My posts here have been borderline
[REDACTED] because I am just that way. I provoke a response.
The boring part is online I am at the mercy of people with their own 'kill the leader' postulates. Peachy; like I care.
What you people fail to realize is that everything I post is to elicit a response for the pleasure of seeing if anyone can figure me out.
Having lost consideration for what others think of me, you'll notice that many of my posts are not attacks, but aimed at a counter point. If you had the chance to meet me in person, you might be surprised at what you see.
Have a field day telling me about how wrong I am, or that my God is crazy, or my synapses have gone mad. I don't care.
My purpose here was to participate, but you have proven time, and time again, that you can't listen objectively, but that you formulate answers to posts instead of listening to the persons thoughts with interest.
Please torture this post, Mr. 4ax0r, just as you did the poll on my last diary. Your subterfuge is funny to someone, but your adolescence is showing.