I have had a revalation, of late. I've wasted a few good years of my life browsing Slashdot, and even for a few months last year (shhh) K5. Lots of DMCA, lots of Microsoft, lots of RIAA. I came to realize gradually that most normal people don't care about this stuff.
A lot of talk has been going on here lately about Thomas Kinkade. I vaugely knew who he was, some guy that had a painting store in the mall. My mom has something in her bedroom. I can't say I've ever even looked closely at it. I think it has a boat, or a lighthouse or something.
I'm not all that into art. I have nothing against it, and have enjoyed my visits to art museums. My old room used to have maps on the walls. My walls in my new apartment are bare, and I don't have any immediate plans to put anything on them. I know I am surrounded by art, but it is not something I consciously think about on a daily basis.
I found, I just can't care about Thomas Kinkade. He paints some pretty pictures. People like them, and buy them, put them on the walls, or send cards to loved ones. So what?
Then it hit me. It was like I'm someone who doesn't know the difference between RMS, DMCA, and TCP/IP, trying to read about legal action against CueCat hackers. I'm on the outside, looking in. And I'm confused.