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 Eugenics: The choice for a superior generation

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Aug 03, 2001

The twentieth century has seen a resurgance of ignorance and a wholescale attack on scientific advances led equally by the religious right and the green left. Whereas once people looked to science to solve all of our problems, today they see only scare stories spread by anti-humanists - that nuclear power is unsafe, that global warming is a real and that biotechnology is unsafe and uncontrollable.

Here I make the case that another of the twentieth's greatest strawmen is in reality the only way for humanity to overcome the socioeconomic and biological problems facing it at the start of a new millenium, and that those who oppose it are at best short-sighted fools and at worst traitors to the human race. Indeed, eugenics is the only humane solution to these problems.


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Eugenics is the scientific study of improving the human gene pool through selective breeding. Today, with advances in biotechnology and genetic engineering coming faster and faster, I would also include such technologies as integral and valuable parts of a modern eugenics program.

  • It is cruel to allow those with serious genetic defects to breed

    Here we are talking about those who themselves are healthy but possess the genes that can lead to debilitating conditions in their children, such as cystic fibrosis or Down's syndrome. In the first case it may seem cruel to forbid license to the parents to try for a child - they are capable of raising one and may dearly wish to do so. However, letting them go ahead with the genetic lottery is far crueller - better not to try in the first place than to try and fail, ending up with the loss of a life, something which has no place in any moral eugenics movement. Until such time as hereditary diseases can be detected and corrected, such people should instead opt for adoption of healthy, genetically strong children.

  • It is cruel to allow spastics to breed

    Spastics on the other hand, are quite simply not capable of raising a child. Indeed, they are incapable of even understanding the potential consequences of having sex, and for someone with limited mental capabilities, being impregnated must be hugely upsetting and confusing. The child itself will almost certainly carry and show the same deficienes, leading to a perpetuating cycle of misery and public health burden. Any caring person can see that in this case, sterilisation of spastics allows them to continue leading as normal a lifestyle as they can without the burden a child would place.

  • It is cruel to allow the poor to breed

    Already cities across the world heave with the starving masses, and millions are moving into the city every day. Increasing populations have led to a rise in territorial and sectarian violence, and in a thousand bloody conflicts refugees have fled their traditional homes and looked to the city as a refuge. Unfortunately, even in the richest nations of the Western world, there is only so much in the way of resource to go around and many lead lives of poverty and suffering. Is it right that these people, no matter how good their intentions are (remember what paves the road to Hell!), be allowed to inflict their misery and squalor upon an innocent child?

    No, it is not. To bring a child into the world without the means to support it is wrong, and these people should not be able to breed.

  • It is cruel to allow a child to be inferior

    With a finite amount of resources and an ever-increasing population to compete over these, your child needs every advantage they can get to ensure they can seize as much of the pie as possible. Allowing the laws of genetics to have their way can equally result in a genius, an athlete or a simpleton. We use technology in every other way to cheat Nature, why do we have such a foolish fear when it comes to our children!

    It is cruel to risk that a child be inferior, that it suffer the taunts and risks that it cannot deal with. Indeed, why should we settle even for mediocrity when the means to greatness are almost within our technological grasp? Numerous studies have shown that brigher, smarter and better-looking children acheive better careers, have more rewarding social lives, have more chance of finding and then keeping a long-term partner, and claim to be happier.

    Are you cruel enough to deny this to your children?

As I have shown, eugenics is not the Nazi science that the ignorant portray it as. Applied compassionately, eugenics has the potential to ensure richer, fuller lives for all of those born by reducing the element of chance that can so easily damn a newborn to a life without hope. Why should we continue to allow children to be born into a lifetime of suffering? As a moral human being, I say we cannot continue this way.

So what is the way forward? The only rational and ethical way to acheive the goal of a perfect humanity is the introduction of Breeding Licenses which prospective parents must obtain from the State in order to breed. This can be enforced through temporary chemical sterlisation, which also has the benefit of eliminating unwanted pregnancy, a common occurance in the uneducated poor. In order to obtain a license I would suggest a series of tests and conditions:

  • The parents both undergo medical examination to be sure they do not have any genetic diseases, no matter how "recessive" they may be. There is no sense in merely delaying the problem for a future generation; this is precisely what we are setting out to avoid!

    Of course, we can all hope that future advances in genetic engineering make the need for denying parents unnecessary. When it comes to the point where all such maladies can be corrected, we will no longer have to deny parents who have been so cruelly tainted by Nature.

  • Additionally, to ensure that the child has all of the material and emotional support that it needs to grow up to be a healthy, happy and productive member of society, the parents should undergo both means testing and psychological testing by experts. After all, no matter how good the genetic stock of the child is, if it grows up in poverty or with abusive parents it cannot be expected to fufill its true potential, and being intelligent will undoubtedly recognise this and suffer.

    Parents who fail either of these tests will be refused the right to have children, although they may attempt to better themselves and retry later on.

  • Finally parents must either agree to a set of desired traits for their child or to let these things be determined randomly (within a specific set of good traits of course). Undoubtedly parents will choose a phenotype that maximises their child's quality of life and choice of reproductive partners. Qualities that hamper a child in life - obesity, shortness, short-sightedness, ginger hair and so on - can be eliminated once and for all.
Optionally the State may require a small charge to cover administrative costs. Parents who truly want a child will be glad to pay such a small fee to cover the costs, and parents who are tight with their money over such a trivial matter are likely to be tight with their money when it comes to their children.

In conclusion is it plain that despite popular hysteria, eugenics is both practical and compassionate. For anything to be of worth, and most parents would agree that having children is worth almost anything, must be fought for, not handed out according to Nature's sexual lottery. And by advocating eugenics you are fighting for a brighter future, both for your children and for the human race as a whole.

No cause could be more moral. No cause could be more loving.

There's a problem here (none / 0) (#6)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 06:58:55 AM PST
The parents both undergo medical examination to be sure they do not have any genetic diseases, no matter how "recessive" they may be

I'd bet that everyone on the planet has some sort of genetic disease recessed in our DNA. Which means that no one would be allowed to have kids and the populaion would die out in about 80 years. Which would probably make these guys very happy.

Not at all (5.00 / 1) (#9)
by manifold on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 07:30:49 AM PST
After all, the world is in a dire state of overpopulation to do and can certainly stand to lose the bottom 95% of its population easily. In fact, doing so would free needed resources from the more deserving elements of society.

Not 95% (none / 0) (#10)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 07:39:15 AM PST
100%. Everyone's DNA has irregularities that could manifest themselves in a few generations, so no one could pass your tests. If you put some slack in your tests, then those left would still allow their genetic anomalies into the gene pool which brings you back to square one.

i agree (5.00 / 1) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 09:27:15 AM PST
and you should be the first against the wall

Over my dead corpse (none / 0) (#18)
by specom on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 01:09:41 PM PST
And who decides who the "more deserving elements of society" are? Why would the bottom 95%, who outnumber the the "top" 5% 19 to 1 allow such a thing? The implementation of your "plan" would more than likely result in the exterminaion of the so called "top 5%" by the majority.

What you propose would be impossible, in a society such as ours, that has a democratically elected government (don't start any shit about the last election).

Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

your lack of understanding of genetics shows (none / 0) (#30)
by motherfuckin spork on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 10:02:18 PM PST
we would not lose 95% of the population... we'd lost all of it. The whole point of genes is to prepetuate and diversify. You want to know how to strengthen the gene pool? Inter racial marriages, trans-culterual marriages... people with very dissimilar genetics having children.

No one has the perfect genetic code, though a lot of people are convinced that they do...

I am not who you think I am.

speaking of lack of understanding... (3.00 / 2) (#34)
by elby on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 03:06:19 AM PST
The whole point of genes
enough said.

Huh? (1.00 / 1) (#38)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 07:32:50 PM PST
I'm sure this post had a point, but no one sees it.

wow... that was painfully incoherent (1.00 / 1) (#39)
by motherfuckin spork on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 07:45:08 PM PST
enough said.
I am not who you think I am.

Again you push your race mixing agenda (none / 0) (#46)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 08:37:52 AM PST
It's not enough that you proselityze degenerate jazz music, but now you're openly encouraging the mixing of races? I guess you won't be happy until every white woman is impaled on a huge buck negro's penis.

Eugenics =! Nazis (none / 0) (#7)
by nobbystyles on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 07:15:45 AM PST
I believe that Socialist government in Sweden pracised the compulsory sterilisation of the mentally handicapped and the placement of healthy gypsy children with non-gypsy parents until 1960s. These caring policies were only stopped due to a wave of political correctness.

Yeah, how convenient (none / 0) (#27)
by suick on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 04:17:29 PM PST
It's interesting that the Swedes would decry the practice only after the policies were carried out. Thanks to Swedish spin, they now have the impression of being both caring and straight sexy.

c'mon, lower.

it is completely cruel (none / 0) (#8)
by buridan on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 07:20:38 AM PST
it is completely cruel to allow someone who believes in and or supports eugenics to breed or even come into contact with children, especially given their fixation on the reproductive organs and their relation to genetics.

The mere annunciation of the opinion in support of eugenics demonstrates the inferior and perverted mind of these people, who under their own rule, as such, should not be allowed to breed. To believe that one can breed out "bad" genes, is just simply a silly neo-darwinian misunderstanding of early genetics ala Mendel.

To believe eugenics would actually make the world a better place is an even worse error on many levels. Think about who would never have lived... Think about what you perfection would be like without all the drunkards, the idiot-savants, the linguistically challenged, the blue eyed people, the green eyed people(being hazel eyed is obviously the only ones that are worth preserving because their eyes are more fun to look into), etc.

Wow! (none / 0) (#11)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 07:55:33 AM PST
All that during your lunch break? I'm impressed!

A non troll article? (5.00 / 1) (#12)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 08:10:08 AM PST
Wow, for once, you guys have posted an article that is correct in facts and opinion!

I agree whole-heartedly with you on this one. The only point I would not agree with is the direct genetic engineering part; however, I am not totally against it.

This kind of thing must be done in order to preserve the human race. We are currently de-evolving!

Normally creatures evolve, because the weak die off, as they are unable to sustain themselves, and the stronger prevail. Because of society interfering with evolutions natural course, the human race is in a sad state and worsening state.

Normally a retard would die on its own. It could not support itself. Do not say it is evil or wrong or playing god to prevent defective children from being born, because guess what, we are playing god by helping them live! Look at all the aid society gives retards. Look at all the drugs to counter genetic diseases we have created, without which many people would have died LONG ago, far before they were able to breed.

Preventing these children from being born is giving them each a gift -- A gift of non-suffering.

Although I am highly intelligent, and competent physically, I have a few defects which plague me. I am; however, able to support myself, and am actually quite successful. I choose not to take any drugs to counter these things, because doing so is unnatural and is a pain in itself. This brings me pain and torture at times.

Because I love myself, and would love my children, I decided to give them the greatest gift I can give them. The gift of not being born into pain and suffering. I have convinced my wife of this, and if she agrees and also doesn't really want kids (she likes driving her Porsche and my BMW at times, that we easily afforded because we are not wasting our money on supporting defective children). If her natural instincts ever take hold, and she wants children, she agreed to adopt.

de-evolving... that's cute (none / 0) (#31)
by motherfuckin spork on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 10:07:59 PM PST
but hideously unclever. People are most certaintly not regressing, as you might lead others to believe. In fact, our lack of understanding of genetics is only beginning to become more and more apparent. Wow, we completed the human genome project - we still have no clue what is really means or how to interpret the genetic code. What we have figured out only barely scratches the surface, and we still do not know the mechanism by which many genes do their thing.

And what about cancer? Perhaps you're overlooking the concept that this is becoming more and more prevalent because our genetics are trying out new mutations, many of which were brought about by "environmental" factors, a sign of evolution in process.

I think that what people have a real problem with is that evolution is slow, and we'll all be dead before any real progress is made.

I am not who you think I am.

The wheels keep turning (none / 0) (#33)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 01:07:40 AM PST
You are denying your children the experience of liberation. Enjoy your BMW.

Waste not want not (none / 0) (#14)
by Rand Race on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 09:38:15 AM PST
It is cruel to allow the poor to breed.

This has nothing to do with eugenics. You can't breed out poverty, it's not genetically transfered. Simple breeding limits on all of the population will reduce poverty. Why waste potentialy productive genes due to a state brought on by environmental conditions? This would be like banning people with non-congenital deformities (severe burns for instance) from breeding. One could make a damn good case that surviving poverty or mutilation indicates a certain genetic ruggedness.

Not that this matters, within 2 generations the Lodge 666 breeding program will have created the Kwisat Haderach who will spawn the ubermensch.

Did you not read the article? (none / 0) (#15)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 09:46:42 AM PST
You moron, he even stated the missing fact from your post in his article!

Stupid people are far more likely to be poor. Stupidity is genetic! That is a know fact! Although it is possible for a bright individual to be poor, it is much more unlikely than a dumb person to achieve the same low.

Your comparison only works to illustrate how stupid you are, instead of illustrating your point. Someone having burn injuries is way more accidental than genetic, although a retard would be more likely to severely burn itself than a normal intelligent human. Someone being poor is not as much an accident; it is most likely because the person is unintelligent, physically inept, or other such things.

Read the article before spewing your stupidity all over this board, thanks!

flawed (none / 0) (#17)
by specom on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 01:01:10 PM PST
By your reasoning, Albert Einstein should have been the richest man to ever live, but lived on a modest professor's salary. Donald Trump has made some of the dumbest statements I have ever heard but makes a fortune in real estate. BZZZT! Thanks for playing

Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

Again, stop spewing forth shit. (none / 0) (#19)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 01:14:58 PM PST
You did not read my comment did you.

I said that intelligent people are more likely to be wealthy than stupid people, and stupid people are more likely to be poor than intelligent people.

Holy shit people, read the fucking body of text you are replying to. Fuck.

That is ALL I SAID! I did not say that ALL intelligent people are wealthy, and I did not say that ALL stupid people are poor.

Flawed? Obviously you are flawed to post such stupidity. Obviously your mom should have been sterilized before that ape creature that is her husband was able to father you.

I tremble at your wisdom (none / 0) (#25)
by specom on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 03:57:47 PM PST
An anonymous poster who is incapable of any rebuttal beyond angry insults is calling me an ape. That seriously makes my day. I can only hope you get your way sir. You will be at the front of the line for "social cleansing".If I were you I would stick to picking on teenagers boy, flaming does not rattle me.

I DID NOT SAY "ALL" intelligent people would end up rich and ALL dumb people poor. I merely pointed out that IF what you say is true,the law of averages would make it likely that one of the most intelligent people in history would be one of history's richest. The fact is, most of history's most rich and powerful kings couldn't even read.

Tell me Mr. Ubermencsh, why is it the people who push this crap always think they are going to make the cut? Every jackass who goes around braying about "survival of the fittest" always seems to think he's one of the fit. As if he is in sole possesion of what nature considers "the fittest." Remember the '80s predictions of what would probably be the only life form to survive a nuclear war? The cockroach. Why don't you ever hear people who don't believe they are the best and the brightest supporting this garbage? The answer to that question is why you are farting in a windstorm skippy.

And you people have the nerve to jump on me for claiming your readership is a bunch of psuedo intellectual adolescents trolling for an arguement with phony ass "devil's advocate" posts. Idiots like this should shame you.

Arguing on the internet is like running in the Special Olympics. Even if you win, you're still retarded.

the law of averages says nothing of the sort (none / 0) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 05:16:55 PM PST
The law of averages cannot predict the value of any particular datum.

Excuse me... (none / 0) (#20)
by Rand Race on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 01:29:37 PM PST
... but did you miss the word "potentialy" in my post?

It's all right, we can't expect you to read all of a paragraph long post after trudging through a big hard article like this one. Sit down, rest your little brain and try again fuckface.

Your stupidity rises again! (none / 0) (#21)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 01:53:29 PM PST
> Why waste potentialy productive genes due to a state brought
> on by environmental conditions?
... but did you miss the word "potentialy" in my post?

What the fuck does the word potentially in your original post have anything to do with my reply?

I thank you, for evincing my original statement, that you are a fucking moron.

You stated in your original post that 'This has nothing to do with eugenics. You can't breed out poverty, it's not genetically transfered. '. I countered that, showing that since poverty and stupidity are highly related, and since stupidity is almost entirely genetic, that therefore poverty is largely genetic.

In fact, my reply did not directly touch on the non-relevant question that you stated in the sentence in question.

You gave a very poor illustration trying to support your original, and most incorrect assertion. I showed how poor this simile was, and mocked you for being stupid. Your response now doesn't rebuttal my comments, as it has nothing to do with what I said, nor does it back up your original statement. It does however, prove quite conclusively, that you are a fucking idiot, and your parents should have been sterilized before the accident that led to your existence happened.

By the way, if I did miss it, which I didn't, it probably would have been because you are a fucking idiot and spelled it wrong in both your original post and your reply. Also, there are two 'r's in transferred.

Thank you.

Lord what fools these ARs are (none / 0) (#22)
by Rand Race on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 02:34:42 PM PST
What the fuck does the word potentially in your original post have anything to do with my reply?

Are you dim? Is that your problem? You yourself hedged your condemnation of the poor with statements like is possible for a bright individual to be poor.... Which means that by refusing the poor the right to breed you are potentially weeding out the smart whom I was reffering to. Do I need to use smaller words?

I countered that, showing that since poverty and stupidity are highly related, and since stupidity is almost entirely genetic, that therefore poverty is largely genetic.

Flawed logic... at best. It's called a Biased Sample; It's called Begging the Question; It's called Description of Composition; It's called Questionable Cause. My God man, how many fallacies can you cram into one statement?

You gave a very poor illustration trying to support your original, and most incorrect assertion. I showed how poor this simile was, and mocked you for being stupid.

You did not, and do not, understand my assertation. Your mocking me for your stupidity is simply amusing. You even connected my example of mutilation with potential stupidity, making my point for me.

Your response now doesn't rebuttal my comments

Nice Bushism for someone so pedantic about spelling.

You sir are an ass and an idiot.

Hahaha, That post cost you 50 pts on your IQ test. (none / 0) (#24)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 03:19:02 PM PST
Yawn... I tire of pointing out your idiocy.

Your IQ is about 100 points too low to be posting on this board.

Are you dim? Is that your problem? You yourself hedged your condemnation of the poor with statements like is possible for a bright individual to be poor.... Which means that by refusing the poor the right to breed you are potentially weeding out the smart whom I was reffering to. Do I need to use smaller words?

How does saying 'it is possible for a bright individual to be poor' condemn the poor? Your statement here is just like your last comment. It is stupid, has nothing to do with my post, and is nonsense.

You are a fucking idiotic moron. Again, your problem is that you think I answered the question in your fourth sentence of your original post. I did not. STOP FUCKING BRINGING UP THAT QUESTION TO TRY AND PROVE ME WRONG OR DUMB OR SOMETHING. I didn't even answer it! It was not a statement of fact, or even opinion. It was a QUESTION, and therefore, I didn't feel like answering it, as the answer would be obvious to anyone with half a brain (your 1/8th won't do).

. . . I was reffering to. Do I need to use smaller words?

Smaller words? No, but more correctly spelled ones would help (ie: referring).

Flawed logic... at best. It is called [blaw blaw blaw].

Its great that you think you can prove fact wrong by simply stating your opinion that it is stupid. Also, no amount of fallacy could even approach the amount of idiocy and incorrect logic that your original illustration had (which you have yet to defend).

In fact, you have not defended any of your points that I have attacked. The only think you have done is tried to defend a question that I never even mentioned in any of my replies. Get a life!

You did not, and do not, understand my assertation. Your mocking me for your stupidity is simply amusing.

Assertation? What's that? Do you mean assertion? Go back to school child.

You even connected my example of mutilation with potential stupidity, making my point for me.

Your example of what? With what? You are just making things up in hopes that I will forget the last post I made and think I made whatever statement you are talking about, aren't you? No, sorry, that might have worked if I had only twice the intelligence as you. Luckily mine is quite higher than that. Each time you reply though, it proves my estimate wrong of how dumb you were, and I have to adjust my numbers. So far I would say 4-5x, but I haven't even gotten to the end of your message yet.

> Your response now doesn't rebuttal my comments

Nice Bushism for someone so pedantic about spelling.

I hate to break it to you, but that is the correct spelling, you fucking half wit.

n 1: the act of refuting by offering a contrary contention or argument
2: a pleading by the defendant in reply to a plaintiff's surrejoinder [syn: rebutter]

Breeding program (none / 0) (#26)
by suick on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 04:08:22 PM PST
I think I may have come up with a possible solution to breeding limits on the poor. They'll still exist mind you, but my solution will help sidestep the issue of what happens when superior genes get mixed in with the lower class.

Basically the plan works like this: If you get shafted in life, and end up being poor, you can "opt-out" of that stage in life. Provided you and your family pass vigorous mental and physical exams, you will trade jobs, salaries and real estate with a childless couple of the upper-middle class. They obviously aren't needing the extra money, and, furthermore, they must have faulty genes for not wanting children in the first place.

Now, I know what you're thinking, and yes, it is rare to find workable genes in the poor, but if this program results in even one decent human being, it will be worth it and justified. After all, can you put a price on a superior genes?

c'mon, lower.

great things come from the disadvantaged (none / 0) (#16)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 10:55:48 AM PST
Disadvantages challenge people to rise to an occasion. Take for example Steven Hawking. Should he not have been allowed to be conceived because his parents were genetically disposed to have a child with ALS? Ray Charles overcame poverty, racism and blindness to become an honored well-respected musician. Countless amounts of art comes from suffering. Try putting 'overcame "became the first"' into Google. Darwinism works, let it.

why eugenics (none / 0) (#23)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 02:55:03 PM PST
eugenics is way too moderated. it still won't account for random, undetectable mutations. why not just kill everybody? it may be a bit extreme, but extemism in pursuit of justice is a virtue.

total agreement (none / 0) (#36)
by Plan571 on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 12:11:57 PM PST
I will have to agree completely with the above anonymous poster. Eugenics just does not go far enough to cure the world and humanity of its problems. To that end I would have to suggest thoughtful consideration of joining either Voluntary Human Extinction Movement or Church of Euthanasia. We must atone for our collective sins.

a question (none / 0) (#29)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 09:06:32 PM PST
I like this site, and all the satirical stories. What I don't get is the people responding to them as if they weren't satire. Are these people:

1) the same person who wrote the story, carrying on the joke
2) other people, also playing along with the joke
3) someone who is actually dumb enough to not understand it's a joke

an answer (none / 0) (#37)
by Logical Analysis on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 12:42:53 PM PST
Dear Sir/Madam,

While I do not claim to speak for moderators of this site, I am greatly offended by your remark. Many of the readers (myself included) read this site daily to stay informed on the issues that are shaping our society. If you are looking for fun and games I suggest you look elsewhere!

Alfred Whitehall III

Satire? (none / 0) (#40)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 6th, 2001 at 04:25:44 AM PST
I suppose Hitler was a liberal being ironic.

These people are in fact

4) twats

Stupid is as stupid does (none / 0) (#41)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 6th, 2001 at 02:40:48 PM PST
I guess you'll have to keep guessing then.

Inadequacy (none / 0) (#42)
by eB1rd on Mon Aug 6th, 2001 at 03:03:56 PM PST
The first rule of don't talk about

I really don't understand... (5.00 / 2) (#45)
by CaptainZornchugger on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 07:49:10 AM PST
why that's so hard for people to figure out.

But look, here I am doing it too. Hopefully they'll delete all these navel-gazing posts.

Yer kidding, right? (none / 0) (#32)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Aug 3rd, 2001 at 11:42:03 PM PST
'Cos it's none of the state's business how people fuck.

controlling kids not sex (none / 0) (#43)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Aug 6th, 2001 at 06:57:00 PM PST
He never said anything about controls on sex, only on reproduction.
Screw your balls off, you won't be leaving unsupported children everywhere anymore.

stupid people can be useful (none / 0) (#35)
by Logical Analysis on Sat Aug 4th, 2001 at 11:57:02 AM PST
I agree with the author 100%, however there is one important point I wish to make.

I think that we should keep a stupid underclass who would perform tasks that our eugenic children should not have to. For example you could breed a type of person with a poor sense of smell, but with strong arms and decent driving skills who would perform garbage collection and janitorial duties. And for the checkout line you could breed a person who is physically unfit but good at simple arithmetic. Since this person would be of low intelligence, it would be easy to brainwash them into not stealing from their employers.

Sci-fi movies depict robots taking over our burdensome chores, but let's face it.. robots have a long way to go. We have, right now, the perfect robot: The Stupid Human. Let's take advantage of this opportunity to create a happy, yet stupid underclass!

BTW, one precaution we should take is to not allow these people to vote, or we might end up with a USian President like Al Gore or George W. Bush!!! What a nightmare that would be!

stupid (none / 0) (#44)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Aug 7th, 2001 at 04:37:42 AM PST
why not breed everyone to be stupid?

Nuclear Power (none / 0) (#47)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Sep 16th, 2001 at 03:12:36 AM PST
>see only scare stories spread by anti-humanists -> that nuclear power is unsafe,

Nuclear power (as in using Nuclear Fission) in its present form IS dangerous.

Nobody yet knows how to dispose of radioactive waste (apart from just storing it and expecting many future generations to look after it!)

Also... no matter how fail-safe you make a nuclear reactor there is still the issue of acts of stupidiy like terrorism or even just plain old human error.

I find it bizarre that governments in many countries still persist with nuclear fission for generating electricity without looking at alternatives like geothermal power.

Ok it might be expensive to build a geothermal power station... but so is building a nuclear one!


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