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Who is your favourite Artist?

Thomas Kinkade   13 votes - 11 %
Jackson Pollock   15 votes - 13 %
Damien Hirst   8 votes - 7 %
Tracy Emin   2 votes - 1 %
Rolf Harris   7 votes - 6 %
Jin Wicked   17 votes - 15 %
Jaime Trocheck   3 votes - 2 %
Tony Hart   4 votes - 3 %
Andy Warhol   22 votes - 19 %
Robert Mapplethorpe   21 votes - 18 %
112 Total Votes

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My vote (4.66 / 3) (#1)
by legolas on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 04:59:24 PM PST
I chose to vote for "Robert Mapplethorpe", because he had the longest name. In the past, I've had bad luck with artists with short names (I still have a bad taste in my mouth from "J.Lo"'s latest albulm). People with short names seem to have something to hide, while people with nice long names seem to be much more sophisticated and well bred.

And, on that note, I was disappointed that Fatboy Slim, Hugh Hefner, and Ferdinand Porsche were missing from the list.


Ferdinand Porsche? (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by Peter Johnson on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 05:21:36 PM PST
He's more a failed artist than a real artist. I'll admit that the VW Bug was (and is) an engineering marvel, but it was Dr. Porsche's dream to build a sports car. A dream that he never realized.

While Ferdinand was languishing in a French prison awaiting trial on war crimes charges, his son, Ferry Porsche designed and built the first 356.

You are not adequate.
Are you adequate?

Art maybe, but poor engineering design (5.00 / 1) (#4)
by dmg on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 06:30:55 PM PST
With an engine hanging over the rear axle, hardly the best place for it.

time to give a Newtonian demonstration - of a bullet, its mass and its acceleration.
-- MC Hawking

Actually (5.00 / 1) (#6)
by Peter Johnson on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 08:49:22 PM PST
The first 356 was mid-engined and had a tubular aluminum frame. It's one of a kind.

Are you adequate?

While I appreciate the inclusion of Maplethorpe, (3.00 / 3) (#5)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 07:34:40 PM PST
I am saddened to see H.R. Giger missing.

Who are those guys? (2.00 / 1) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 10:37:58 PM PST
Don't know anyone except Thomas Kinkade (pure coincidence) and Warhol.

I voted vor Kinkade. He does marvellous paintings, truly from his heart.

This reminds me... (3.10 / 10) (#8)
by jin wicked on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 10:49:15 PM PST
...of my Art I Hate page, which I coincidentally finish several days ago.

I am deeply disturbed to see myself on the same poll as Thomas Kinkade.

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Dear Jin: (4.00 / 4) (#11)
by zikzak on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 11:42:33 PM PST
I was at first quite pleased to have another artiste here on, although I had a few misgivings as to whether or not we would see eye to eye on things. After reading your "Art I Hate" page, I am afraid that we do indeed have some serious differences of opinion.

While I certainly agree with you about Picasso, the progenitor of dehumanizing abstraction, and that dreadful "alternative lifestyle" icon Warhol, some of your other choices dismay me greatly. (I have never heard of this Vallejo character, but I must say the images are quite shocking and I do not approve.)

You have taken three of America's most loved painters - Norman Rockwell, Bob Ross & Thomas Kinkade - and savagely attacked them. I find this reprehensible, and indicative of exactly the sort of elitism that I find to be so damaging to this country. Rather than point out all the ways you are wrong in this comment, I shall instead write an article about this and post it to the front page. I hope we can continue this discussion in that thread so I can make you understand why your attitudes are so misguided.

Be my guest. (3.50 / 6) (#12)
by jin wicked on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 12:24:05 AM PST
By all means, "prove me wrong," if that is what you mean when you say go off rambling and making yourself look like a goober for taking a page -- which is rather obviously (to me) far too exaggerrated to be sincere -- way too seriously. I will do nothing to stop you.

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

hardly a need (none / 0) (#28)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 01:32:00 PM PST
To "prove you wrong." I think folks generally like to kick back and let you do all the work :-D

Yes, where was Rockwell on the poll? (5.00 / 1) (#14)
by Adam Rightmann on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 05:57:12 AM PST
Some of my most treasured moments have been spent in the Berkshires, retraciing his steps, visiting Stockbridge, visiting the old shops in Lee and Great Barrington and breathing in the atmosphere that made Rockwell the canonical American artist.

For the more alternative types like Jin, I would recommend Lennox, they even have shops devoted to those New Age Pagan types there.

A. Rightmann

And while you're there (5.00 / 1) (#15)
by zikzak on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 09:07:53 AM PST sure you don't miss the Heart of the Berkshires. The county seat is home of some stunning scenery.

your criticism is too harsh (3.00 / 2) (#13)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 02:34:25 AM PST
I'm sure if Bob Ross took longer than half an hour to paint something, it would fetch an exorbitant price at Christie's.

Hell yeah (3.00 / 2) (#20)
by nx01 on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 07:00:12 PM PST
I don't care what anyone says. Bob ross rox0rs.

"Every time I look at the X window system, it's so fucking stupid; and part of me feels responsible for the worst parts of it."
-- James Gosling

beat it (2.60 / 5) (#16)
by MicroBerto on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 01:26:09 PM PST
Your self promotion and gluttony thoroughly disgusts me. It would be proper if you would refrain from doing this ever again.<BR>
- Mike Roberto

Trolling! (5.00 / 1) (#17)
by bc on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 01:34:59 PM PST
Unlike kuro5hin, we won't tolerate this senseless abuse of posters. I would have deleted this comment, but instead let this be a warning. Any more baseless attacks on Jin Wicked will be obliterated by me, with extreme enjoyment.

Microberto, you have been warned.

♥, bc.

Disagreeing! (3.50 / 2) (#21)
by MicroBerto on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 07:47:55 PM PST
Hmm, allow me to disagree with you. Perhaps my first comment towards Jin was baseless and abusive, but this was not. I feel that it was shameless promotion of her page, and that she felt justified because she is in the poll. According to its rather low moderation, I'm not the only one who feels this way.

So, to sum it up, I feel that this was neither baseless nor was it an attack. I will, however, respect the site and be good.
- Mike Roberto

I appreciate your need to "edit" (1.00 / 1) (#27)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 12:58:39 PM PST
First off, by way of advance notice of your TOS, I hereby offer the following notification: * I am a troll, but by specifically announcing this fact, I therefore nullify in advance any possibility of this post being a troll, by virtue of generally accepted definitions that, since I have identified myself as a frequent troller, you, the reader, cannot be lulled into replying, and thusly being trolled. I also offer up my sincerest hope that this post not be identified as a troll, and therefore I hope you do not TOS me. Thank you in advance for your generous consideration in this matter. Now on to the subject at hand. Surely such a page as adequacy needs an internet icon such as Jin, but as she herself admits, she carries her fair share of trolls with her wherever she goes. Now I know that you, the editors, being relative newbies and unaware of one of the greatest artforms ever to exist (trolling), and cannot appreciate the sheer majesty that is the human condition rendered by some of the masters, so I'll try to spread the word that you guys want to be left alone, and would also like to offer Jin safe harbour. Certainly, there must be somewhere to go once you've been spanked everywhere else, and I can appreciate that this is a service you're well prepared to offer. I'll go ahead and try to get an information page up notifying the internet in general that you poor folks would like to be left alone and comfort each other whilst your buttocks heal. I sincerely hope I can help keep you folks happy by keeping some of the masters amused elsewhere. Once your self confidence has healed to a sufficient degree that you feel enough esteem to venture back out where the rest of the folks seem to handle themselves without hurt egos and fantasies of self-emoliation, you can let me know, and I'll try to get that word out also. Have a great day!

Re: I appreciate your need to "edit" (none / 0) (#29)
by iat on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 02:28:49 PM PST
I also offer up my sincerest hope that this post not be identified as a troll, and therefore I hope you do not TOS me.

I promise not to TOS you off, if you'll promise to use paragraphs in your future postings. Paragraphs assist the reader, and so help you to get your point across. Isn't that nice?

Now I know that you, the editors, being relative newbies and unaware of one of the greatest artforms ever to exist (trolling)

I don't know much about this "trolling" business, but it sounds frightful. I would be grateful if you would honour your offer to keep "trollers" away from, so that those of us who post here sincerely do not have our time wasted by those destructive scoundrels.

I'll try to spread the word that you guys [...] would also like to offer Jin safe harbour will offer anyone safe harbour, since we are a grown-up discussion forum that is free from trolling, flaming and other unpleasantness. The only people who are not welcome here are those who seek to cause trouble. HTH. - love it or leave it.

remove the mask (2.00 / 4) (#18)
by Anonymous Reader on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 04:01:28 PM PST
Hey jin wicked, since yer webpage says you're from Houston why do you pretend to be British and say "attend University" and spell favorite as 'favourite'?

Because I want to. (5.00 / 3) (#19)
by jin wicked on Thu Sep 13th, 2001 at 06:04:51 PM PST
If I was trying to fool anyone, why would I openly admit to living in Houston?

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Because it's a lie (none / 0) (#24)
by alprazolam on Fri Sep 14th, 2001 at 07:08:10 AM PST
If you were sane, why would you openly admit to living in Houston? Either you are lying, or the smog is beginning to effect people's mental health.

OMG, the propensity! (1.00 / 2) (#22)
by Anonymous Reader on Fri Sep 14th, 2001 at 03:13:33 AM PST
Dude, let me let you in on a little secret:
as an artist, you suck. Even I could do better.
Simply put, your problem is that all art
needs an ideological and/or mythological
backing to it. Without it, art becomes
lifeless and boring. Sorry, but you lose.

Damn You! Damn You to a Firey Hell!!!@!@!@#!@#~!~! (none / 0) (#25)
by Electric Angst on Fri Sep 14th, 2001 at 07:54:57 AM PST
How dare you!<p>Who do you think you are, as an artist, to attempt to slander such a fine artist.<p>You, a pathetic cam girl with delusions of being an artist, are trying to say that Bob Ross, the happiest mutherfucker on the planet, isn't an artistic genius!<p>I hope you burn in hell.

In the dark times, will there still be singing?
Yes, there will be singing. There will be singing about the dark times. -- Bertolt Brecht

I'm an atheist. I don't believe in Hell. (none / 0) (#30)
by jin wicked on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 02:40:57 PM PST
And if by "pathetic" you mean relatively successful, intelligent, and generally well-regarded (except by a few jealous twerps with nothing better to do than flame me and twist my words out of context for no reason -- it's not like I ever did anything personally to you), by "cam" you mean that I actually turn the cam on maybe once a week and 75% of the time when I do it's showing nothing more than my hands and whatever drawing I'm working on, and by "girl" you mean that I have had more integrity than a large portion of the female online community who feel the need to masturbate on camera or flash their breasts for hits, then you are by all means correct.

Perhaps you simply don't know how to handle a female with more self-confidence than you. You obviously don't know how to handle satire or a joke.

And I doubt Bob Ross is very happy now, considering that he's dead.

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Really?! (none / 0) (#31)
by iat on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 02:49:14 PM PST
than a large portion of the female online community who feel the need to masturbate on camera or flash their breasts for hits

Does that really happen? I need to investigate that phenomenon for myself, just to make sure it exists. Do you have any URLs? Thanks in advance. - love it or leave it.

You might want to check (none / 0) (#32)
by jin wicked on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 02:52:15 PM PST
with this guy I heard of. I think he runs something called "The Stile Project" and has some chicks with cams there. I hear that Jenni girl has a cam too. :P

"Ars longa, vita brevis...Art is long, life is short."

Nice try (none / 0) (#33)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 06:14:28 PM PST
You don't have self-confidence. You have an amplified arrogance. To me, this is a sign of exactly the opposite of what you claim: you are not self-confident at all, you are filled with self-doubt. I find you to be a pathetic, attention-starved creature. HTH.

I voted for Pollock (5.00 / 2) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed Sep 12th, 2001 at 10:54:53 PM PST
I voted for Jackson Pollock because he was a Rock and Roll Nigger.

Show Me The Monet! (4.50 / 2) (#23)
by codemonkey uk on Fri Sep 14th, 2001 at 05:38:57 AM PST
You know what I'm talkin 'bout. Fool.

Wow. (none / 0) (#26)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat Sep 15th, 2001 at 01:19:39 AM PST
This message board is apparently chock-full of
latent homosexuality. Why is Mapplethorpe
<B>first place</B>?
This is not an accusation, merely a shocked
observation. Amazing.


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