The American armed services are the best in world judging by recent engagements. The US military has always acted in an honorable way, and keeps to traditional values which are sadly lacking in today's young people.
Therefore I suggest that compulsory conscription of young men into the military would be of benefit to both the young men involved and the country as a whole. It gets disaffected youths off the street and into a dicisplined and God-fearing enviroment. It would teach them a trade and also would enable them to broaden their horizons via foreign travel. Also it would make them physically fitter which I am sure you would agree is needed in our country. The taxpayer would save on pay, enabling the US to spend money on other worthy schemes.
So how would we get fom this sad example of today's youth to this upstanding, God-fearing soldier. My solution would be that at 18, all young men would have to join the military, college students not excepted. They would undergo 6 months of training under the benign gaze of harsh but fair drill instructors. Then once trained they would remain 18 months with the military and stay a further 10 year as reservists. Thus we will have a large nucleus of fighting in case Red China decides to flex its muscles.
This compulsory conscription would also extend to criminals who would be formed into punishment battalions similar to those proposed by our Limey cousins. These would primarily engaged in walking across mine fields and other suicidal missions so they can redeem themselves through giving up their worthless lives for the greater glory of the almighty and the American nation.
Remember military life makes for upstanding individuals who respect the values and institutions of the USA. Serving your country should be compulsory part of a man's life which he can look back in pride.