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   Comments by Mr Somebody   


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Feb 15, 2002

what will we give up for lent? What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 18, 2002

actually I was paraphrasing Yasser Arafat, What shall we give up for Lent?

Feb 18, 2002

that 's a great book! We Licke Icke

Feb 20, 2002

think you've got something there... A world ruled by Posh

Feb 20, 2002

David Icke says We Licke Icke

Feb 20, 2002

I refer the honourable gentleman The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Feb 20, 2002

by jove! The supposedly civilized Europeans. (A WARNING TO ALL AMERICANS)

Mar 14, 2002

the best St. Patric joke... EVER!!! Reclaiming St. Patrick's Day

Apr 02, 2002

I say sir! The Death of the Channel

Apr 08, 2002

if the US car industry is so great, British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 09, 2002

a noble is... British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 09, 2002

fantastic! God bless the Queen Mum

Apr 10, 2002

being 'grownup' is overated British engineering genius and the Homosexualist Socialist conspiracy

Apr 10, 2002

diversity is important Breaking Down the Language Barrier

Apr 12, 2002

he's broken his toe, not leg David Beckham

Apr 18, 2002

Diceman's name Where the Depravity Begins

Apr 18, 2002

aah! nostalgia! The don't make 'em like they used to.

Apr 19, 2002

now you're talking! Where the Depravity Begins

Apr 19, 2002

that's alright in my book! We need more toxins

Apr 24, 2002

Europe IS starting to worry me Liberalists celebrating Hilter's birthday.

May 03, 2002

English graffittos of higher calibur Vandalism in the PRC

May 03, 2002

feckin' hypermintylinks! Vandalism in the PRC

May 28, 2002

give it a rest, Mr happy clappy God Bless you your Majesty, salutes you!

Jun 06, 2002

is that Gallic? God Bless you your Majesty, salutes you!

Jun 13, 2002

& zed as opposed to zee, I understand South Park lied to me!

Jun 13, 2002

needs more pepper umble pie

Jun 13, 2002

probably been said already, but... A final solution to the problem of Evil

Jun 13, 2002

booze Mmmmm, Alcoholic Beverages.

Jun 14, 2002

poor ol' Canada! South Park lied to me!

Jun 18, 2002

just don't loose to the Germans on penalties Time for great celebration!!!!

Jun 19, 2002

good on you squire! Time for great celebration!!!!

Jun 19, 2002

sorry dad Time for great celebration!!!!

Jun 19, 2002

it's just that Time for great celebration!!!!

Jun 24, 2002

not so different World Cup and Passport Restrictions

Jun 27, 2002

this 'one true god' idea... Kill Yr Idols: The American Electorate

Jun 27, 2002

anyone fancy a pint? On why Pearl is not like natural language (Part I)

Jun 27, 2002

anyone read this chap's musings? Tolkien, Star Wars and Jesus Christ

Jul 02, 2002

maybe you should move I Believe in Negroes

Jul 02, 2002

what are you trying to do, destroy my brain??!! Tolkien, Star Wars and Jesus Christ

Jul 04, 2002

too many names British lack of self-control. Why are they so arrogant ?

Jul 04, 2002

I blame the Germans Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 04, 2002

you may, but you didn't Glastonbury review, or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Smell Of Poo'

Jul 04, 2002

there's nowt so sacred as being 'off your face' Glastonbury review, or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Smell Of Poo'

Jul 04, 2002

you got any clarky-cats? Glastonbury review, or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Smell Of Poo'

Jul 04, 2002

quite so British lack of self-control. Why are they so arrogant ?

Jul 05, 2002

haha! fantastic! Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 05, 2002

ah, makes sensi Glastonbury review, or 'How I Learned To Stop Worrying & Love The Smell Of Poo'

Jul 08, 2002

he's right about the haircuts, you know Americans are arrogant and rude!

Jul 08, 2002

it's raining death, halleluya Why US bombs should be banned

Jul 08, 2002

speaking of awful cockernee accents... Theater Review: My Fair Lady

Jul 23, 2002

I saw him out clubbing the other week Isn't it about time for another Linux Zealot?

Jul 26, 2002

dogeatdog Dear Sirs,

Jul 31, 2002

make them jammy doughnuts & you're on Dear Sirs,

Jul 31, 2002

what 'thing with the ice cube'? Underworld

Aug 08, 2002

classic pop Where are they now ?

Aug 08, 2002

one for the 'who are we?' story, Shirley! What is MS really saying?

Aug 08, 2002

I blame Osama too Who are we?

Aug 08, 2002

I know! All is Revealed

Aug 08, 2002

Ah, but can you Rave as well as us yet? Where are they now ?

Aug 08, 2002

not *more* creatively, no What is MS really saying?

Aug 08, 2002

good point, well made What is MS really saying?

Aug 09, 2002

ola! Where are they now ?

Aug 09, 2002

I may need your help one day What is MS really saying?

Aug 09, 2002

art doesn't need to be permanent What is MS really saying?

Aug 09, 2002

H&K G11 asault rifle for me Which firearm are you ?

Aug 09, 2002

fun with periods Today 8-08-02

Aug 09, 2002

thanking ewe, Where are they now ?

Aug 09, 2002

a horse walks into a bar... the weekend starts here

Aug 09, 2002

calling all Scotians, the weekend starts here

Aug 09, 2002

you said 'fanny' Today 8-08-02

Aug 09, 2002

I thought you lived there squire? the weekend starts here

Aug 12, 2002

tip top! Which firearm are you ?

Aug 12, 2002

Hypereal was top too Surprising obscure facts.

Aug 12, 2002

you've set me off now! the weekend starts here

Aug 15, 2002

did you come back with an amusing holiday hat? My vacation to America and what I found there

Sep 09, 2002

he's a secret Anglophile I hear A Guide to the United Kingdom for Americans.

Sep 09, 2002

Blair Rabbit ain't perfect, but... How can we take Blair seriously ?

Sep 09, 2002

the Coup d'etat is a fait accomplie, c'nest pas? Invasion: America

Sep 09, 2002

ok, so I forgot to switch back to plain text Invasion: America

Sep 09, 2002

what's so great about it? Fun with bible scriptures!

Sep 10, 2002

it's a fair cop How can we take Blair seriously ?

Sep 10, 2002

peut etre... (without the funny hat thing) Invasion: America

Sep 10, 2002

it's Colon Powell I feel sorry for, One Year since 9/11 and Americans haven't changed

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