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A game of two halves 50%
Involves a round ball which is propelled by the player's feet 20%
Isn't played by Usians 30%

Votes: 10

 Fucked Off By Usians

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Sep 06, 2001

Not in general but in their use of the word 'football' to describe their pale rugby imitation 'sport' played by padded up morons who can't sustain play for more than 30 seconds.


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How can they call it football when the ball barely touches their feet and they just throw the ball around. At least proper football involves people using their feet to propel the ball.

And they are missing out on the enjoyable exuberence exhibited by the fans of our football especially England supporters who are welcome in any foreign town. Just ask the residents of Charleroi who hosted England fans during Euro 2000.

Allow me to enlighten you (3.66 / 6) (#1)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 09:27:09 AM PST
Football does involve the foot propelling the ball many times a game,

To begin with, a football game starts with a kickoff, where the placekicker kicsk the ball to the opposing team.

Most turnovers involve kicking the football, eitehr by the aforementioned kickoff, or by dropkicking the ball, we call that punting.

Finally, many points are scored by kicking, either one point after a touchdown, or three points for a field goal. On many teams, the kicker is the highest scoring player.

Rugby is nice enough, for a frenetic, thoughtless, brute force kind of game, but I prefer a more intellectually challenging sport, with hundreds of set plays, many specialized positions, and space age materials encompassing the players and covering the field for an almost cybernetic, stimulating experience.

I do believe the NFL has a European contingent, perhaps you could watch a few NFL-Europe games to develope an appreciation for the game, understanding that with all things that exist in Europe and America, the European version will be smaller, cheaper, older and less interesting.

A. Rightmann

But it's not a sport (4.00 / 4) (#2)
by nobbystyles on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 09:36:31 AM PST
All the breakdowns in play just serve the TV advertisers so that they can sell more crap to Joe Sixpack. But in Europe where Mammon holds less sway, the irritating tedium of this soon shines through hence the poor performance of the NFL Europe.

And uh. (4.00 / 4) (#3)
by TheReverand on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 09:45:04 AM PST
Those weren't Nike Swooshes all over the Man-United's feet?

Give me a break. Just because you can't make a dime in your little pseudo-socialist wasteland doesn't mean they aren't still all revolving around money.

Why do you think they never fix the stands in any of the stadiums AND oversell?

Ok, true, watching hundreds of toothless shirtless drunk scotsman fall screaming to their deaths with their dresses flapping in the wind is funny.

But it's still all about the bingo gazingos.

Manchester United (4.00 / 3) (#5)
by nobbystyles on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 09:55:45 AM PST
is well known as a huge contributor to grass roots of the game and are well respected throughout the land for their lack of arrogance and knowlegeable supporters who all come from Manchester. So your slurs on their Nike sponsorship, which they are doing because of the excellence of that company's products, doesn't cut any ice with me.

And because we live in a more risk taking and less litigious society means that our stadiums are more rough and ready which reflects on the more manly nature of the sport taking place therein.

Nigga please. (5.00 / 3) (#6)
by TheReverand on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:00:27 AM PST
Nothing more manly than some 98 pound IAT looking wanker who stands around for half an hour, hoping the ball might get kicked his way.

We keep the violence (3.66 / 3) (#8)
by nobbystyles on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:07:30 AM PST
Off the pitch where it belongs. I doubt any of your 'football' fans could hold their own against English football fans. Nothing makes me prouder than when the lads wreck some godforesaken foreign hole, stab some German fans and stand their ground against water cannon. This is the spirit that enabled the UK to win the WW2 single handed...

Last I checked. (4.25 / 4) (#9)
by TheReverand on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:11:09 AM PST
You've only been anally raped a slight less many times than the French. And yet, here comes good old USia to bail your dumbasses out over and over again.

Goddamn, good thing we revolted, or we would all have your attitude.

Does Nobby refer to your teeth? I've been over there, and all that they say is true.

eh!? (3.66 / 3) (#13)
by iat on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 12:17:32 PM PST
Nothing more manly than some 98 pound IAT looking wanker

I don't think anything can be both "98 pound" and "IAT looking". IAT's don't come in small sizes.

I think your sentence was meant to read: "There's nothing more manly than IAT."

HTH. - love it or leave it.

I really hope that wasn't sarcasm.... (5.00 / 2) (#14)
by iat on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 12:24:28 PM PST
Manchester United [...] are well respected throughout the land for their lack of arrogance and knowlegeable supporters who all come from Manchester.

I get so tired of hearing that bullshit started by the dirty scousers about Manchester United fans not originating from Manchester. I hope you genuinely meant what you said, because I'll be forced to delete your comment if I find out that you're a trolling scouser. Scousers aren't welcome at and we have an official "No Scouser" policy. - love it or leave it.

Where do you live again? (5.00 / 1) (#15)
by bc on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 04:21:58 PM PST
Oh that's right....Bristol!

♥, bc.

Scousers officially welcome (5.00 / 1) (#16)
by jsm on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 01:02:32 AM PST
Scousers aren't welcome at and we have an official "No Scouser" policy.

This policy was rescinded two editorial meetings ago. I would like to reassure any Scousing readers that they are unequivocally grudgingly accepted.

... the worst tempered and least consistent of the editors
... now also Legal department and general counsel,

Scosers aren't as bad as they are painted (5.00 / 1) (#18)
by nobbystyles on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 02:41:23 AM PST
I hate the arrogance of Mancs towards Scousers. To unbiased eye like mine (a chirpy Cockney), they are both shitty, grim, crime ridden holes of cities.

I lived with Scousers for three years at Manchester University and I had just my stereo and an couple of credit cards 'go missing'. Not bad considering the legendary theiving genes of that city.

It's not arrogance (5.00 / 2) (#19)
by iat on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 03:20:39 AM PST
The people of Manchester genuinely are a superior species to the dirty scousers, and our city is far nicer than Liverpool. Manchester is the cultural capital of the UK, and is one of the world's most beautfiul cities. As a former resident of Manchester, you should already be aware of this.

Do you really believe that London is any less shitty, grim or crime ridden than either Manchester or Liverpool? - love it or leave it.

London is not grim (5.00 / 1) (#20)
by nobbystyles on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 03:38:11 AM PST
As any Notherner knows the streets are paved in gold. I will admit that areas like Peckham lack a certain aesthetic quality but this outweighed by fine buildings like Buckingham Palace, The South Bank Centre, Rowland Point and Centre Point.

As for Mancunains being a superior species, my experiences of attending Manchester City's Maine Road ground has disabused me of that. Talk about evolutionary throw-backs...

Maine Road (5.00 / 2) (#21)
by iat on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 03:45:08 AM PST
As for Mancunains being a superior species, my experiences of attending Manchester City's Maine Road ground has disabused me of that. Talk about evolutionary throw-backs...

I'd agree with you about that. The bitter blues are a lower form of life, but fortunately the majority of Mancunians support United and are superior to scousers in every way. - love it or leave it.

I hate "soccer" (5.00 / 3) (#4)
by iat on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 09:51:10 AM PST
The word "soccer", not the sport. It's such a vile mutilation of the phrase "association football". Can't the USians see sense, and call football "football", and call their shitty rugbyesque game "American football" (or even "USian football")? The word "soccer" ought to be made illegal. - love it or leave it.

Let's call soccer "poorball" (3.66 / 3) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:03:47 AM PST
since the best players seem to come from third world nations, and even a <i>football</i> mad place like the UK has mostly foreigners on their teams, typically from third world countries like Brazil, Argentina, Chad

Poor countries, great players (5.00 / 1) (#10)
by twodot72 on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:23:06 AM PST
Obviously, the reason for the large number of foreigners in european football teams is that this fine sport is played all over the world, as opposed to the US variant which is only popular in north america.

What about Canada! (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:28:14 AM PST
They play American style football too. The rules are slightly different, but close enough for Don Flutie (Boston College 1984) to star for Toronto, Buffalo and now San Diego.

Canada is in north america (5.00 / 2) (#12)
by twodot72 on Thu Sep 6th, 2001 at 10:41:59 AM PST
Is it not?

it's quite typical, really. (5.00 / 2) (#17)
by momocrome on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 01:25:17 AM PST
Yes, it's quite typical of eurotrash to miss the point of 'American Football'.

To clue you in a little, consider what organized sports are, in essence: analogues for combat. Soccer is sort of an infantry level simulation good for training people to fight without arms! Perhaps this ties in with the rather weak culture of gun abolision and a bizarre kinship with imminent defeat? (pun included)

US Football, however, is a rich and all-inclusive mock military engagement, complete with chain-of-command, strategems, generalship, logistics, and in Pro Football, sophisticated intelligence and communications skills. No wonder the US is so strong militarily, whilst Europe struggles to find its own ass in that regard.

I am not a USian (3.00 / 4) (#22)
by plastik55 on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 09:22:26 AM PST
If you're going to try to call us disparaging names, please make up sensical ones. "American" can be disparaging enough if used in the right tone. But you whining English bastards seem to think it applies to Canadians too, and God knows you won't want your thought police catching you insulting any people who still have an aging "queen" on their currency. So I've heard a lot of you way that "USian" is a more accurate term.

WELL GUESS WHAT BUB? Check an atlas. There are at LEAST thirty-seven countries, commonwealths and demilitarized zones that call themselves "United States." When you call me "USian," you din't just piss ME off you piss off Jose Pérez, Da-Yu Wu and Ana Milisivec too. You unsensitive bastard,

So get it straight. the name of my country is the United States of America. If "American" isn't good enough for you, at least use proper "English" grammar (you people claim to have invented it, right?) and say something reasonable like United Statesman of America.

You fucking terror midget. Die a firey fucking death. -- Matthew 30:06

"American" correct term for person from (5.00 / 2) (#23)
by Craig McPherson on Fri Sep 7th, 2001 at 08:06:19 PM PST
A person from the "Federal Republic of Germany" is a "German," a person from the "People's Republic of China" is a "Chinese," a person from the "Federated States of Micronesia" is a "Micronesian," a person from the "Republic of Macedonia" is a "Macedonian," therefore a person from the "United States of America" is an "American." People developed the term "USian" in an attempt to insult Americans in the same way they developed "Xtian" to try to insult Christians, but neither of them are terribly effective. In fact, saying "It's incorrect to call a United States person an 'American'" just shows ignorance of the facts -- next time a person tells you that, punch him in the stomach and say "I guess it's also wrong to call a person from the Federal Republic of Germany a 'German' then, huh?" That'll shut the wanker up.

If you want to know why Lunix is so screwed up, just take a look at the people who use it. Idiocy.


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