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Canada should be
annexed to the US, and forced to move out of their igloos. 22%
turned into a dumping ground for American criminals. 0%
annexed to the EU, so they'll still suck but we could laugh at them more because they'd all be gay. 22%
turned into a dumping ground for Austrailian criminals. 0%
sunk into the ocean. 11%
who cares? There's no one there anyway. 22%
turned into a gigantic shrine to Natalie Portman. 22%

Votes: 18


 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Sep 01, 2001
is a horribly dreary place where the restaurants don't carry DR. Pepper. I can not put into words my relief and pleasure at returning to a civilized country. Before I was in Canada, I was in Minneapolis! When I accepted a travel job, I thought it would be an enjoyable way to see new places and be exposed to new ways of life. I had no idea that they would send me to third-world countries and states that don't even have a Republican governor!

POLL: Canada should be...

More diaries by CaptainZornchugger
Why do I feel that I've stepped into a hostile debate club meeting?
Hey fluffy grue,
I like the green patches that appear in a potato
George Harrison is dead.
Well, I'm back now. In the time I was gone, Adequacy appears to have returned. K5, on the other hand, disappeared at some point. Which is OK. I've stopped reading it anyway, except for the posts of a few select individuals, and they rarely seem to post anymore.

The unfortunate facet of being an on-site consultant is that you actually have to do real work. That means spending half the day on various discussion boards is quite out of the question. When somebody's paying your company $200 an hour plus travel, meals and lodging to have you there, they tend to get pretty upset to find out you're just surfing the net. Even in the evenings, it's considered appropriate to spend time at bars and restaurants discussing the project with your clients and colleagues, so work, in a sense, continues. I had my violin, Sherry, with me the whole time, and only got a chance to pull her out of her case twice. At any rate, I'm back now, and should be permitted to remain in Atlanta for at least a couple of weeks.

So, cheers. I'm going to have something to drink now.

Eh? (5.00 / 4) (#1)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 1st, 2001 at 05:21:51 PM PST
O Canada, eh!
Our home and native land, eh!
True patriot love, eh, in all thy sons command, eh.
With glowing hearts we see thee rise, eh,
The True North strong and free, eh!
O Canada, eh, we stand on guard for thee, eh.
O Canada, eh, we stand on guard for thee, eh.

Is there a connection between Canada and Anime? (4.20 / 5) (#2)
by Craig McPherson on Sun Sep 2nd, 2001 at 10:44:26 PM PST
Canad, eh? What can you say about a country whose major exports are ice, cold air, and annoying celebrities?

Well, you could probably say a lot, but I'm not going to.

Recently, I was watching the DVD release of the well-known Japanese animation "Akira." (I'm not one of those fat, drooling Anime freaks, I promise. I didn't buy it, I promise. I was watching a friend's copy. I mean, he's not even my friend. I hate him. I punch him in the face regularly.) Anyway, it was a pretty screwed-up movie.

First, I watched the English dub, and it didn't make any sense.

Then I watched it again, Japanese with English subtitles, and it didn't make any sense.

Finally, I watched it in Japanese (which I don't speak) with no subtitles, and oddly enough it made a lot more sense than either of the previous two times.

Now, here's the weird part. About 75% of the movie consisted of two Anime street punks yelling the following lines back and forth at each other:

#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!
#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!
#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!
#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!
#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!
#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!

It went on like that for the rest of the movie.

Here's how it ended:

#1: Canada!
#2: Tetsuo!
#1: I am Tetsuo!
The end.


The only thing I could figure out is that one of the characters must have been Canadian. The guy telling "Canada!" over and over seemed to be a robot or something. I'll bet he was manufactured in Canada or something, and that's why he kept crying out for his "motherland."

I never found out why the word "Tetsuo" wasn't translatted or what it meant. Based on the context of the movie, I'd guess it means "I am gay" or something like that.

Filling in the script with some logical analysis and deduction, the script thus becomes this:

#1: I'm Canadian!
#2: I am homosexual!
#1: I'm Canadian!
#2: I am homosexual!
#1: I'm Canadian!
#2: I am homosexual!
#1: I'm Canadian!
#2: I am homosexual!
#1: I'm Canadian!
#2: I am homosexual!
#1: I'm Canadian!
#2: I am homosexual!
(Big explosion)
#1: I, also, am a homosexual!

Japanese people are messed up.

If you want to know why Lunix is so screwed up, just take a look at the people who use it. Idiocy.

I know what you mean (5.00 / 4) (#3)
by iat on Wed Sep 5th, 2001 at 08:13:39 AM PST
I saw Akira many years ago, and the only thing I can remember (other than how dull and over-rated it was) was the everpresent dialogue of:


I have it on good authority that "Tetsuo" is the Japanese equivalent of the name "Peter". I'm not sure what "Canada" translates as, but it's probably something equally mundane like "Ian" or something. So the script translates as:


...which sounds suspiciously like the dialog of a gay porn flick. So your analysis of the film was pretty accurate. - love it or leave it.


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