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Sports - An American ideal.
The very word on its own conjours up images of a proud father watching his happy children enjoying a game of little league baseball. Or perhaps it brings fond memories of watching the ball game with your buddies over a couple of brews. For a very very small group of Americans, actual participation in sports such as running or weightlifting can improve their self esteem, and physical wellbeing. However, what most people seem to overlook when they consider sports is that they are the prime direct cause of racism in America today. In this article I will give a simple explanation of why this is so, and then go on to suggest some modest remedial actions which will address this serious issue. |
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"Sport is the main cause of Racism in America today"
A controversial opinion perhaps. But let us examine why I believe it to be true. It all stems from what I call 'the cancer of competition'. In American society, to call someone 'competitive' is a compliment of the highest order. Our society values the aggressor, the winner, In the words of the Queen song "We Are the Champions" - we have no time for losers. You could go so far as to say America is a 'winner-takes-all' culture. There is almost no insult worse than to accuse someone of being a 'loser'. It is important to bear this key facet of the American psyche in mind when trying to analyse the growing phenomenon of sports-fuelled racism. Other societies less racist than ours, do not have this notion of competitiveness. In England for example, it is far more important to be seen as a good sportsman, than to win the game. Indeed to call someone a 'good loser' is a compliment over there. The English have exactly the correct attitude. Sports are a diversion, not to be taken seriously by anyone with any amount class or breeding. The Englishman is indifferent to the outcome of a mere sports fixture, having his mind set on higher things (like the vast body of art and literature his fellow Englishmen have bestowed upon a grateful world, or the civilizing legacy of the British Empire, still appreciated by third-world natives everywhere each time they drink a glass of clean water or drive on a pothole-free road, or his Monarchy, the envy of the entire world). The Englishman has a noble history and a lovely Queen and Royal Family to feel good about. He has little need of sporting victory to boost his self-esteem. This goes a long way toward explaining why there is little or no racism in 21st century Britain. America by contrast seems obsessed with sports. From Wrestling to Golf, from Baseball to Gridiron, from Bowling to Fly Fishing, from synchronized swimming to Dwarf-tossing - America's TV stations pump out sport (like an improbably lenghty ejaculation in a porn movie) on over 400 channels 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year, 100 years a century. We cannot get enough. And it would all be fine, except for one thing. Americans care about the outcome of these games. We genuinely feel good when our team win. We feel a genuine HATE for the opposition in defeat. Which brings us onto my argument that racism is caused by sports. The first premise which nobody will disagree with is that all sports have winners and losers. We can guarantee that when the game is over, one group of playes will be ecstatic with the joy of winning, and the other team will be downcast and sullen, humiliated by nothing more than their own stupidity in taking something as trivial as the outcome of a game of (for example) basketball seriously. Depressed by the inability to move a small spherical object into a contrived position more times than the other team. It is a rather pathetic sight. It goes on, the supporters of the winning basketball team will be elated, and likewise the supporters of the losing team will feel as if their world has just collapsed, or as if a favorite faithful dog just got broadsided by a semi truck. Again, all this pain and anguish caused by something as stupid as caring about basketball. So how does this cause racism ? It is simple. Because America has de-segregated sports, there will doubtless be a mixture of races in any given basketball team. One team (lets call them Team 'A') might have 9 African Americans, and one White, while another team (lets call them Team 'B') may have 10 African Americans and no whites. What happens when team 'A' loses to team 'B' ? - The inbuilt racism of both Whites and African Americans comes to the fore. The winning team (with 10 African Americans) will wonder why they won. They will look around at their team mates, and see nothing but dark faces. Then they will look at the losing side. Their eyes will alight on the one thing that makes team 'A' seem different - the unusual presence of a white Anglo Saxon or European player amongst the ranks. The obvious conclusion will then be drawn, which is: "we won because we have an all-black team" The seeds of racism have been sewn, in this case the All African American team will be feeling mighty superior to the 'mongrel' team. Over in the Team 'A's locker room, there will be more post-game analysis. And yet again it will lead racism rearing its ugly head, as the 9 African American players naturaly focus on the one thing that made their losing team different from team 'B' - the presence of a white man (or 'honkey' as they may secretly think of him) on their otherwise racially pure basketball team. The insidious sin of racism will gradually grow like a tumor, until all the African Americans on Team 'A' are baying and screaming for white blood to avenge their 88-91 humiliation. Meanwhile, team A's lone Caucasian is feeling utterly dejected. He is wondering secretly if the African-American 'Brothers' on his team actually gave him a fair crack of the whip ? Could it be that their subconcious racism led them to pass the ball to an alternative player, when he was in fact in the best position to recieve it ? Now this shocking example only considers the players. But consider the viewers, the fans - they are most likely having similar thoughts. Indeed we can tabulate the explosion of sport-driven racism in a scientific manner to prove my point as follows: These people will feel humiliation and racist hate for the all black team that 'proved' the racial inferiority of the white man by defeating him in the basketball game. The white player on team A represents the hopes and dreams of all White Americans, put to a dramatic end by a team of superior Nubian athletes, having the unfair advantage of racial purity.
These people will be seething with racist frustration. Knowing that their team lost because of the one weakest (or should that be whitest ?) link. Their resentment may result in an increase of unprovoked racial attacks on whites in African-American areas of town.
Nothing can remove the sour taste of racial subjugation from these poor white's mouths. They already have a hard time supporting a team composed entirely of strong Black role-models. But to see their team defeat a team containing one of their racial compatriots just makes the cognitive dissonance too much to bear, resulting in a kind of tidal wave of self-hate, which manifests itself as a an outpouring of racist violence against the nearest African-American target.
These people have just had their racial prejudices confirmed. The mighty all-black team has wiped the floor with the racially compromised team, but instead of feeling happy and rejoicing in the superiority of their race on the basketball court, this victory simply reminds them of how they are held back in daily life: For example, they think how much better America would be if Congress and the Senate were all African-American affairs. Surely things would be better, given the superior verbal skills of the Black race (demostrated by the large number of rappers who are black). This then causes simmering resentment which boils over into a display of racial violence and looting, the like of which has seldom been seen before.
As you can see, here I have scientifically demonstrated (see above table) how racism is fuelled by sports, and in particular by racially mixed sporting events. But is it one thing to describe a problem, but it is quite another to solve it. But as with most problems, the solutions are there, and as with almost all problems no matter how intractable the solution involves a twin pronged attack of taxation, and technology I have clearly demonstrated that racial violence and racism in America is caused by racially integrated sporting events. My 'table of racism' proves conclusively that we are all affected by this, black and white alike. At first sight, a solution to the problem seems obvious - and I bet you thought of it long before getting as far as this. The obvious solution is to ban racially mixed sporting events. In other words, turn the clock back a few years to the days when we had a separate African American basketball league. But like all 'obvious' solutions, there is a big drawback. In this case, we could be seen to be encouraging the very racism we are seeking to destroy. By segregating all sports, we run the risk of being seen as promoters of Apartheid, a throwback to the days of lynching and slavery. So, for obvious reasons, the segregation option is out. So what is the answer ? The answer is clear. When we are confronted with environmental issues, we try and make the polluter pay the price for his pollution. It should be just the same for 'social polluters'. Racism is social pollution in just the same way that greehouse gasses and oil slicks are environmental pollution. The corporations who own the sports teams, and the corporations who sponsor those teams via advertizements and endorsements should be forced to pay a tax for every racially mixed game they show on TV. This would be a targetted tax which would be spent on programmes to raise the public's awareness of racial issues, and to compensate the victims of race crime. If the corporations object to paying the tax, this is where the technology comes in. Systems now exist which can modify a video stream in real time, one of these systems should be used to ensure that when the game is broadcast, the complexions of every player are digitally enhanced to match the 'average' skintone of all players currently on the court (pitch/fairway/field) whatever. This way, the raging torrent of racism that spews forth from our sports chanels day in, day out like a diabolical sewer of excrement and filth can be stemmed, and the giant corporations who have been getting away with social pollution on a grand scale can finally be made to pay for their crimes. What do others think ? I am not interested in whether you agree that racism is caused by sports, I have demonstrated that sufficiently. I am more interested on whether the technical solutions I have proposed are workable. Anyone out there know anything about taxation ? Or real-time digital enhancement of video streams ?
Or am I being a bit too simplistic ? I realise this is a somewhat complex issue I have raised here. |
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