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 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
Jun 23, 2002
Some very excellently funny arguments have been occuring over at OSNews in the past few days.

Mr. Speed, whoever you are, I salute you.


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excellent [REDACTED] post on slashdot.

He tells it to 'em straight. (none / 0) (#1)
by because it isnt on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 05:56:21 AM PST
But he really is arguing with people who will do absolutely anything to try and slight Linux. He quite rightly calls them on their desperation:
rajan_r: So really, a grandma who is dying of cancer who be the one choosing from 11 window managers? And she would be wonder "What the heck is a window manager?"

Speed: That kind of wild exaggeration can only be described as insane. If that's the length that you have to go to, then it's a very good indicator that you're not on the right side of this argument. -- because it isn't

Choices (none / 0) (#2)
by The Mad Scientist on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 07:51:34 AM PST
So really, a grandma who is dying of cancer who be the one choosing from 11 window managers? And she would be wonder "What the heck is a window manager?"

Too much of choice. There is too many kinds of cars and too many accessories. One model should be enough for everyone. What the heck is ABS?

I could continue. What about washing powders? (Okay, they're all alike anyway.) What about food? Down with choices! What about books? Why a cancer-dying grandma has to choose from thousands of books to read? One book has to be enough for everyone! (Hadn't it already happened in some part of history?)

When I get in my car (5.00 / 1) (#3)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 11:28:57 AM PST
I don't have to choose which of three different shaped steering wheels to use (or a joystick). When I want to open the window, I don;t have to edit my /etc/window.conf file, add a new kernel module and reboot the on-board car computer.
My washing machine never refuses to wash my clothes because of incompatibilites. <p>
As for one book, that's easy, there is one book that is enough for everyone - Al Qu'raan. Think carefully before disputing this, we are talking about the un-mediated word of God here.

Rebuttal (none / 0) (#4)
by The Mad Scientist on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 02:25:43 PM PST
I don't have to choose which of three different shaped steering wheels to use (or a joystick).

I think there are some differences between steer wheel positions, sizes, and some construction details. OTOH, I am not a car buff so I am not really sure. Regarding joystick, I think the reasons it isn't an option are rather technical - if drive-by-wire will ever become common, joystick-operated cars will appear too.

When I want to open the window, I don;t have to edit my /etc/window.conf file, add a new kernel module and reboot the on-board car computer.

Not an argument.
a) You have the service to do it for you, and you are charged for the work appropriately (read: arm and leg). It has to be done only once anyway.
b) The window was installed there by the manufacturer, includinf its configuration. If you installed a different model yourself, see a).
c) If you compiled the window support as a kernel module, you don't have to reboot, just to modprobe it instead.

My washing machine never refuses to wash my clothes because of incompatibilites.

No wonder. Clothes are designed according to open, nonproprietary standards.

As for one book, that's easy, there is one book that is enough for everyone - Al Qu'raan.

I Ching. Older, better, wide userbase as well.

Think carefully before disputing this, we are talking about the un-mediated word of God here.

What god? There is more of them, though every one claims he's the only true one. What are the objective criteria for the assessment of a god's trueness?

really? (none / 0) (#5)
by Anonymous Reader on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 03:56:45 PM PST
I always thought that there weren't that many religions that believed their god was different from the others or had more than one. Many religion actually believe in the same god.

The problem comes from [mainly] stupid Christian like Pat Robertson that believe that Allah is not the same god as theirs.

"Allah and 'God' are not the same."

That's like saying that Dios (spanish) is not the same either. Many American Indians called hime "The Great Spirit". Most people, like Christians, don't take into account things like language.

When will they realize that they actually believe in the same god. He/she just happens to have multiple personalities.

You heard it hear first, folks. (none / 0) (#6)
by because it isnt on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 04:36:20 PM PST
God is a schizophrenic.

Question: does God dress in His mother's clothes and run a motel? -- because it isn't

Sorry (none / 0) (#7)
by majubma on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 06:20:41 PM PST
Schizophrenia and MPD are not the same thing.

-- All information wants to be free, especially information about what you do in the privacy of your own home.

Pedant. (none / 0) (#8)
by because it isnt on Sun Jun 23rd, 2002 at 07:06:08 PM PST
Hacking and cracking are not the same thing. -- because it isn't

Mr Scientist, (3.00 / 1) (#9)
by Anonymous Reader on Mon Jun 24th, 2002 at 04:31:59 AM PST
you don't have to argue. Rajan's statements were an appeal to emotion and a non sequitur to boot. Look: Premises: My grandmother is dying of cancer. Conclusion: Linux is no good on the desktop.

"My grandmother is dying" is not a valid argument against a choice of Linux window managers. Things like consistency of use are.


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