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Toy Story on Ice 2 14%
Tool 35%
Bob Dylan 14%
WWF "The Invasion Continues" 7%
no, thank you 28%

Votes: 14


 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Sep 25, 2001

My company gives away tickets to events at the MCI Center fairly regularly. Today, we got notified of four giveaways. As usual, they are by some sort of lottery.


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Dear My Diary,

Toy Story on Ice 2 -- yes, I signed up for this one. The first Toy Story on Ice was actually very entertaining when I went with my wife and daughter however many years ago.

Tool -- although I don't think I'm what you would call a hardcore fan, I do like most of their music and imagine they'd be good to see in concert.

Bob Dylan -- how could he not be anybody's first choice? These are the tickets I really want.

WWF Smackdown/Asskicking/Whatever it's called -- probably entertaining, but I'm just not interested.

Anyhow, I ended up receiving a pair of tickets to see Tool on the first Friday of October. Now I just need to find somebody to go with me. I'll ask my wife, but I have the feeling she won't be interested.

WWF (5.00 / 1) (#1)
by error27 on Wed Sep 26th, 2001 at 09:29:23 PM PST
I could never really get into the so called "WWF scene". On the typical tv show there are only about 4 main characters, because otherwise viewers become confused and distraught. The WWF, on the other hand, seems to have tons of people in it. And they all look basically the same so I can't really keep them seperated.

Then there is the whole "plot" thing. I've never felt that fighting really needed a plot to be interesting. You need to watch the show for quite a while before you can understand what's going on. Call me lazy if you want, but that's too much time commitment for me. If the WWF ever wants to catch on it needs to be entertaining straight from the start.

Also, the whole idea of guys with shaved legs dressed in spandex is a little wierd. It doesn't seem like a good message to be sending to children.

Catch on? (none / 0) (#2)
by theR on Thu Sep 27th, 2001 at 10:04:38 AM PST
They make more than their share of money, and have a pretty large audience. It's actually that commitment you speak of that probably works for them. It's like a soap opera, and once people get hooked they have a pretty steady audience core, I suppose.

It's all right to cry,
Crying takes the sad out of you.

-- Rosey Grier


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