Don't worry as I have plans to sue those right wing Linux using Godless bastards into oblivion.
But, in the meantime I have fallen upon hard times. I've had to sell all my posessions in order to pay my legal bills which included paying off the people in the local county in order to stay out of jail. Thus I've been forced to move back in with my parents and take a room in their basement. As the local economy is fairly bad I've taken the only job offer I had which is a midnight stockboy at K-Mart. I'm so so ashamed. I had such a promising career ahead of me as a rocket scientist and now I'm loading boxes of Thom Mcann shoes onto dirty shelves at two in the morning. Fuckers, it's all their fault.
I do have a good lead as the local Perkins is hiring and I might have a shot at landing the coveted lunch shift there. I hope so as I don't know if I can stand working here at K-Mart too long with all these commoners and foreigners. They smell funny and they talk funny and I suspect they have carnal knowledge of their family members. It's fairly obvious that I'm light years beyond these peasants and I'm clearly superiour to them. Hell, I should be running this store, not wearing some queer blue vest and peasants pants. Bastards.
Well, I need to go get some sleep bacause we have a large shipment of hush puppies coming in tonight. Don't worry, I'll fight through this and I'll be okay. I mean, I'm really depressed about all this right now but I'll be okay. At least I had some good chicken chow mein for lunch today.