The does bring up an interesting issue, though. With the extra ~$800 I'll be making a month, I'll be able to pay off my debts and increase my standard of living. In fact, I can quit the bartending job and reclaim my weekends, sitting in front of a bar and not behind one. I worried, though, that making a lot more money while actually having to do less work might turn me into a snob...
I mean, seriously, I was at the apartment of this couple with whom my girlfriend and I are friends. The guy of that couple had just lost his job, and they were really worried about if they'd even be able to make rent that month. We were having a conversation, and the only thing in my life I could really talk about was the different jobs I'm applying for, and how much more they're going to pay me. Hell, even right now I already made enough that I leant the couple fourty dollars so they could make last month's rent. I must have sounded like a real jackass talking about how much more richer I had the chance of becoming.
That's not it, though. No, the thing that really gets to me is the way I get irked by the couple. I mean, the guy who got laid off, immediatly upon finding out, went to his apartment with his co-workers and smoked up. He routinly gets stoned or drop-dead drunk on nights when he has to work. None of these factors lead to him getting fired for the three jobs he's had these last five months, it was invariably economic factors and companies that mismanaged their finances. Still, I want to blame the guy for his lack of a job. I want to tell him that if he'd just put the bong down he could actually do something with his life. Oh, and the fact that he's a Chaos Wiccan doesn't make it any better. (Not 'Chaos' as in "An intense student of chaos theory and the philosophical fundamentals behind magick", no, 'Chaos' as in "I'll name my kittens Chaos and Lucifer and wear a big fat pentacle and listen to Godsmack and do other things that will really freak out Christians, and then justify is by saying I worship chaos.")
Right now I just seem to really really short tempered with anyone who isn't putting an extreme amount of effort into Quality. I fear that it's turning me into a bigot. Worse, I think it's turning me into a bigot against anyone who isn't better than I am. I've long known that I hate myself, and I understand that it is something that I really need to work on, but I've always been pretty good about not being intolerent of others. Right now, it feels like that intolerence is overwhelming me, and I don't know what to do about it.
Yes, so basically, I'm a confused, intolerent, self-loathing bastard.