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Hi this is Linux Zealot. Once again I have tricked PotatoError into giving me access to his computer.
Today I will explain to you the miracle of Linux by telling a story. A story based on my favorite TV program - Star Trek - a program which I watch all the time im not zealotting. I have the complete special edition box set you know.
I hope to show you the disasterous consequences of windows being used to run a critical system.
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Captain Kirk: "Star date 519536. We have just entered the Mandrake system. The system is inhabited by a hostile yet primitive race which still use a command line OS in their ships computers called Linux.
Ensign: "Captain! Mandrake ship approaching with shields up!" Captain Kirk: "Fools! how can they expect to beat the USS Enterprise? We have just upgraded our computer to Windows 3000! Hail them on all frequencies" Spock: We cant do that captain, Microsoft hasnt released how our comm signals are structured. They wont be able to respond." Ensign: "They are closing in Captain!" Captain Kirk: "Go to red alert!" Ensign: "We cant captain, Windows 3000 is saying that it cant find the device drivers for the red bulbs" Captain Kirk: "Okay shields up then!" Ensign: "They are charging their weapons captain!"
The mandrake ship flies past the USS enterprise and fires its phasars. BOOM BOOM (CAMERA SHAKES - EVERYONE GOES FLYING) Captain Kirk: "What happened?! I thought shields were up!" Spock: "It seems the mandrakes exploited a buffer overflow vulnerbility in our Shield.exe program" Captain Kirk: "Ok, charge up the phasers and photon torpedos!" Ensign: "Right away captain!" LIGHTS DIM WITH A LOW HUM Captain Kirk: "Spock! Whats happening?" Spock: "It seems that the phasar.exe and photontorpedo.exe applications have caused multiple memory leaks all over the ship." BOOM BOOM..EVERYONE GOES FLYING AROUND AGAIN Captain Kirk: "Okay Reboot the computer!" Ensign: "I cant captain, ive got a blue screen!!" Spock: "Thats illogical" Captain Kirk: "Engineering! We have a problem, I need you to fix the Windows 3000 Kernel immediately!" Engineering: "I can't do it capt'n, im giving her all ive got but I dare not try to fix the Kernel or Ill breach StarFleet Directive 32 of the licence agreement." Spock: "Thats illogical too" Ensign: "It wants me to press Enter to continue or Escape to exit. I dont know which one to do!! We're all going to die!!!" Captain Kirk: "Pull yourself together ensign, Escape and Enter do the same thing on a blue screen." Spock: "Thats even more illogical" Captain Kirk: "FOR FUCK SAKE SPOCK!!! SHUT UP!!!" Ensign: "Okay captain, the system is rebooting" Captain Kirk: "At last! Now we can fight back!" BOOM BOOM - THE USS ENTERPRISE IS HIT FOR THE THIRD TIME..SPARKS AND PEOPLE FLY Captain Kirk: "Why's it taking so long???" Ensign: "Sorry sir, Its gone into ScanDisk" Spock: "Captain, we have casulties over here" Captain Kirk: "Sick bay, report in!" No answer Captain Kirk: "Why arent they responding??" Ensign: "Windows 3000 says we havent got a sick bay" Captain Kirk: "Yes we have!!! I saw it being fitted myself!" Ensign: "Well I just ran Find new Hardware and it didnt find anything" Spock: "Its plug and play - it should have found it on start up" Ensign: "Sir, are you sure theres a sick bay?" Captain Kirk: "FFS Ive told you already - I saw it being put in!" BOOM BOOM - THE USS ENTERPRISE IS HIT AGAIN TIME..THE LIGHTS FAIL Spock: "Captain, may I suggest we open a Comm link with the Microsoft HomeWorld(.net) and download the latest software update" Captain Kirk: "Do it ensign!" Ensign: "It says the server is busy - try again later" Captain Kirk: "Okay can we go into DOS mode?" Spock: "Unfortunately not captain, DOS was phased out in the Windows 2005 edition". Captain Kirk: "How can this be happening? Our Operating system is far superior to theirs!!!" Spock: "Unfortunately captain, we seem to be the victims of advertising. While Windows 3000 does indeed look better with its GUI and point and click menus, its far too complex and prone to break down for use in critical systems. The mandrakes on the other hand, can fire by simply typing in "phasars" at the console"
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