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 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Dec 23, 2001
The second I got to this website, I read an article titled "How to tell if your son is a hacker". I laughed my ass off at how incredibly stupid that guy was.... then I started reading the other articles here, and found that man was a Stephen Hawking compared to the writers of the other articles. The ignorance is flowing from this site, seemingly founded by Brainwashed christian masses with ideas that do not fly in regular conversation. The members of this community are bigoted, and uninformed for the most part. Ignorance and Apathy go hand in hand, judging by what I have read so far, many of you carry both. My First, and Final Post, --Emissary BTW if this is supposed to be news for grown ups... why not show some maturity rather than swear every five letters? If you want the truth, go to

Please, (none / 0) (#1)
by Lint on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 12:20:33 AM PST
please stay. Help be the fly in their ointment.

Besides, it's fun. Honestly.

Your denial is beneath you, and thanks to the use of hallucinogenic drugs, I see through you. Bill Hicks

i wish but maybe i can't (none / 0) (#3)
by loginadequacy on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 10:30:28 PM PST
i wish to stay but maybe i can't. I don't want to sell my copyleft for the copyright of adequacy.

My ISP forward this message to my attention. I'm not sure if it is a bad joke or if it is a bad omen.
---------- Forwarded message ---------- Date: Mon, 24 Dec 2001 15:31:21 +0000
From: em <>
Subject: Copyright infringement at your site

It has come to our attention that somebody at your site is reproducing a page from without permission at the following URL:

All pages have the following notice at the bottom:

No part of this site may be republished or reproduced in whatever form without prior written permission by and, if and when applicable, prior written permission by the contributing author(s), artist(s), or user(s).

Also, the text in the diary is the property of the author, and as the above notice indicates it can't be reproduced without his or her authorization. We request that you remove the page.

I have tried emailing both at and, without success. The website lists no contact information, which is extremely annoying. --

em <>
Associate Editor,
The world's most controversial web site!

The worst part is that it didn't smell like a joke or like fun with all the troubles I have made adequacy endure.

I hope it's just the growing pain. So i decided to stay and defend my copyleft right.

Wait a minute. (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 11:20:29 PM PST
That page is clear mirror of an adequacy page. All the writing on the right and the html is copyright.

The text of the diary you own. But from the page itself it wasn't clear that you put the page up.

Also the text did look suspiciously like tucows page, so perhaps you don't own that either.

The law in this area seems clear. What is your question?

As the anonymous reader says (none / 0) (#5)
by iat on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 03:23:34 AM PST
It wasn't obvious that you were reproducing your own article on your own website. Had this been made clear then we would have turned a blind eye to it (you have the right to display your diary on your own site, but do remember that we own the copyright on the Adequacy design). As em's email states, "the text in the diary is the property of the author, and as the above notice indicates it can't be reproduced without his or her authorization" - we are certainly not trying to claim ownership of your copyright/copyleft/whatever.

Please note that we always ask people who "helpfully mirror" (i.e. distribute without authorisation) our articles to cease and desist. If "mirrors" of our articles were to start springing up everywhere, we would lose the ability to edit our articles should we be required to do so for legal reasons. Other than for when we've had technical problems, there is simply no need to mirror our articles and it is far better for everyone to have a single definitive copy of our articles on our server. - love it or leave it.

copyright vs copyleft (none / 0) (#6)
by loginadequacy on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 06:27:02 AM PST
yes. the confusion would be cleared up if hereby i states that all my materials posted on adequacy is adhere to open document and copyleft practice. Consider whoever copies my materials bylaw have their rights without my consent. Unsolicitated defending of copyright or copyleft emails from any adequacy editors on my account is not desired by me.

Wish you all had a great time managing adequacy and better experience in the new year.



What a practical suggestion (none / 0) (#7)
by iat on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 05:21:30 PM PST
the confusion would be cleared up if hereby i states that all my materials posted on adequacy is adhere to open document and copyleft practice. Consider whoever copies my materials bylaw have their rights without my consent. Unsolicitated defending of copyright or copyleft emails from any adequacy editors on my account is not desired by me

From now on, I will ensure that each of Adequacy's 20+ editors is supplied with an up-to-date list containing details of the intellectual property preferences of each of our 2500+ registered users, just to make sure that this never happens again. It's such a great and easily implemented idea, I wish I'd thought of it first!

As an alternative, we could carry on protecting our copyright (and that of our users) in the same way that we always have done, which has served us well in every other situation to date, with the sole exception of your diary. If in future we unkowingly send someone an email asking them to remove their own writings from their own website, then that person is perfectly free to reply to the email and explain the situation (or just post a comment/diary to piss and moan about things, as is usually the case), and we'll say no more. If you really feel so strongly about our editorial policy then nobody's forcing you to post comments here.

Wish you all had a great time managing adequacy and better experience in the new year.

Thanks, we've had a great time running the Most Controversial Site on the Internet and we hope all our readers have enjoyed it too! - love it or leave it.

fair enough (none / 0) (#9)
by loginadequacy on Wed Jan 16th, 2002 at 09:26:40 AM PST
Fair enough even though i wish to believe more people should find copyleft serves them better than copyright if they are more concerned on issues they raise and do not rely on making a living by writing about those issues.

oh holy fuck. (none / 0) (#8)
by em on Tue Dec 25th, 2001 at 08:55:43 PM PST
Why can't you just *reply to the damn email and explain yourself*? We were *protecting our readers' copyrights*, fer chrissake.

Also put up a stupid webmaster@ address.
Associate Editor,

swearing? (none / 0) (#2)
by error27 on Mon Dec 24th, 2001 at 01:37:39 AM PST
Ocassionally I have had to remind people to tone down their language when things got out of hand. But for the most part the good people of can discuss even the most difficult of topics without resorting to crude language. The worst offenders are the visitors and anonymous posters.

You don't cite any specific examples so I'll just have to take your word for it that there were some ignorant comments. I suspect that these were probably just visitors' comments as well.

Adequacy has an open comment policy where basically anyone can post regardless of their education. Sometimes I wonder if this isn't a mistake but once in a while visitors do have insightful things to say.

Anyways, it has been good of you to visit the site. We shall all miss you after you leave. Feel free to come back any time.


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