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Time before adequacy closes it's doors now that I'm gone:
Nightfall tonight 35%
One week tops 14%
I'm too stupid to be able to figure it out 7%
The feds are knocking on my door right now 21%
Interpol is knocking on my door right now 21%

Votes: 14

 I'll never post to Adequacy ever ever again

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jan 28, 2002
You all suck and I'm leaving here for good. I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you I hate you. You are the biggest bunch of facist phonies with little sex organgs to suck air. Thus I will make my last diary entry here then it's off to the bar for some pre-lunch shooters. So piss off already you losers.

More diaries by Sylvester Q McNamera
Hello Everyone
The meek shall inherit the earth
I'll be Stoned for Christmas
Oh What a day !!! !!
K5 is an evil UK friendly Pro Windows site
I'm probably twice as smart as you are
Sylvester Q McNamera - The Lost Diaries
Why the US should bomb Russia today !!
This is my last post to Adequacy
I need your help
I'm still not rejoining adequacy
I am Gone
To set the record straight
As an intellectual type I have these issues on a near daily basis. I try to associate with inferior twits only to find that I'm so far removed from them, by several orders of magnitude, that I can't stand to deal with their moronic little lives. Thus I am formally anouncing that I'm leaving Adequacy dot org for good. For ever and ever and ever. I just can't be arsed to deal with your Pro-Linux facist comunistic left wing political idealism. It smells like doggy doo, quite frankly.

Why is this important, I'm sure you're wondering? Because I'm the only thing this train-wreck of a "website" has going for it. That's why. But not anymore. You may now begin your downward death spiral. Yes, I would anticipate your revenue stream will begin to dry up post haste and your illegal money laundering schemes will come crumbling down. From there it's a short walk into the life of hardcore prisoners. You'll be in a filthy rat infested prison cell trading immoral gay sex acts for generic cigarettes while I sit at the bar surrounded by 18 year old blond women with large boobs and firm round buttocks. Bwuahahahahahahaha !!

Oh I've tried, when I got out of rehab (which was a mistake by the way, I've decided I really don't have any substance abuse problems) I tried to reach out to you insufferable nefarious twits, only to be shuned and ostricized. At first I was hurt, then after downing a bottle of vodka and smoking some hashish I realized that your just too stupid to be able to relate to a man of my stature. In a nutshell, you all suck. Really.

So farewell, you yellow bellied mash eating needle dicked idiots, I'm heading out to ride off into the sunset whilst you dogs rot in hell.

Good Day.

Sir, (none / 0) (#1)
by Martino Cortez PhD on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 07:17:44 AM PST
This is a place for only the highest of the high - the upper crust of our society meet to discuss such things as art, business, or sometimes even golf. You no none of these things. I sugest you take your bag of filth to the local welfare office and beg for more of my money. You pathetic fool.

Our team of mental illness analyists have confermed: you sir, are mentally ill. Please seek help.

Dr Martino Cortez, PhD
CEO - Martin-Cortez Financial Corporation
Copyright � 2002, Martino Cortez.

Blasphemy !! (none / 0) (#2)
by Sylvester Q McNamera on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 07:31:46 AM PST
I suspect you are short.

As my final comment to adequacy dot org I shall alert you to the fact that I've activated the IP tracking multiplexer that comes standard with Windows XP and I'm running the results from your post through the IPv6 de-sequencer. Once I cross reference the EITIMEDOUT field with similar entries stored in my SQL database I will phone Interpol and provide them with the data. They will be at your doorstep within the hour.

Time is short, much like your legs, and you will now be forced to pay the piper for your transgressions.

Best wishes,
--S.Q. McNamera

You must be very open-minded... (none / 0) (#4)
by tkatchev on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 10:17:14 AM PST have several conflicting personalities coexisting violently inside it. At the very least, you always have somebody to talk with; what's even better, you can vent your freudian aggression on the shadow bogeymen, making life for your friends and relatives easy-going and relaxed. All you need now is a female counterpart -- then you'll have the complete, holistic androgynous package, a self-sufficient society in a convinient, easy-to-use package.

Peace and much love...

"All you need now is a female counterpart&quo (none / 0) (#5)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 10:59:27 AM PST
I fear, tkatchev, that you are too late to stop his societal implosion. Bob needs drugs - high quality hallucinogenic drugs - if he is to be saved. -- because it isn't

Idiot (none / 0) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 01:09:52 AM PST
You are a CEO and do not KNOW the diff. between NO and KNOW?

Good on ya Bob! (none / 0) (#3)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 07:55:53 AM PST
This stuff is even better than the last time you promised to leave. The more times you leave, the fonder my heart grows of you.

Maybe you should try Hare Krishna (none / 0) (#7)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 04:51:53 PM PST
"Good grief, it's a running gag!"

-- Kermit the Frog in The Muppet Movie

Trouble (none / 0) (#6)
by Right Hand Man on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 11:12:45 AM PST
I'm no therapist, although I would be if the entire profession weren't a crooked scam, but I noticed that twice in this single diary entry you made reference to the size of male genetalia.

This is disturbing on several levels. Firstly, I believe you to be a male. Your fascination then indicates that you are either gay, bisexual, or some 'closeted' form of one of those two. Regardless, you are an abomination before God and you should take whatever steps necessary to rid the world of your perversion.

Secondly, common sense would indicate that the importance of the size of the equipment has been vastly overstated as it is simply a means by which to deliver one half of the genetic code required to form a child. Likely you should read the pornography article by Mr. Johnson that is currently on the front page, I believe the misconception that 'size matters' is perpetuated by the porno industry.

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."

One liner (none / 0) (#8)
by Autobots vs Panopticon on Mon Jan 28th, 2002 at 09:31:33 PM PST
Secondly, common sense would indicate that the importance of the size of the equipment has been vastly overstated as it is simply a means by which to deliver one half of the genetic code required to form a child.

I'm sure the ladies like you "for your personality."
More than meets the eye!

Rocket Scientists (5.00 / 1) (#10)
by jvance on Tue Jan 29th, 2002 at 01:04:04 PM PST
I have a friend who's a no-kidding rocket scientist. Even had cards made up for his group when he worked at LockMart (your one-stop defense needs shop.) He's the guy who ripped out the crappy Russian control circuitry on the RD-180 motor and redesigned and prototyped them from scratch for the Atlas III booster.

Except for your drunkenness, incompetence, and general bad attitude, he's almost exactly like you.

So when can we expect your next post?

Adequacy has turned into a cesspool consisting of ... blubbering, superstitious fools arguing with smug, pseudointellectual assholes. -AR


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