haven't interviewed the person even. this is not proper parenting.

How is putting a child in daycare any different to putting a child in school? Surely no-one would doubt that sending a child to school is a good thing, yet have you interviewed all of your child's teachers? No. Do you know the teachers personally? Of course not. But most people would argue that not sending a child to school would be bad parenting.

However, most teachers choose the profession of teaching because they have unholy sexual desires for children. I would argue that schools are the real problem, not daycare centres. No responsible parent should send their childen to the evil dens of paedophilia known as 'schools'.

Oh No! (5.00 / 1) (#24)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 04:34:54 AM PST
However, most teachers choose the profession of teaching because they have unholy sexual desires for children. I would argue that schools are the real problem, not daycare centres. No responsible parent should send their childen to the evil dens of paedophilia known as 'schools'.
There's a claim that's impossible to back-up.

I find it highly unlikely that more than a small percentage of teachers go into it because of pedophilia. Those that go in to the lower levels do so, usually, because they just enjoy working with kids. The other reason teachers tend to go into the profession is that they don't have much else to do.

Lots of people graduate from college with degrees that short of graduate school are all but useless (English for example). If they don't have the grades, test scores, and/or money to make it to grad school then teaching at a secondary level is basically one of the few alternatives to falling into the hell of minimum wage and/or factory labor.

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

Re: Oh No! (none / 0) (#25)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 04:46:29 AM PST
I find it highly unlikely that more than a small percentage of teachers go into it because of pedophilia. Those that go in to the lower levels do so, usually, because they just enjoy working with kids.

Are you not suspicious of a grown adult who enjoys "working" with kids? It is not normal for adults to wish to associate with the offspring of other people. Any adult who does clearly has an ulterior sexual motive. These people disgust me.

Maybe (none / 0) (#26)
by sventhatcher on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 04:52:38 AM PST
Perhaps, just perhaps, these adults are without children of their own and do to issues like not having the money/husband or wife/time can't have children of their own, and thus they choose to work with children to help fufill their desire to nurture.

It's more fun to call them perverts though I suppose, isn't it?

Sometimes, people really are decent and wish to contribute in a positive way to the life of others. I know that might be hard to accept if you're wrapped in mountains of cynicism, but it's true.

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

huh? (none / 0) (#46)
by tiana on Fri Jul 20th, 2001 at 02:29:23 AM PST
well lets back track alittle here.

now it seems very clear to me that you all dont really like school that much. ok fine. so you didnt like school.

but lets get some stuff straight here. people go to/send their children to school so that they can have a well rounded education. the only reason why human beings have survived so long on this planet is because we have education. if you dont want to send your children to school, homeschool them. dont insult an entire instatution because a daycare provider you chose didnt work out for you.

also, even though it is a chilling thought (and im not being sarcastic), a tiny percent of Teachers dont go into the profession because they want to teach. again, dont insult an instatution because you had a bad experience with a daycare provider.

What? (none / 0) (#47)
by sventhatcher on Fri Jul 20th, 2001 at 03:03:19 AM PST
Read the comments I've written elsewhere on this story. I've actually said basically the same thing (don't blast the insitution over one instance).


On the subject of schooling, I think home schooling is a terrible thing to do to a child. Schooling (public or private) is an important part of social development for a child. That's why I'm also vastly opposed to skipping of grades.

Schools are not a purely academic institute. Most intelligent students can float through public school effortlessly, and are probably academically ready for college the second they enter High School. They still need to go through High School, because of the social aspect. Someone who's 15 or 16 isn't emotionally ready to be thrust in the world of college.

Home schooling can leads to all kinds of nasty isolation. Often there are organizations that allow home schooled children to interact socially, but they're a poor susbitute of the day-to-day exchanges of schools.

--Sven (now with bonus weblog vanity site! (MLP sold seperately))

I join you in that complaint... (none / 0) (#41)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 02:32:30 PM PST
Although, I don't endorse the "evil den of paedophilia" theory. But forced schooling is rediculous (and no, I'm not sure how that is spelled even though I have a college degree. I just don't think spelling and typos are that big a deal in a forum like this...) Anyway, back to my point. Why is it that a centralized, bloated, inefficient organization like the federal government thinks it would be any good at educating our youngsters. And why do we (the people) think that they would be any good at it. What if I want my kid to learn how to run the farm? Why should he/she wait until age 16? They help out after school, why can't they help out all day and skip school? Sometimes they never use the education they get anyway. What a waste of my tax money. Equal opportunity, you say? That sounds like socialism to me. For all their efforts to get rid of a class-based society, the government is doing pretty poorly.

Re: the article.

I would feel pretty uncomfortable if I was Christian and my daycare center was reading "pro-Gay" literature. Then again, if I were an Atheist and they were reading the bible, I'd be pretty steamed. Kids are highly suggestable. If we kept them at home until they were ready to "go off on their own", it would be much easier to teach them the things we as individuals think are important. I applaud you for withdrawing your child and re-evaluating your financial situation. I think you made the right decision for your child and your family. I hope all goes well for you.

I have chosen not to have kids because I don't want my flesh and blood brainwashed by the government and the current system would have me thrown in jail if I don't agree with their education system (including "home-schooling" which is a little better, but you still have to jump through their hoops). That stinks like extortion to me...


Pheh (5.00 / 1) (#50)
by SuicideBoy on Sun Aug 5th, 2001 at 01:03:46 AM PST
I figure that the mandatory schooling requirements exist to ensure that children recieve at least a bare minimum of education that will give them a few options of what do with their life. Your child's aim in life may not be to work on a farm for his or her entire working life.

Huh? (repost!) (none / 0) (#38)
by 11223 on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 12:42:49 PM PST
  • Forced redistribution of capital; hatred of success
  • Institutionalized atheism
  • Embracing of anti-Scriptural perversion
  • Brutal censorship

What's the issue here?

Hah! You believe that?

Amen, brother! (3.00 / 2) (#45)
by SpaceGhoti on Thu Jul 19th, 2001 at 04:36:16 PM PST
Testify, brother! Sound out against the forces of Satan and rational thought before it's too late!

  • Forced redistribution of capital; hatred of success

  • Absolutely! Equal opportunity is a godforsaken liberal myth intended to reduce the truly superior men to the same level as everyone else! If it weren't for liberals, we'd have women and blacks back where they belong, subservient to the needs of God's Chosen. Providing everyone with equitable amounts of basic education and resources is a waste because not everyone is capable of utilizing them properly. Why bother when you already know they're going to fail?

  • Institutionalized atheism

  • Where would this country be if the Founding Fathers didn't have a firm grasp of religious precepts? The theocracy put in place by the Constitution clearly shows that they intended us to follow the One True God and Her Religion, the Christian Church. The fact that the liberal satanists are trying to suggest that there might be more than one truth in the world betrays their sinful motives to try to corrupt today's youth.

  • Embracing of anti-Scriptural perversion

  • It's horrifying, I tell you. Suggesting that such abominations could ever live happy, fulfilled lives in clear violation of God's Holy Law is an affront to all right-thinking flocks. If only they would kneel down in prayer and ask God to take away their disease, they could stand as men and live as proper humans instead of the animals they've made themselves to be.

  • Brutal censorship

  • Refusing to read God's Word to the children is clear censorship and a violation of their religious needs and rights. We need to burn their sinful, secular material and replace them with fulfilling, Christian-approved literature! Down with censorship!

Thank you so much for your inspiring words. Have you considered leading a church?

A troll's true colors.

Bad Daycares? (none / 0) (#48)
by bookee on Thu Jul 26th, 2001 at 01:23:44 PM PST
Let me just comment on this.
All daycares are not bad. There are some good ones out there. You just have to stick you head out and look some more.
Me as a single parent have to put my 2 daughters in daycare because I have to work. No doubt. My 2 year is going to daycare and she already knows all her colors, her ABC's, 1 to 20, and she has great conversation with you. They said that she is ready for Kindergarten already.
Although I do disagree with daycare workers reading inappropriate books to children. It's not up to the daycare worker to discuss certain issues with small children. That was just the wrong daycare.



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