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If you switch on your television, pick up a magazine or browse through a newspaper, the chances are that within a few seconds you will be appreciatively considering the tanned and unusually slim body of a young woman employed in the modeling industry. But before you flip the page or turn the channel, take a moment to consider that young woman. Is she the picture of beautiful joy she appears?
Lets have a closer look. |
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The first thing you may notice is her emaciated appearance. Perhaps you will find this attractive. Perhaps you are a modern man, the sort of man who has been hoodwinked by the media into thinking that the figure of a woman should be indistinguishable from that of a boy.
The modeling industry is responsible for the wholescale perversion of the ideals of feminine beauty. Where once women had big beautiful hips and a fulsome, curvy figure, and were proud of these endowments (oh how I would prefer a woman of the Regency period, one with Rubenesque delights!), they now aspire to have unhealthy, thin, stick insect bodies with ridiculously long limbs and big heads perched on the top. These risible, revolting, repugnant ectomorphs are a Godless assault on what it is to be a woman, and I can only wonder if the rising tide of 'feminism' - the most defeminising force the 20th century saw - is at the root of this modern malaise. Some misguided fools might argue that the modeling industry merely reflects the desires of society back at it, but of course this is utter rot. The fashion industry takes its lead from women's magazines, television, film, and the entire media establishment, which is dominated by liberal deviants and feminists. As such, they have an agenda: to make women our masters. They do this by trying to make women as masculine as possible, by promoting the image of woman as thin hipped (& lipped), vulgar and agressive. Such manly traits grafted onto the modern woman will, they hope, allow this Medusa to reign supreme over man. Women are suffering from the carnage. Lets tally the damage:
What has this effect on them? Widespread and sinful exploitative sexual predation is certainly a factor. And this is from such a young age - the modeling industry has a core of paedophilia, because models typically enter the trade at tender ages, sometimes as young as 5 or 6 years old, but more typically 12 or so. Girls as young as 14 have been sexually exploited by the fashion industry, dehumanised by the terrible pressures of an impossible beauty standard. And what about men? They are the real victims here. Now they have impossible standards of beauty too, causing chaos. Men can't find the women they want because they just don't exist outside the salons of Paris, London, and New York. These congregations of urban depravity are responsible for the rising divorce rates and broken homes of 21st century America. Think of that next time you pass the defoliation boutique! Another problem is the sheer idolatory of the whole business. Worshipping young women and raising them to the stratified heights of Mount Olympus, above all mere mortals, is a Sin, for it clearly contradicts these words: 4. Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.
5. Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me The social chaos caused by all this is mind boggling. In proper civilisations, such as ancient Sparta, everyone knew their place and position in society, as everything was marked out for you before you were even born. But in these uncertain times, we just don't know who we are supposed to be, because we lack the comforting womb of a stable and rigid society. The fashion industry and modeling is the ultimate expression of this flux, and so it is worthy of total incrimination and destruction.
If you doubt what I say, ask yourself this: Would you want your daughter to be a model? To live the life of a walking corpse, devoid of even primitive moral maxims? Do you want her, or your sons, to have beastly and unnatural bodyforms? If the answer is no, then you must surely agree that the time has come to take steps to destroy this race of catwalk zombies, and bring back the Venus of Willendorf. |
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