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 Football & Fascism -- Prima Donnas and the Superman

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Sep 08, 2001
Football, the beautiful game. A game played by billions of people all over the globe. Whether it is Ethiopian street urchins, poor Polish peons, or malodorous Mexicans, all around the world people play football with passion and commitment. Football is adored by liberals, and one can see, Prima Facie, why they worship it so -- it seems to promote such ideals as cooperation, common ownership, and the One for All, All for One ethos championed by socialist musketeers throughout Christendom. These liberals think that football is a bulwark against fascism, and allows the working man to understand socialism at a simple level. They often point to a documentary that purports to show this process in action -- fortunately, I have ascertained it is mostly fiction.

Football doesn't provide a fillip to socialism. It promotes fascism.


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The first clue that football promotes fascism is in the public perception of the players. Workaday defenders are nonentities, struggling to get by on meagre wages, whilst strikers get paid ridiculous sums of money, sometimes upwards of �2000 a week. If you watch media coverage of football, they don't concentrate on team performance or talk about how well the players cooperate -- they instead celebrate moments of great human individualism, the moments when one player will perform some act of beautiful genius and turn a game on its end. Players such as David Beckham, George Best, Pele, Maradonna, Terry Butcher and Michael Owen. These are players who can and do make a difference, but not by communicating with the team, but by subverting it, by going it alone. No matter how much the manager tries to impose communist, totalitarian standards (is it any wonder that the best managers in the UK have all been Scottish? No, because Scotland is easily the most left wing part of the UK), players still end up being individualist and spurn the notion of the common good.

Historically, football has always been associated with extreme politics. Lets look at this table of the best international and club sides the world has seen, cross referenced with the governance of each.

Football Team Style of Government
Argentina, 1970s - 1980s Fascist Generals
Spain, 1940s through to early 1970s Franco, the Fascist
Yugoslavia, 1940s till 1980s Tito, totalitarian
Soviet Union, 1960s Khrushchev, totalitarian
Germany, 1930s and 1940s Adolf Hitler, Fascist
Brazil, 1950s - 1990s Varied -- 4 out of 5 world cup wins achieved under military/fascist regimes

These nations represent the heavyweights of international success over the years -- and every single one is either fascist or totalitarian. The relationship between football and dodgy political regimes is a close one then.

There have been some attempts to purge football of its fascist leanings. A good example is Holland in the 1970s, which invented total football, a tactical system whereby players didn't have set positions on the pitch anymore, such as striker, defender, midfielder, but rather each was regarded as capable of playing in any position, and they would swap around throughout the game. Clearly an attempt at imposing egalitarian, soundly socialist values, we should all salute the low country liberals for at least attempting to humanise football. Nonetheless, the fascist underpinnings of football soon jumped to the fore once more, as players such as Johannes Cruyff were raised above other members, and worshipped as Gods across Europe. How terrible that such noble ideals were spoiled by the natural bias towards hero worship and hence discrimination and exclusion inherent in this supposed 'King of Sports'.

Football Today

It is interesting to note that some of the scariest regimes in the world today back football to the hilt. Uday Hussein, the son of the notorious Saddam, is manager of the Iraq national side. He has a rigorous approach to team discipline, and will torture the team should they lose. Meanwhile, Saadi al-Qadhafi, son of the Libyan leader, is head of his country's FA and plays for the national team.

Such are the fascistic passions surrounding football that it has even been known to start wars. Honduras and neighbouring El Salvador actually warred after a World Cup qualifier in 1969, after a controversial penalty decision. It resulted in 3000 deaths.

Football is fascist. It lends itself to individualism and the glorification of the concept of superman. As such, it is the first target of totalitarian regimes that seek to show how superior the chosen race is. Strangely, in the west it is regarded as something of a liberal game -- one that promotes the ideals of socialism and friendliness to all Mankind. This is why hipster lefties throughout the western world often posture in support of the game.

However, one must wonder if the millions of Soccer Moms in America are aware of the terrible fascistic undertones of the game. They may think, as they send little Johnny off for soccer practise, that he is learning how to interact with others in a bonding environment. In actual fact, he is playing a sport that is enjoyed by dictators everywhere, a sport that is red with blood of millions of dead, a sport that encourages war, fascism, right wingery and hatred of self.

Look at the supporters of the game. Football is beset by hooliganism, but another name for this hooliganism is fascist activism -- what happens at an international football match really isn't any different to what happens at a meeting of the G7, political groups such as Combat 18 are always there in force, furthering their despicable right wing agenda. And this doesn't just happen at an international level. Lets have a look at these internationally respected clubs, and their associations:

Team Country Associations
Red Star Belgrade Yugoslavia Long history of association with brutal communist regime of Tito. Then the tool of the evil Milosevic regime. Now associated with the racist, modern Serbia of the concentration camps
Real Madrid Spain Most favoured club of Franco. Used to further the idea of the Spanish superman, and keep down the innocent Catalans by reinforcing a simple, all Spanish identity on the entire peninsula.
Barcelona Spain Long the symbol of Catalan separatism, terrorist groups such as ETA are closely related to the club. Not content with encouraging simple Spaniards to forget their peasant origins and blow up their brothers, they preach a gospel of terrible socialism.
Glasgow Rangers UK This club are the totem of the oppressive Unionist majority of Northern Ireland. They have a strong, almost fascist British identity, and such extremists as Billy Sands (NI terrorist) and Margaret Thatcher have been at games there. By flying the flag of hatred, the Union Jack, all the time, they seek to oppress all other religions and identities.
Glasgow Celtic UK Worshipped by the IRA and other anti-British Catholic organisations and communities in NI, this traitorous club have turned their backs on what it means to be British, despite being based on British soil. They use the freedoms provided by the British birthright to incite hatred against the prevailing order.

Another problem with football, and probably one that hampers it and makes it somewhat extreme, is the demands it makes upon the players. Not anyone can play football, you need a certain body shape. Strikers are all expected to be huge ectomorphs, sometimes in excess of 6'2" or more, whilst defenders have to be large and slow so they can dominate the game. This is a disgraceful lack of democracy that rots the very core of the sport, for it ensures that only those on the edge of human experience can expect to make it in the world of professional football.

I think it is perfectly clear that football is a dangerous sport, one that contaminates the mind of the reader with notions of racial superiority and Darwinian selection. Hopefully the EU or some such responsible body will see this and curtail the game, as it is surely a bar to European Unity to have nations continually fighting wars by proxy. Any good liberal should be ashamed that football is still allowed to exist in this day and age.

Let's piss off all the football fans (3.66 / 3) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 8th, 2001 at 11:50:32 AM PST
By calling it soccer :)

Would be funnier if it was true (5.00 / 1) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 8th, 2001 at 04:27:35 PM PST
Of the FOUR World Cups Brazil won, only one (1970) was played when the country was under a military regime. All THREE others were played under a representative democracy.

Again, Argentina won its first World Cup under a facist regime. The two others were won under representative democracy.

German never won a World Cup before the Second World War, and after that Western German (the democratic one) won two. After reunification German got another Cup.

In your ignorance, you failed to mention the one instance that would give more credit to your thesis: Italy won two World Cups under Mussolini!

As for teams, your sample is so biased that I shouldn't even care to comment. You forget Santos (the team Pel� lead to two World Championships), the fine Argentinian teams, Manchester United, Ajax, all Italian teams.

But then again what is the use? You are probably USian...

You are mistaken (3.66 / 3) (#25)
by bc on Sat Sep 8th, 2001 at 05:06:58 PM PST
Of the FOUR World Cups Brazil won, only one (1970) was played when the country was under a military regime. All THREE others were played under a representative democracy.

It depends on your definition of 'representative democracy'. If you think that representative democracy should only include people with the right skin colour, education and wealth, then by all means Brazil has won a few World Cups under a representative democracy. However, the sad truth is that Brazil can hardly be sanely called a democratic country. It is riddled with racism, inequality (this study should show even simpletons how widespread inequality is in Brazil) and is really just a modern dystopia

German never won a World Cup before the Second World War, and after that Western German (the democratic one) won two. After reunification German got another Cup.

Well, it is hardly surprising that Germany never won a world cup before WWII, given that it didn't exist then. And I suppose you think that the millions of Nazis who were in Nazi Germany just magically vanished in Western Germany when they won the cup a few years later? Even though most of them are dead now, their legacy lives on.

In your ignorance, you failed to mention the one instance that would give more credit to your thesis: Italy won two World Cups under Mussolini!

As for teams, your sample is so biased that I shouldn't even care to comment. You forget Santos (the team Pel� lead to two World Championships), the fine Argentinian teams, Manchester United, Ajax, all Italian teams.

Well, I know there are a lot of fascist related teams in the world, and incidents of the relationship between football and fascism are very widespread - but you can't possibly expect me to include them all? I know I missed such dodgy teams as Ajax and Mussolini's Italy side, but I had to make an editorial decision when it came to what to include and what not. Thanks for giving me more evidence to back me up though.

♥, bc.

hypocrisy rears its ugly head (2.33 / 3) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Sep 10th, 2001 at 03:53:30 PM PST
"Well, it is hardly surprising that Germany never won a world cup before WWII, given that it didn't exist then."

And yet in one of your tables, you have listed "Germany, 1930's and 1940's...". Hmm...don't you think it's kind of hard to have Germany (a country that didn't exist before WWII) in the 1930's? Unless you are now going to try and convince everyone that WWII ended in 1929.

I meant the World Cup, not Germany (NT) (3.66 / 3) (#30)
by bc on Mon Sep 10th, 2001 at 04:03:54 PM PST

♥, bc.

Eh? (5.00 / 1) (#33)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 01:10:33 AM PST
The World Cup started in 1930, ie. before WW2. Germany, by your own admission, existed before WW2.

So what exactly is this thing that you said didn't exists and when did it not exist?

Yes, but... (none / 0) (#35)
by bc on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 06:53:17 AM PST wasn't really a World Cup until England joined after WWII.

♥, bc.

i dont understand (5.00 / 1) (#36)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 19th, 2001 at 01:46:22 AM PST
please could you explain to me in simple terms why kicking a ball is more fascistic than hitting a ball with a stick or catching and running or just running

terry butcher - very funny

What about Hungary? (none / 0) (#32)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Sep 10th, 2001 at 09:16:37 PM PST
Weren't the Hungarian side of the 50s supposed to be the best the world had seen?

This is another instance that would lend credence to the thesis (they were behind the Iron Curtain at the time), and thus reveals an alarming lack of research.

have you played the game? (3.00 / 2) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 8th, 2001 at 10:12:46 PM PST
I dunno, sure moments of individual brilliance are celebrated but it's still a team effort, A soccer team that does not respect each other gets absolutley nowhere no matter how good they are as individuals. There is nothing better than playing in a good team, and that includes being the best player in the game.
You point out a few examples of fascist states suceeding at soccer but big deal, I say that really has nothing to do with soccer specifically
as those arguments could apply to a number of sports.
I agree that soccer should not be treated as more than it is, it's just a game, but nonetheless
It is the ONLY game that the entire world plays, you don't need to be rich to enjoy the beautiful game.
(oh yeah it's called soccer here couldn't be fucked going through and changing soccer to football)

Is this some sort of parody of right wing writings (1.66 / 3) (#27)
by Canadian Right on Sun Sep 9th, 2001 at 10:16:44 AM PST
I'm not sure if I'm meant to take this seriously, or just laugh at the extreme parody of right wing ravings.

Is this whole site actually written by lefty socialists who are trying to make all right wingers look like loons? This whole site is like some sort of homage to Swift at the expense of the right.

Please, can someone let me in on the joke?
Anarchists never Rule

guard a civil tongue, sir (none / 0) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 9th, 2001 at 05:39:05 PM PST
Is this whole site actually written by lefty socialists who are trying to make all right wingers look like loons?

I see no reason to insult loons.

One of the great difficulties associated with writing sympathetically about the right is the right's unfamiliarity with sense and worship of cents. Of course, the rigours involved in writing sympathetically about them is offset by the amusement they furnish.

Wow. (2.33 / 3) (#31)
by nx01 on Mon Sep 10th, 2001 at 07:05:55 PM PST
I'm sure glad that I live in America. Here, we don't play silly sports like soccer* -- we play Real Football. American Football.

Don't worry, things will be better for all of you non-Americans in the near future. The United States Renaissance is in full swing, with our culture quickly spreading throughout the world. Soon, all you silly EUians will be able to enjoy Football as it ought to be, instead of your low-brow sports like soccer.

* Except for little kids. But they grow out of it.

"Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
-- James Gosling


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