I'm fat. I'm getting fatter. My weight-loss program of earlier months died off once I lost my job. I'm also a horny bastard, with a tendancy to indulge myself quite often. So, I'm going to use one to fix the other. To put it in Something Awful Terms:
No Fapping 'Till I Weigh 250.
The essay I had written up was about the significance of ascetic mystics who channeles their sexual energies elsewhere and how the Pagan community seems to totally ignore them while concentrating on almost exclusivly on the sexually-indulging mystics.
The events of yesterday was me eating a bit too much and actually having to take my belt out one notch, something I haven't had to do since I was a Senior in high school.
So, combining that with the fact that I want to look more attractive, I'm going to refrain from masturbation until I weigh 250 pounds or less. Sure, I'll still have sex, but I'm not going to initiate anything, which means I won't be doing that enough to sate myself.
Will this work, who knows. Will this be yet another of the infamous quests that Electric Angst sets out on only to fail? We'll see...