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   Comments by Craig McPherson   


Comment Title

Posted to Story

Aug 29, 2001

I'm glad I'm a Libertarian! My Neighbor Is Allowed To Own A Pot-Head Neo-Nazi Juvenile-Delinquent Street Punk With Purple Hair,

Aug 31, 2001

You are SO right! My Neighbor Is Allowed To Own A Pot-Head Neo-Nazi Juvenile-Delinquent Street Punk With Purple Hair,

Aug 31, 2001

Throw out the dictionary you got from a cereal box Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

Once again -- check your facts. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

Nitrogen, Nitrates, and the Nitrogen Cycle Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

I fail to see humour anywhere on this site. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

Yes. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

Could someone PLEASE do some troll control? Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

So you can copy/paste/edit fake definitions. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

Brave words... Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Aug 31, 2001

+1, FP The Death of Free Software

Sep 01, 2001

Golgotha My Neighbor Is Allowed To Own A Pot-Head Neo-Nazi Juvenile-Delinquent Street Punk With Purple Hair,

Sep 01, 2001

Re: My Neighbor Is Allowed To Own A Pot-Head Neo-Nazi Juvenile-Delinquent Street Punk With Purple Hair,

Sep 01, 2001

Doesn't change the fact that Communism fails. The Death of Free Software

Sep 01, 2001

Possible illegal material on Adequacy? Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 01, 2001

Re: FP My Neighbor Is Allowed To Own A Pot-Head Neo-Nazi Juvenile-Delinquent Street Punk With Purple Hair,

Sep 01, 2001

Put down the crack pipe. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 01, 2001

I'll bet you have very, very long hair, right? The Death of Free Software

Sep 01, 2001

Brilliant, brilliant. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

I defended myself just fine, child. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

If you'd actually read... Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

Okay, that's nice, but... Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

The Sonny Bonno copyright extension act. Are not even our schools safe from intellectual property theft?

Sep 02, 2001

BC -- you are a great and noble person. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

What in the name of "Gaia" are you talki Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

Ad Hominem Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

Thank you! Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

RFQs? Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 1 of 2)

Sep 02, 2001

Is there a connection between Canada and Anime? Canada

Sep 03, 2001

Linux v Windows An Essay on Microsoft

Sep 03, 2001

Comment a new hope

Sep 03, 2001

First of all... The Death of Free Software

Sep 03, 2001

Copyright Law Are not even our schools safe from intellectual property theft?

Sep 03, 2001

Yes, but... a new hope

Sep 03, 2001

Is there any chance of a compromise? Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 03, 2001

As I expected, there has been no serious objection Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 03, 2001

Umm... What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 03, 2001

Okay. a new hope

Sep 03, 2001

Since when is India in the Southern Hemisphere? Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 03, 2001

Eerie duality? a new hope

Sep 03, 2001

Can you be so sure of your claims? Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 03, 2001

Understandable. Geography is very subjective. Global Warming: A Proactive Solution (Part 2 of 2)

Sep 03, 2001

You're being wrongly pedantic. Are not even our schools safe from intellectual property theft?

Sep 03, 2001

Dangerous Communist overtones in that cartoon. Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 03, 2001

Starvation Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 03, 2001

Ratings... Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 03, 2001

Infantile gay insults and crappy stories Boo Hoo No. 2

Sep 03, 2001

Hacker tools. Favorite operating system

Sep 04, 2001

Electrolysis? What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 04, 2001

Certainly Communist. How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 04, 2001

There's no "Universal Declaration of Human Ri Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 04, 2001

I have only one problem with your recent comment. Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 04, 2001

Yes, the FAQ is terribly difficult to read. How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 04, 2001

w0w, u r 1337 d00d! Favorite operating system

Sep 04, 2001

Criminal OS for criminals by criminals. Criminal. Favorite operating system

Sep 04, 2001

I agree with part of your post, but... The Death of Free Software

Sep 04, 2001

You're WRONG and you're a GROTESQUELY UGLY FREAK!! Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 04, 2001

What happens to the old front page polls? Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 04, 2001

Looks like it's still on the server... Best way to spend time with friends:

Sep 04, 2001

Don't give me that. Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 04, 2001

You'll agree with him NOW! Open Letter to the USA: Please Don't Drown Me

Sep 04, 2001

About the Pro-Linux images on my webspace. How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

If I were to create a website about beards... What am I supposed to do with all of this?

Sep 05, 2001

Well met! Hi!

Sep 05, 2001

Get a haircut, get a real job... How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

Tolerable. Hi!

Sep 05, 2001

I'm "JEST" about tired of you complainin How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 05, 2001

Hi Elby!

Sep 05, 2001

Assumptions from ignorance. Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 05, 2001

Good to know you support stealing from artists. Are not even our schools safe from intellectual property theft?

Sep 05, 2001

"Separation of Church and State" nonexis Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 07, 2001

The official Libertarian response. Don't Go In The Water

Sep 07, 2001

Anal sex is Necrophilia. 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 07, 2001

"American" correct term for person from Fucked Off By Usians

Sep 07, 2001

Explaining their existence. Are not even our schools safe from intellectual property theft?

Sep 07, 2001

Dangerous territory. Happy Labor Day -- Now Get Lost

Sep 07, 2001

Sarcasm is the tool of a weak mind. Favorite operating system

Sep 07, 2001

Yes, our kids DO use a superior operating system. Favorite operating system

Sep 07, 2001

It doesn't matter who they come from. Favorite operating system

Sep 07, 2001

UNIX ping a criminal tool. Favorite operating system

Sep 07, 2001

Cat got your tongue? How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 07, 2001

Not without my anus. 'English Style Lovers', with jsm

Sep 08, 2001

It's a clever idea, but... George Lucas is a Pathetic Dirty Thief!!!

Sep 09, 2001

Revenge of the nerds. How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 09, 2001

Revenge of the Nerds II How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 09, 2001

Revenge of the Nerds III How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 10, 2001

You're WRONG and you're a GROTESQUELY UGLY FREAK! How to increase the lifespan of your PC.

Sep 11, 2001

OSM peace

Oct 10, 2001

Adequacy now unblocked by The Anonymizer. Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

No. A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

An exploration of David Icke A Question for Americans.

Oct 10, 2001

Websense Excellent Work!

Oct 10, 2001

Vivid imagination INDEED!! A Question for Americans.

Oct 11, 2001

Spelling Linux Linux Linux Part Two - Crossing the Linux Fault Threshold

Oct 12, 2001

Canada On the Establishment of a Palestinian State

Oct 12, 2001

Now let's examine every company that uses MS Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 12, 2001

Your allegations are completely wrong. Enough already! Ban programming.

Oct 14, 2001

You're a sick, sick monster. How much Xanax will be adequate?

Oct 15, 2001

There are always exceptions to every rule. Genetic Warfare and Matrilineal Cultures

Oct 15, 2001

Heavy Hitters?? Review: Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition

Oct 16, 2001

Warren Review: Abstract Algebra, 2nd Edition

Oct 16, 2001

The judge. The word.

Oct 17, 2001

Your question. Justice for the Victims of 9/11 ! :: (a minority viewpoint)

Oct 18, 2001

Global Warming not a problem anyway. Environmental Doomsday Clock stutters?

Oct 18, 2001

I object to the term "people of colour." My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

Not all Muslims are extremists. Islam: What is it?

Oct 18, 2001

Some basic physics for you. My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

The "true" Catholic Church. My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 18, 2001

More informational links on Islam. Islam: What is it?

Oct 19, 2001

Can you actually READ the dictionary? My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 19, 2001

Gladly. The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 19, 2001

By my reasoning. The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

You're seriously misguided. The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 20, 2001

Easy enough! My neighbors are foreigners, and they don't fly a flag

Oct 20, 2001

All right, fair enough. The US Constitution - past its sell-by date ?

Oct 25, 2001

Sickboy Millennium

Oct 25, 2001

Teenage daughter. I'm researching stalkers

Oct 27, 2001

Fantasy author Terry Brooks joins the exploitation Anthrax - Some factual corrections, but no apology.

Oct 28, 2001

Definition, "Troll" I nearly read the whole internet!

Oct 31, 2001

Natalie Portman, naked and petrified. Why Natalie Portman Is Better Than Any Of You

Nov 03, 2001

Test, please ignore.

Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


Nov 03, 2001


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