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It is common practice in Germany for adults to massage the
genitalia of babies in order to calm them. Violent crime
is also extremely low in Germany. A German visiting
America for the first time is often shocked at the violence
exhibited by Americans.
"In Germany, you win a fight by having the courage to walk away," you may hear your dirndl-wearing friend say. Indeed, a German acquaintance of mine has uttered these very words. The concept of sexual abuse was also alien to her. This near-utopia is no accident. The German people realized long ago that it is more harmful to deny our most human sexual impulses than it is to punish them. |
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I dare anyone reading this article to attempt to survive a year without sexual contact of any sort. Not even masturbation. Imagine the seething, raw anger that would build within your gut. Now, multiply this by 12 years - the average age at which an American loses his or her virginity - and it becomes clear why our society is violently spiraling out of control. Of course, America wasn't always that way. It is a problem that is rooted in the "sexual revolution" of the sixties and worsened ever since. Prior to the sixties, incest and pedo-stimulation were not discussed in public. They were kept as treasured memories within the family. Here, I will explore seven areas of sexual perversion and how they are rooted in our treatment of children. Perhaps one day we can turn our nation back into the peaceful, quiet homey place it was before the Age of Oprah. The Sado-Masochism Perversion The increased interest by Americans in acts of sado-masochism are one reflection of the nation's crisis. Children yearn to be punished in the proper context. With the advent of "Time-out" and other fluffy punishments, we have robbed our children of one of the most important aspects of growing up: the privilege to be whipped with a hickory stick. This neglect, which is the true child abuse, leads to an overcompensating tendency in the adult to seek out physical abuse. And our population, denied the psycho-soothing effects of pedo-stimulation, is only too happy to oblige. Children must be disciplined with intense physical pain. The Infidelity Perversion Men and women alike are betraying their partners in frightening numbers these days. Recent studies have shown as many as 89% of the population has been unfaithful with at least two different partners. This is another overcompensating tendency in the adult, produced by the lack of pedo-stimulation. Children of either sex are attracted to their parent of the opposite sex. The child desires sexual fulfillment from that parent at a subconscious level. When these desires are left unanswered, the child matures into an adult with an abnormal burning hunger for sexual contact. Infidelity is the disturbing result. Children must experience sexual relations with a parent of the opposite sex. The Homosexuality Perversion Not surprisingly, lack of pedo-stimulation can also result in homosexuality. The under-stimulated child is left with a confused gender identity when ignored by the parent of the opposite sex. "Doesn't mommy find me attractive as a male?" Young Johnny wonders. "Maybe I'm not supposed to like daddy," ponders young Suzy. The same sort of confusion can result if the child is pedo-stimulated by a parent of the same sex. Children must experience sexual relations with a parent of the opposite sex. The Rape Perversion Rape is another man-made perversion. The concept shouldn't even exist in society. The concept of rape is only meaningful in the context of sex as a bad thing. This is probably the greatest problem our nation must overcome: the idea that sex is bad. The German people have no concept of rape. There is no word for it in the German language and there are no rape statistics for Germany. Rape simply cannot exist in a sexually open culture. From the German example, it is apparent that pedo-stimulation is a great factor in the elimination of the concept of sex as "wrong". Children must be sexually stimulated to promote sexual openness. The Bestiality Perversion This is a very disturbed individual indeed. This problem can be traced back to two primary issues: the lack of pedo-stimulation and the failure of parents to neuter their pets while their children are maturing. A stimulation-starved child has nowhere else to turn but to the family pet. Of course, Spot is only too happy to comply with the sexually curious child, since Spot has not had its own sexual desire extinguished. The child is further encouraged when it witnesses two family pets engaged in intercourse. This may cause such profound distress in the under-stimulated child that it is sure to grow up to be a proud guest on Oprah. The importance of spaying/neutering has never been more evident than it is now. Family pets must be neutered. The Coprophilia Perversion Under-stimulated children are also in danger of this affliction. The lack of sexual stimulation can produce an intense obsession with body excretions. The child, feeling unloved throughout its formative years, grows into an adult of intense perversion. An adult obsessed with the consumption or production of feces during sex. There is only one preventative measure for this perverse behavior: a fully satisfying sex life during childhood. The Necrophilia Perversion This last perversion can be traced back to a child's feeding habits. Children who are not breast-fed quickly learn to associate the dead plastic of a bottle with sexuality. The mature adult seeks to sate his/her need for the security of infancy by seeking the attentions of the deceased. This is obviously not productive and creates an even deeper obsession in the adult. Children must be breast-fed, preferably while being sexually stimulated. Conclusion Countless examples exist in our society as to the negative effects of child neglect. Further, comparisons with our German counterparts shows the positive aspects of incestuous relations and proper discipline. It's time we turned our nation around. So, the next time your child is screaming
incessantly, spank them hard and love them good. |
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