The debate about the causal link between games and violence rages on. But it looks like the good old free market may be about to solve the problem once and for all.
Historically computer games have been designed to appeal to the American market, and so they have been basically violent, gory, and utterly tasteless. Almost all American PC games involve violence of one form or another. From Doom to Quake, to Unreal, it seems the American consumer wants only to kill and kill again. (albeit in simulated form).
With the news that Europe will soon be the largest market for games, this state of affairs may soon change.
Europeans on the whole have a well adjusted attitide toward violence and sex. They tend to abhorr the former and be tolerant of the latter. It is common on European network TV to see breasts, nipples, even sometimes pubic hair but programmes containing violence are subject to strict censorship rules.
Since the content of games is driven by the largest market, perhaps America can look forward to games with less violence, and more sex. With games such as Quake III Arena and Unreal Tournament being directly responsible for the Columbine massacre, I think this change in emphasis could only be a good thing. I've always been puzzled by our American morality whereby it is perfectly acceptable to show a person being violently physically assaulted, and yet to show two human beings making love is completely censored by our prudish tv networks.
How can games like Quake III which teaches kids how to slaughter their schoolfriends and promotes a satanistic agenda possibly be acceptable ? It doesn't make any sense to me - You don't have to be a Christian to see the dangers of Satanism.
Let us know what you think about this important issue.