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Most of us never bother to think about what Labor Day is supposed to symbolize. To the majority of people, it's just another three-day weekend. To many, Labor Day represents yet another meaningless "feel-good" liberalist holiday such as Martin Luther King Day. It's an excuse to fire up the grill, kick back in the hammock, watch a ball game, and participate in any number of time-honored American traditions. (All of this, of course, is at the expense of your employer, who is required by federal law to give you this day off.)
But are the institutions that Labor Day is intended to honor -- labor unions -- worth celebrating? Or are they instruments of leftivist hatred, a plot to trick Americans into accepting totalitarianism? We shall see. |
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Labor unions remain one of the filthiest and most immoral ideas that leftivists
in this nation have ever concocted. They are anti-business, they destroy
productivity, they reduce quality, and they are diametrically opposed to the
Scriptural principles on which this nation was founded. In short, there is
not one redeeming thing about labor unions; not one single thing.
And yet liberals will stop at nothing in their defense of labor unions. These slobbering zealots will often invent falsehoods in support of their position. A common example has to do with workplace safety; liberals say "Unions are required in order to make sure that people have a safe workplace!" This is an unbelievably hateful lie. The fact of the matter is that workplace safety is something that would be guaranteed by the free market -- if the government ever allowed the free market to reign. If a company had an unsafe workplace, all that its employees would have to do is quit and take their skills to another employer with a safer workplace. Problem solved. This is simple logic, which explains why it eludes so many liberals. The fact of the matter is that the free market, if it is given a chance to actually work, will guarantee all of the things that labor unions claim to fight for. The unregulated free market will naturally favor employers who offer the best wages, the safest workplaces, the most feature-rich benefits packages, etc. Companies that have hazardous workplaces and poor salaries are going to fail because nobody will want to work for them. For example, the other day while I was driving to work, I happened to pass an electronics component supplier. There was a man out mowing the factory's lawn; he was riding on a large John Deere mower. This man was wearing a heavy jacket (the temperature was about 80 degrees that day), a pair of wrap-around safety goggles, a hard hat, and a set of earmuffs! I thought "Dear Lord, what has this world come to?" A decade ago, there is no way that the decent working people of this country would accept such leftivist/ unionistic intrusions on their freedoms. But today, people just accept it. They've stopped asking questions. They no longer resist. They just do as they're told, because that's exactly what the leftists want them to do. Liberals love safety goggles and earmuffs. They have a hardon for hard hats. The ACLU ought to include a pair of steel-toed "safety boots" with every new membership (all the better to goose-step with, my dear!) The only way that liberalism works is if the people are blinded to the truth and coddled with a false sense of security. Leftivists make all sorts of promises about how the government is going to take care of you (i.e., Social Security) as long as you sacrifice some of your paycheck "for the common good." Social Security is no different than the hard hats that liberal unions force people to wear. The entire purpose is to provide people with a false sense of security while at the same time accomplishing the REAL goal: controlling people's lives. When a union boss says that you've got to do your job with a pair of safety gloves on, he doesn't care one bit about your safety. All that he really cares about is making you comply with leftist orders. You're being conditioned for the day that government agents show up on your front porch and demand that you turn over your guns and your Bible. But by far the worst thing about unions is the manner in which they can orchestrate work stoppages ("strikes"). Depending on what line of work the strikers are in, this can result in great inconvenience for a large number of people, but that's just the tip of the iceberg: these strikes can result in businesses losing millions, if not billions of dollars worth of wealth. America is a capitalist, Christian nation, and our survival revolves around our ability to create wealth and to provide for ourselves. It can therefore be said that an attack on our wealth creation potential is an attack on America itself. When the camel jockeys blew up the World Trade Center, they attacked our nation and did millions of dollars worth of damage. But is a labor strike orchestrated by union bosses any different, from a conceptual point of view? Let's call labor strikes what they really are: terrorism. The United States has always taken a hard line against terrorism. We initiated an attack against terrorist training camps in Afghanistan as a result of the African embassy bombings. We struck strategic targets in Libya when it was discovered that Khadaffi was involved in the infamous Beirut night club bombing. With history as a precendent, what should stop us from hitting the headquarters of the United Auto Workers union with a couple of cruise missiles the next time that Ford or GM workers lay their tools down and step up to the picket line? And let's not forget one of labor's most embarassing problems: they are nearly exclusively run by organized crime. Do the names Jimmy Hoffa and James Sweeney ring a bell? As an American, does it make you feel better to know that the American car that you're driving was assembled by a worker who is under the thumb of some greasy Italian with a snub-nosed .38? In some ways, it's fitting; the behavior of labor unions is so hateful and anti-Christical that you would expect organized crime to be behind it. Here's the bottom line: Liberalism is a disease, and the presence of labor unions is one of the symptoms. Labor unions force employers and employees to conform to outrageous rules and regulations, and they do so in order to desensitize people to an even bigger and more intrusive government than we already have. Hatred of Christ is a fundamental component of all labor unions. Worst of all, labor unions engage in acts of terrorism against the United States of America, and they do it several times a year. The solution? Let's start with a federal law calling for the mandatory dissolution of all labor unions. The moral community can then begin mopping up the mess by going after all of the old union bosses and syndicate members and putting them where they belong: in a jail cell. We can then allow the free market to run its course, and let the chips fall where they may. This country witnessed unprecedented economic growth before the introduction of labor unions, and once we have abolished these unions, we will witness it again. But it's going to take courage, steadfastness, and most of all faith .. faith both in God Almighty and in the forces of capitalism. Unfortunately for the liberals, neither God nor capitalism has let us down thus far.
Sorry, liberals. The truth hurts, doesn't it? |
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