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 Educational Initiative for Gang Youth announced

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jun 02, 2002
A spokeswoman for President Bush today announced a bold new educational initiative designed to combat poverty, unemployment and drug use amongst youth gang members. The School of the Americas (SOA) has received $56.5 million to form outreach units in all major urban centers where gang related violence occurs.

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"The President sees the value of the unique training that the SOA offers and believes that the employment prospects and self esteem of underpriveleged youths will rise through the formalisation of existing skills, together with government acknowlegement of the usefulness of the psychological outlook possessed by the student body," claimed spokeswoman, Ms Bowes.

The courses to be offered by the School of the Americas will be specially tailored to the target population and will most likely include theoretical units such as "Negotiation and Force", "Interrogative Psychology: the Ethics of Private Thought" and "Democracy: Where does it fit in?" The SOA will also offer a range of fieldwork-based units on firearm and explosives safety, small group functioning, and human physiology with an emphasis on how to avoid causing unecessary pain, suffering or death in one's aquaintances.

"This initiative has the President's full support - many's the time I've come into the room while he has been watching TV newscasts featuring gang youths and found the President overcome with emotion. He has decided to do everything he can to help these poor boys and girls", said Ms Bowes. "By consolidating the skill set they already possess, and bridging deficient knowledge areas to create a viable career raft, the President feels positive that these people will become productive members of society. Futhermore, the skill sets with which participants will leave the School of the Americas will exactly fulfill the upcoming need for counter-terrorist and counter-dissent operatives".

"Some folks question how social misfits, drug addicts, and messed-up kids can be retrained to productivity. Well, this is the Land of Opportunity and the sky's the limit for anyone with a "can do" attitude " said Ms Bowes, quoting the President.

"This administration values the American family and to show our support of this important social institution, the first places on this course will be open to youths recommended by their family to the President's School of the Americas Outreach Program. So if you want to see your troubled teenager put on the road to a successful carreer, don't delay. Past alumni of this prestigious school are honored at School of Americas Watch," offered Ms Bowes.

Two further programs are outlined: Solution Green and Childcare For Toddlers At Risk.

Solution Green is "a way in which older Americans can volunteer to make an on going contribution to the reforrestation of this country" by helping to fertilise tree plantings. Harry Harrison, Under Secretary for the National Parks Service, praised this initiative as "killing two birds with one stone".

Childcare For Toddlers At Risk will provide for male veterans and disabled alumni of the School of the Americas, by creating kindergartens open to the younger brothers and sisters of children attending the SOA outreach units. "The synergies attainable here are quite unique" enthused Ms Bowes. "Many of these children are lacking in both discipline and a male authority figure, and childcare is practically second nature to all graduates of the SOA. With the foundations laid in these kindergartens we feel certain that these children will become an asset for America's future."

I cant even be bothered to read it [nt] (none / 0) (#2)
by PotatoError on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 05:39:58 AM PST


Now that's a coincidence (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by iat on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 06:54:09 AM PST
That's precisely what all the Adequacy editors say every time you submit a story, shortly before we hit the "Delete Story" button. - love it or leave it.

they just end up as diaries you know (5.00 / 1) (#4)
by PotatoError on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 07:22:17 AM PST
every time

Not funny (none / 0) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 05:56:47 PM PST
If it want for the School of the Americas, you wouldn't have no Ricky Martins or Sammy Sosas or naked Brazillian supermodels because all of the Americas south of the border would be a totallitarian death camp like CUBA!

So shut up with your effete satire you liberal poindexters!

Yes terrorism must be used to defend the USA. (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 7th, 2002 at 09:00:30 AM PST
Although the Declaration of Independence declares all men to be created equal it should be obvious to every person of normal intelligence that only citizens of the USA will be able to be sheltered under the protection of this goverment and that foriegn nationals will at times be subjected to US backed terrorist attacks if US interests require such action.

Funny... (none / 0) (#9)
by Illiterate Bum on Sun Jun 2nd, 2002 at 10:49:42 PM PST
Hmm. Thought running across this story was a funny little coincidence, being in S. America right now. I was in a small church in Colombia a couple of weeks ago, and saw a group of men with assault rifles slung around their shoulders kneeling in front of the cross... that image stuck with me for some reason.

I remember attending the A20 rallies in DC this year for academic purposes (and it was an intensely interesting rally from a sociological POV), tagging along with the SOA protestors for most of the ride. Remember doing a story on the march on Fort Benning for Pitchfork last November. Also fondly remember crossing the line with the lot of them.

Apologies. Tired and babbling. Here are some links. The name's been changed to the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation. Here's some interesting non-biased information on it. And here's AI's take on the whole thing. It's a PDF file, so it'll take a few minutes for the 56k users out there.

I like Project Green. And why have the SOA adopt and train the kids? We already have a very good institution that could teach essentially the same things. They would also have the benefit of drawing from the years of research that they put into the subject of mind control.

"...normal, balanced people do not waste time posting to weblogs." --tkatchev

Got camera? (none / 0) (#12)
by gordonjcp on Tue Jun 4th, 2002 at 04:42:38 AM PST
Hmm. Thought running across this story was a funny little coincidence, being in S. America right now. I was in a small church in Colombia a couple of weeks ago, and saw a group of men with assault rifles slung around their shoulders kneeling in front of the cross... that image stuck with me for some reason.

A photo of that would be brilliant. I bet it would easily replace the Che Guevara photo on t-shirts etc....

Actually, yes. (none / 0) (#13)
by Illiterate Bum on Wed Jun 5th, 2002 at 03:06:10 AM PST
When I get back to the States in another couple of months all the photos taken on the trip will be placed on the Sociology Dept. website at U. of Chicago. As to which professor's site they'll be stuck on is still up in the air.

"...normal, balanced people do not waste time posting to weblogs." --tkatchev

Hey (0.00 / 1) (#10)
by PotatoError on Mon Jun 3rd, 2002 at 06:43:33 AM PST
At the moment im listening to Korn

School of Americas doesn't exist. (none / 0) (#11)
by borehawg on Mon Jun 3rd, 2002 at 09:42:03 AM PST
"On January 17, 2001 the SOA [School of Americas] was replaced by the Western Hemisphere Institute for Security Cooperation (WHISC)."

I think this school would look good on my resume.
-- An Emacs reference mug is what I want. It would hold ten gallons of coffee. -- Steve VanDevender

A rose by any other name... (none / 0) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Jun 7th, 2002 at 08:16:20 AM PST
A rose by any other name would smell as sweet." - W.Shakespeare from "Romeo & Juliet"


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