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Egyptian Papyrus, the Mirrors of Murano, the violins of Stradivarius, yes even the fabled swords of Damascus. Priceless icons of culture, to be sure, but what do they have in common with today's ATM systems, credit card verification networks and even our most complex computer software? Plenty. The common thread winding through time and space to connect all of these is a method of securing knowledge as old as Humanity itself. It's a system so intuitive - and so effective - that even 100 years ago we would never have thought to challenge it. But this legendary process, Knowledge Containment, today finds itself under brutal attack.
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Who would seek to undermine such a paradigm? The answer to that question begins on the island
of Murano, in the Caspian Sea. Here, artisans learned the ancient art of mirrorcraft as it was passed down from
father to son. A hot mercury bath was applied to the back of a paper thin sheet of glass, and
as it cooled, it left a silvery, reflective residue on one side of the glass. Mounted on
hardwood and framed, these mirrors were far better than the Bronze & Copper versions sold
elsewhere in Europe and fetched a high price even when imported to America.
But capitalism demands that supply stay low for prices to stay high, and the artisans of Murano faced a problem. How could they control the supply of mirrors? Their answer: by containing the knowledge of mirrorcraft. The punishment for illegal knowledge transfer on Murano was very simple: if you taught an outsider, you were put to death. The artisans of Murano had grasped a fundamental concept of security: if you reveal the workings of an intricate process, you no longer control the outcome of that process. Just as Stradivarius and Damascus held their secrets tightly to their breast, so today do our most successful companies and governments. The process of money transfers through ATM machines is a carefully guarded secret, punishable by devastating lawsuits or worse if revealed. America's National Security Agency (NSA) makes sure that potential employees waive many of their rights contingent to their employment with the agency, allowing the NSA to crack down on would-be information thieves. The entirety of the world's banking system uses closely guarded software whose inner workings must never be revealed. Think of what Osama's followers would have done with the ability to understand the inner workings of the New York Stock Exchange! All of these organizations have grasped and successfully implemented the process of Knowledge Containment. Shouldn't we all? Well, if we are to believe what we're told by "The Popular Media", then the answer is: Absolutely Not! A new movement is brewing in America, one that threatens to undermine the ancient traditions
and successes of Knowledge Containment. Branding Knowledge Containment with the Politically Correct catchphrase
"Security Through Obscurity", these gun
toting radicals tout their propoganda to anyone willing to publish it. Their replacement for 10,000 years of wisdom? A 20 year
old process called "Public Key
The gist of their argument, as best it can be followed, goes something like this (I've made
this very simple so the less technically oriented can understand):
In his groundbreaking book, The Road
Ahead, computer visionary Bill Gates states that the way to defeat "Cryptography" is
completely obvious: Indeed, it is likely that the community of Cryptologists has already secured a method for "factoring" that they intend to employ once widespread adoption of the "Cryptography" movement is achieved. It is not certain that the Cryptologist movement can decipher all of the methods they are advocating, but since they have a motive to keep that knowledge to themselves, it is probably safe to assume the worst. What can you do to protect your information? Simple:
The closely guarded secret of the Mirrors of Murano kept Italy at the height of economic prosperity throughout the Renaissance. But Knowledge Containment predates almost everything. Far before Jesus Christ was born, The Jewish Tribe knew from it's inception that it's very existence was tied to keeping it's inner workings a secret. That's why the Jewish punishment for teaching the Talmud (the 12,000 page Jewish Code of Law) to a gentile (non-Jew) is death. Are we so ready to throw away this wisdom? To abandon the security methods that have allowed civilization to advance this far? Surely not. We must keep America safe & secure. We must reject "Cryptography", and keep our secrets to ourselves. * Reproduced with Permission. All Rights Reserved. "The Road Ahead" is a registered Trademark of Microsoft Corporation. |
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