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 Isolationism Versus Go-F*ck-Yourself-ism

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Aug 07, 2001
In recent months, many parties have been making accusations that the United States is becoming "isolationist." In particular, these attacks have been aimed at the administration of President George W. Bush and its stance on issues such as the Kyoto Protocol, national missile defense (NMD), embryonic stem cell research (ESCR), and other things that the United States has a vested interest in (or against). These charges have been coming from the socialist European Union, the Communist Chinese, the "democratic" (in name only) Russian Federation, and even from the left wing of the United States' own Democratic party!

I have to ask: In what bizarre alternate reality is Bush, a decent and honorable man with a firmly-rooted moral compass, obligated to listen to these collectivist miscreants?


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[ Note: This is an extended commentary that came about from my investigative report, "Gutless in Seattle." After doing some thinking about the Kyoto Protocol and the world pressure on the United States to conform to it, I am offering some thoughts on how the United States should respond to all of this unwelcome "advice". Take from it what you will. ]

First of all, I apologize for the crudity of the title to this article. The use of profanity is immoral and should only be done to make a point. (This is a lesson that the blacks would do well to learn.) As it turns out, in this case there is a point to be made; it is high time this country took a principled and decidely pointed attitude towards the leftivist agitators that feel like they need to dictate our national policy to us.

Let there be no doubt; there is one (and only one) authority to which President Bush must answer, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ. He does not need to beg permission from Vladimir Putin in order to build a missile shield to protect our children. He doesn't need to grovel in front of Tony Blair and Gerhard Schroeder in order to rip up the Kyoto Protocol and ignore it completely (along with the economic holocaust that it would bring.) He doesn't need to seek advice from some slobbering Vaticanite to come to a principled decision on embryonic stem cell research.

The fact of the matter is this: we are the greatest country ever, on this or any other planet. We have the capability to make our own decisions on these matters, thank you very much. I would say the following to the European Union, the mongoloid apes of Siberia, and the rice-eating Reds: We have heard, and ignored, your opinion. Now please pick up your ball and go home. We will act in the best interest in our nation, whether you like it or not. We neither want nor require your assent.

But is this isolationism? Far from it. George W. Bush is not pulling away from the rest of the world. He's leading it. President Bush is letting the world know that we are going to build a missile shield, and that we will not tolerate countries who would begrudge us that right. He's telling the world that we will not conform to the Kyoto Protocol, and that we will not tolerate nations that do. He's telling the world that embryonic stem cell research is murder, that America will not do it, and that we cannot allow others to do it, either.

If Tony Blair, Gerhard Schroeder, and the deluded leftists that elected them hate America so much that they want to prevent us from protecting our children, churches, etc. from rogue missile attacks, perhaps it's time that we demonstrate the type of incident that we wish to prevent. Perhaps opinions would be changed if we were to fire a few cruise missiles at Buckminster Abbey or wherever the hell these Cockney bastards like to congregate. And just maybe the Krauts would mind their own goddamn business if we dropped a few smart bombs on Berlin.

I wonder if these nations who intend to conform to the Kyoto Protocol would be so conformant if their power plants all of a sudden got into a habit of exploding. That would release quite a bit of greenhouse gases into the air, wouldn't it? I wonder what a few surgical napalm strikes on the lush forests of France would do to their collective will to adhere to this obviously-Communist treaty? (If history is any indicator, it is likely that the French would step out of their homes, hold up their hands, and immediately surrender.) What if a few mudslides were "accidentally" triggered in the Pacific Rim to give the Japs a taste of what they're in for if they actually intend to go ahead with this crazy plan?

Here's the bottom line: I'm sick and tired of having to apologize to the rest of the world for being right. And we (the United States) are not leaving the world stage. What we're doing is telling these cretins to take their socialist policies and their failed ideologies and stick them where the sun don't shine. The United States is not about to drag itself down into Hell, and if I were president, we wouldn't let other nations drag the rest of the globe down there either. Some would disagree with this approach, and call it heavy-handed. I, on the other hand, tend to think that it's our only option.

There's just too much at stake.

Amazingly, I feel for George Bush (5.00 / 2) (#3)
by typical geek on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 11:41:11 AM PST
In high school, I was not the popular, suave admired guy that I am today. I was sort of hated and ridiculed, because not athletically gifted, I wasn't very verbally fluent, and I had a lot of potential as a geek. Apparently, my potential for a full life after high school, and my refusal to play stupid popularity games and kowtow to high school athletes upset the applecart.

Translate this to the world, and I see how George Bush feels. America is the greatest country in the history of the world, we refuse to go along with this commie groupthink about liberal bogey men like Global warming, genetically modified foods, missile defense, land mines,, and he gets castigated in the process.

I say this, and I hope it makes President Bush feel better. Decades down the road, when we have a missile defense, when we have the equivalent of Subic Bay Naval Base on the Moon, when we're driving our large, comfy, fusion powered SUVs while the rest of the world drives pedal powered minicars, America will give you the recognition you deserve.

gcc is to software freedom as guns are to personal freedom.

You typed the question incorrectly, I'm afraid... (none / 0) (#4)
by kaemaril on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 04:02:02 PM PST
You said: ... In what bizarre alternate reality is Bush, a decent and honorable man with a firmly-rooted moral compass...

You added a comma by mistake, I feel. What you undoubtedly meant to ask was:

In what bizarre alternate reality is Bush a decent and honorable man with a firmly-rooted moral compass?

Thank you.

Oh dear... smoking the crack again, eh? (1.00 / 1) (#5)
by Wiggy on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 04:39:23 PM PST
Firstly, you're not the greatest country that has ever existed. In fact, in terms of what the USA has done politically, socially, and culturually I'd say you're running about six or seven. Economics is a different matter - although you're still not quite as high as some other countries that preceeded you on the World Stage.

Secondly, saying that Bush only has to answer to Jesus, is like me saying that I only have to answer to God after I've just broken into a school and anally raped all the 4th graders. That's alright isn't it? I don't have any responsibilities to anybody other than God right? And in MY reading of the Bible I don't think I've done anything wrong. What? You want to put me in prison!? Pah! I only answer to immortals!

Thirdly, China can, and will, kick your butt. They outnumber you 6 to 1. They have leading edge technology so don't think warfare will be a pushover. It's on public record how many warheads the UK, USA, France, etc. all have, however it's rather difficult to get a fix on the Chinese numbers. "A lot" would be a good guess.

Oh yeah, and although I'm sure you think that Bush is making all these descisions because they're the right thing for your country, I really would advise you take a look at who paid for his presidential campaign and "do the math" so to speak. Oil and coal companies with some nice defence companies in there too! Fancy that! Of course, I'm sure that never entered the equation when he was coming up with a load of half-baked policies that don't make any sense domestically or internationally. I'm sure the spin doctors are right. LA is a wonderful place to breathe the clean air, and it doesn't really matter if somebody trys to start a World War just because you want to build a stupid missile shield that will never work anyway.

If it wasn't for the fact that after re-reading your article I had realised that it was was supposed to be satirical, I'd call you a fucking moron (and no, I'm not black, even though I swore!), but instead I'll just say your article sucks and isn't funny. If you're going to try and be satirical, at least make the humour stick, rather than just make yourself look like an arsehole.

You know .. (5.00 / 1) (#7)
by seventypercent on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 07:53:45 PM PST
It really amazes me that there are so many people out there that genuinely hate freedom. They don't just dislike it or find it cumbersome .. they really and truly hate it.

Firstly, you're not the greatest country that has ever existed.

Yes we are.

In fact, in terms of what the USA has done politically, socially, and culturually I'd say you're running about six or seven.

Is that so? I note with amusement that you have not offered your country of origin, nor have you bothered to actually list these "six or seven" countries that you claim surpass the US. Let me ask you: Have any of these other nations landed men on the moon? Have they saved the entire world from being overrun by totalitarian tyranny .. twice? Have their economies propped up those of the entire rest of the world and saved billions from starvation and certain death? Have they promoted the causes of freedom and democracy around the globe?

What's that, you say? They haven't?

Funny, that.

Thirdly, China can, and will, kick your butt. They outnumber you 6 to 1.

Oh, that's rich. A billion and a half Communist rice eaters armed with chopsticks are going to swim to America and knock out the most fearsome and technologically-advanced army in the history of Man? Sheer manpower means nothing if you can't do anything with it.

They have leading edge technology so don't think warfare will be a pushover. It's on public record how many warheads the UK, USA, France, etc. all have, however it's rather difficult to get a fix on the Chinese numbers. "A lot" would be a good guess.

"Leading edge" technology? This is a country that still eats its food with a pair of twigs. The traitorous Bill Clinton may have sold them some of our leading missile secrets, but let's face it .. the Chinese are a slow and dull-witted (but sneaky) people, and without our scientists the secrets are useless. China does have ICBMs that are capable of reaching the US West coast, but their number is limited (a couple of dozen or so.) Note that once Bush sets up our missile defense shield, this will all be academic anyway.

Oh yeah, and although I'm sure you think that Bush is making all these descisions because they're the right thing for your country, I really would advise you take a look at who paid for his presidential campaign and "do the math" so to speak.

Without these "oil and coal companies" that you so despise, you wouldn't be sitting in a comfy chair and reading, the premiere Web site for controversial discussions. I've said it before, and I'll say it again: I'm sick of apologizing for being right. Bush is mounting a moral defense of industry. Without industry, we would still be in the Dark Ages. Of course industry supported Bush. They should have. And we all should support industry. I would say that those who are affiliated with organizations like Greenpeace are enemies of the United States. They clearly hate ever last principle that it was founded on.

If it wasn't for the fact that after re-reading your article I had realised that it was was supposed to be satirical, I'd call you a fucking moron (and no, I'm not black, even though I swore!), but instead I'll just say your article sucks and isn't funny.

If I had intended it as satire, it would be awfully poor satire indeed. I think you would like to believe that it's satire, but that's your cross to bear, not mine.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

70%=Eliteist (1.00 / 1) (#14)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Aug 30th, 2001 at 09:38:19 AM PST
Many of your comments are sprinkled with stereotypes and American bravado. You would rather claim you are right than prove it.

Oh, that's rich. A billion and a half Communist rice eaters armed with chopsticks are going to swim to America and knock out the most fearsome and technologically-advanced army in the history of Man? Sheer manpower means nothing if you can't do anything with it.

Case and point. Sheer intellect means nothing if you can't do anything with it. You have done nothing to prove your opinion has any factual merit, and several responses concur with my opinion.

Chinese nuclear stockpiles (5.00 / 2) (#15)
by finn on Thu Aug 30th, 2001 at 11:10:28 AM PST
it's rather difficult to get a fix on the Chinese numbers [of warheads]
BBC News article - only twenty ICBM's, not exactly what you were talking about, but still relevant to the discussion.

You Go Guy!!!!................. (5.00 / 1) (#6)
by Firehawk on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 07:25:09 PM PST
Finally someone stands up for our first President in eight years. Thank you seventy percent for your support and encouragement of George W. Bush as our nation's 42nd President. Now, if you need some more ideas to annoy the left, try these:

If the nations of the world want to implement the Kyoto protocols, why not have th eEuropean Union lead us by example? Let nations like Sweden and Germany get rid of their own cars and use animals for transportation? I mean, if the Europeans are not ready to implement their own standards on their own, why should we?

Missile Defense? Why Gasp! It might make the Russians nervous and give the Chinese an excuse to build more nuclear weapons. These are the same arguments used by the left during the cold war to stop the development and use of any and all nuclear weapons. IF this is the case, then why are we building an ABM system for the state of Israel? If you want to see this program, which is called the Arrow 2, then go to the Federation of American Scientists website on the Arrow 2 program and see it for yourself. I mean why should we build strategic defenses for another country when we will nott defend our selves?

Until tomorrow, same FireTime, Same FireChannel.......

arse!! (none / 0) (#8)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Aug 22nd, 2001 at 06:57:35 AM PST
Can I reccomend that you read a book entitled The Next American Century by Nicholas Guyatt.
This book studies the behaviour of the USA on the world political, economical and sociological playing field.
The outlook looks bad for the rest of us. People are slowly realising that America is not a fit world leader.

your forefathers stole land from the native americans
You built your wealth on the backs of slaves and refuse to compensate their desendents
You stole spain's colonies from it in the name of liberation
You continue to exploit the rest of the world to sustain your way of life

I'm not trying to say that any other country would have done any better, but to claim that america is the greatest nation in the history of humanity... well, you certainly are the most powerful ( but that's most of the problem ), but a country that has more than 1% of it's population in prison.. I mean come on.... you're not even a nation anymore.. you are so divided.. jees.. maybe I shouldn't have taken the bait on this troll..but the author seemed to inist it wasn't one....

I'm not saying you have nothing to be proud of. You should celebrate your great achievements, but you must admit to your wrongdoings and pay the penalties..

The US under the clinton administration cripled the UN
You continue to prevent the formation of an international criminal court *unless* US citizens are expempt from prosecution... come one.. that's rediculous...what are your politicians afraid of??
I give up.. I have had this argument for years.. it goes nowhere.. we are all human afterall.

poor satire (none / 0) (#9)
by Nobody on Fri Aug 24th, 2001 at 07:14:35 AM PST
"there is one (and only one) authority to which President Bush must answer, and that is the Lord Jesus Christ"

Right ... so you have a go at the rest of the world for imposing their opinions on you ... and then you yourself impose your Christianity on everyone else ... you bloody hypocrite!

"I would say the following to the [rest of the world]: We have heard, and ignored, your opinion."
"He's telling the world that we will not conform to the Kyoto Protocol, and that we will not tolerate nations that do..."
"He's telling the world that embryonic stem cell research is murder, that America will not do it, and that we cannot allow others to do it, either."

Hang on ... so what you're saying is this: "We will ignore what the rest of the world tells us to do. However we expect the rest of the world to do what we tell them to do." In other words you've appointed yourselves as the world leaders?! Hell seventypercent, why don't you appoint yourself as the president while you're at it?

"we are the greatest country ever"

...riiiight, based on criteria which you decided yourself. I could equally argue "China is the greatest country in the world because they eat the most rice". More seriously, I could say that America scores pretty low in terms of open-mindedness and cultural awareness, if your opinions are representative of your nation. I note particularly your generalisations about blacks, the "Krauts", the "Reds", the English... FYI Cockneys are people from South London, not English people in general, you fool. Your choice of terminology is as well researched as your pseudo-opinions on the rest of the world.

"we are the greatest country ever, on this or any other planet"

Any other planet?!!!! What are you on? And where can I get some? :)

I can only interpret this article as poor satire. Embarrassed at the criticism, you will no doubt try to claim it was serious.

If no-one had criticised your satire, I suspect that you would have responded "it's satire you idiot!!"

Actually (none / 0) (#10)
by seventypercent on Fri Aug 24th, 2001 at 09:04:46 AM PST
This is pretty typical. There are people who have been brought up in a leftivist society, being spoon-fed propaganda by liberals who wouldn't know the truth from a hole in the ground. Then when these people actually get a chance to read the truth, they are so bewildered that their intellectual self-defense kicks in and cries "Satire!" You may consider the article to be satire. You may consider it to be horse manure. You are free to regard it in whatever manner you see fit. It is my duty to inform you, however, that nothing you say about it will change its truthfulness. And I stand by it.

Red-blooded patriots do not use Linux.

ooh, what big words!! (none / 0) (#13)
by Nobody on Tue Aug 28th, 2001 at 06:36:19 AM PST
"I'm right. So there."
[insert fingers into ears and poke tongue out]

Here's the heart of the problem (none / 0) (#11)
by lowapproach on Sat Aug 25th, 2001 at 08:30:28 AM PST
We have technologies which facilitate instantaneous communication and awareness of situations anywhere on the terrestrial globe as they occur. We work for companies and agencies which, though having offices predominantly in one country or another, can affect any nation-state on the planet. We have sensibilities refined by the theological inheritances of Western culture, prodding us to act on behalf of those less fortunate than ourselves.

Why, then, is globalism at the government level such a failure?

1) Individuality and nationalism foster concepts of difference and separation from other people, and the best way to feel a part of world culture is to live, dress and speak as everyone else does.

2) Fear of outsiders throughout the world has not diminished to a point where the primary task of any government has changed, i.e. to maintain order within its boundaries and deter aggression from outside.

3) The United Nations has no democratic mandate, receives almost all of its operating budget from the United States and Europe, and is in general a pawn of interests with the money and influence to make it seem less ineffectual than it is.

All of those things being said, I don't agree with the President on all or even most of his policies, but I would like him still less if he appeared beholden to the envious, idiotic and maniacal elements that make up our peers in the community of nation-states.

Occam's Razor (5.00 / 1) (#12)
by localroger on Sat Aug 25th, 2001 at 06:41:12 PM PST
Unfortunately your bold declaration in favor of His Bushness does not answer the facts as well as a much simpler observation. Mad King George the Younger has no vision, bold or otherwise. He doesn't care whether this country is safe or not. He doesn't care about anything except money and the people who get it to him.

As Molly Ivins said in Shrub, "The bidness of bidness is bidness." Bush Jr. told a galaxy of lies during his campaign to squeak in with just under half the vote (what a shining example we set for the democracies of the world). The day he took the oath of office he put the "compassionate conservatism" of his campaign on a shelf and dusted off the paybacks he owed to his campaign contributors and affiliated political hacks.

We're not going to build a missile shield. Maybe not for lack of trying, but because we don't know how to build a missile shield. All the best thinking says it can't and won't work and that if we do build one the nukes will come across the border in FedEx packages instead. But Bush the Junior's industry pals will get rich trying, which is the real point.

Bush's concern for the lives of blastocysts would be more touching if it extended to people who have actually been born. He actually doesn't care himself; you can hear it in his squeaky, uncertain voice. But the sex-hating control freaks who want to use pregnancy as punishment are too important a part of his bloc for him to blow off.

Bush's friends want free sewage so in their interest he offers to turn the world into a sewer. We drink their sewage and get cancer and it all goes down because our "betters" are too goddamn stupid to realize that arsenic and radioactive waste will kill them and their children, too.

Gore Vidal had the right idea but Italy just isn't far enough away to be rid of these cocksuckers. Time to reread Red Mars so I'll feel like getting up tomorrow morning.


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