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Jin should?
Give up. qp is altogether beyond her. 18%
Continue pursuing the impossible. From such adversary art is born! 81%

Votes: 11

 Coping with the unexpected

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Sep 19, 2001

So, the saga takes a sudden turn into the bizarre.

Yesterday evening, as is my wont, I was enjoying a lively discussion in #kuro5hin, and who should I chance upon but the ever lovely and renowned Jin Wicked. As many of you no doubt do not know, Jin and I have had a long and contentious history. Indeed, many a time it has seemed that the fates themselves had doomed us to war unendingly. Although I will not deign to burden the gentle readership with the sordid details of our struggle, let it suffice to say that I emerged celebrated and victorious while Jin crawled away battered and bloody.


More diaries by qp
In censure of technological debate

You can imagine my surprise, then, when Jin was not merely civil but actually quite friendly. Naturally, I was highly suspicious, but my distrust quickly dissolved into incredulity when Jin made her intentions clear. Rather than explain, however, I will let Jin speak for herself. The following is an excerpt of our conversation, completely unedited except for brevity and ease of reading.

[00:49] <Jin> But I was looking for qpt
[00:50] <Jin> qpt do you check your hotmail?
[00:50] <Jin> I wrote you.
[00:51] <Jin> msg me privately
[01:04] <Jin> You can send me a photo of you if you like.
[01:07] <Jin> Do you have a photo qp?
[01:10] * Jin wants to see qpt
[01:17] <Jin> I want to see qpt.
[01:21] <Jin> QPT
[01:21] <Jin> I want to see you.
[01:22] <Jin> Come on...I just want to know if you're a cutie or not.
[01:26] <Jin> I want to see qpt.
[01:28] * Jin still wants to see qpt
[01:29] <Jin> Qpt and I are fussing.
[01:29] <Jin> He won't send a picture.
[01:30] <Jin> Okay, qpt I want to see you now. It can't possibly be worse than this picture.
[01:32] * Jin sniffles
[01:32] * Jin sits in corner, sad

Far be it from me to cry "sexual obsession" when unwarranted, but I can frankly think of no other way to succinctly and accurately describe what is obviously Jin's present state. What could possibly drive Jin to so persistently ask - nay, beg - for a photograph except for that oldest of urges, raw, naked lust itself? What other craving could drive one to beg for hours, to suffer through repeated rejection, and finally to abjectly humiliate oneself for naught but an image?

While I admittedly have no training in the disciplines of psychology or psychiatry, I have watched enough television to know that battered women often develop an intense attraction to their abuser that defies all logic or explanation. Although it is regretfully true that I long heaped emotional and mental abuse upon Jin, I daresay that it hurt me more to wound her than she suffered in the wounding. Now I am pained even more to learn that poor Jin is grasping for what she can never have.

Her foolishness and desire prevent her from seeing me as I am - a cold and cruel blade, a terrible dagger driven by her own hand into her lovely breast.

She seems to like you! (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 01:19:31 PM PST
Certainly, she has made enough comments to that effect. IIRC, you are Canadian, so you might have a chance at gaining her love.

See, it seems to me that Jin is clearly a masochist, and that you are clearly a sadist. A match made in heaven really, you love to humiliate and she loves to be humiliated. I hope this dance between you continues, I can see you are getting closer and closer to each other, and that eventually you will be together.

When that happens, I may move country; I don't want to be around when the Earth shattering explosion of ecstasy finally occurs.

maybe she will mail you a body part (2.00 / 1) (#2)
by alprazolam on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 01:22:04 PM PST
if she were to become famous, it could make you rich.

Something for the Premium Page: (3.00 / 1) (#3)
by otak on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 01:44:29 PM PST
Jin / qp slash fiction.

I've often thought that adequacy would work better with a 50/50 split between comment and high-quality erotic fiction.

slash? (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 04:31:46 PM PST
Are you implying that Jin is a man? Or qp a woman?

Yes, well, *I* don't actually read slash fiction. (none / 0) (#5)
by otak on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 05:38:27 PM PST
Are you implying that Jin is a man? Or qp a woman?

You are correct. I had assumed `slash' referred to erotic fanfic of any type, but a quick scoot around on the web has revealed my wrongness.

Jin - qp - my humblest apologies.

me too (5.00 / 2) (#20)
by jsm on Fri Sep 21st, 2001 at 08:43:22 AM PST
hey, it's not for want of me trying that we have so little pornography on the site. You try persuading high-profile wank book authors to write stuff for an audience of slashdot trolls and right wing maniacs for no money some day :-)

... the worst tempered and least consistent of the editors
... now also Legal department and general counsel,

please cut it out (none / 0) (#6)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 05:50:30 PM PST
Quit bothering Jin. I've personally never experienced the majesty of Jin in real time ascii, and at this rate I never will. But thanks for the log in any case.


Tsk tsk... (5.00 / 2) (#7)
by jin wicked on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 09:48:09 PM PST
You really are losing it, qp. Your writing has been suffering lately, but now you're absolutely predictable as well. Do you honestly think I would have said those things if I didn't know there was a 99% chance of you posting them and writing up a nice article about me?

I wish I could buy advertising like you. :)

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Perhaps (none / 0) (#8)
by qp on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 10:53:05 PM PST
If it is predictable of me to comment on another's obvious sexual obsession, then predictable I am. Since I never claimed to be anything but simple, honest, and on the level, I am uncertain why this comes as a surprise to you. As for your rhetorical question, I will gladly answer it. Yes, it is clear that you said those things without considering the fact that I would write a diary entry about them.

Your absurd rationalization for your words is clearly a lie, but to what ends I can only speculate. Quite possibly, you felt attacked and betrayed by the diary entry and felt that a sufficiently clever deception would strengthen your position. Unfortunately, "sufficiently clever" is a measure from which you have habitually fallen short. Indeed, you have accomplished nothing this time except revealed that you are a poor liar. Of course, it is nobody's business but yours if you continue to hide behind your shattered facade, but any further blatant attempts at deception on your part are likely to be interpreted as trolling by the editorial staff.


"Hey qp, where are you? You missed the nudie shots about three minutes ago!" -- Jin Wicked
And so, I died.

You should just retire. (5.00 / 2) (#9)
by jin wicked on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 11:13:03 PM PST
No one believes or takes seriously anything you say anymore. :)

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Said the pot... (none / 0) (#10)
by qp on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 11:34:28 PM PST the kettle.

To be fair, however, I imagine people still believe what you say. As for the other, I doubt it was ever true.


"Hey qp, where are you? You missed the nudie shots about three minutes ago!" -- Jin Wicked
And so, I died.

Obviously you took my reply seriously (5.00 / 2) (#12)
by jin wicked on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 12:12:04 AM PST
Which is more than I'm doing to yours. :D

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Look at this guy (none / 0) (#13)
by qp on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 12:20:09 AM PST
He takes me seriously.

For being infatuated with all things European, you have a decidedly American sense of irony and subtlety. This is to say, you do not appear to have any at all. You can babble about "taking things seriously" all you please, but the fact is, you are showing more of your hand than I think you realize.


"Hey qp, where are you? You missed the nudie shots about three minutes ago!" -- Jin Wicked
And so, I died.

Oh, well then... (5.00 / 2) (#14)
by jin wicked on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 12:56:19 AM PST
If you're serious, then thank you so much for calling me lovely in the first paragraph. Oh, and the "crawling away battered and bloody" was actually my dial-up cutting out for the fifth time last night. :)

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Pardon me (none / 0) (#15)
by qp on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 01:38:03 AM PST
I grudgingly concede your point. Even a cursory examination of yourself in a mirror would reveal that you are anything but lovely. Thus, I can understand why you would then fail to take the rest of the diary entry seriously.

For future reference, I was employing a technique of using absurdities for literary effect. By incorporating such nonsense as "Jin Wicked is lovely", the frank candor of the rest of the entry is only accentuated.


"Hey qp, where are you? You missed the nudie shots about three minutes ago!" -- Jin Wicked
And so, I died.

Whatever you say. (5.00 / 2) (#16)
by jin wicked on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 01:55:21 AM PST

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

You know? (none / 0) (#17)
by qp on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 02:22:32 AM PST
I think I am in love.


"Hey qp, where are you? You missed the nudie shots about three minutes ago!" -- Jin Wicked
And so, I died.

How CUTE!!! (3.75 / 4) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 04:54:26 PM PST
They're flirting!

heh heh (5.00 / 1) (#18)
by Wedge on Thu Sep 20th, 2001 at 11:57:27 AM PST
Jins never that nice to someone unless shes up to something :D

My dear qp (none / 0) (#21)
by Setsoru on Sun Sep 23rd, 2001 at 09:08:18 PM PST
I have been with you for a long time, admittedly under a different guise. I was there when you pondered the likelihood of acquiring Jin_Wicked's affection. I was there when she heartlessly tore your soul apart, leaving you miserable and Changed. You are a bitter and sad individual, bereft of hope, robbed of joy. Someday soon you shall die, friendless and alone, a mockery of human potential. I have wept for many months over this tragic affair; for one so young to be scorned by a heartless and vile woman.

Take hope, my young friend. Soon it shall all be over. Will you have ever seen Jin_Wicked disrobed? Who can say. This is another one of Jin_Wicked's evil ploys; she pretends to desire a photograph of you, only to rekindle the torrid flame of your passion for her own sundry amusement. Stand strong in the face of this adversity. You are pround and wise, and will come through it unscathed. Indeed, this is the foundation for a content, well-adjusted psyche.


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