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We have just found another blatant security hole in the russian hacker Linus Thorvaldez' Lunix operating system. The linux zealots have been claiming for ages that their amateurish system is secure because the so called script kiddies supposedly know too little about it to write virusses to. Meanwhile, naturally,they keep bashing true american liberty loving corporations that defend National Security through obscurity. Apparently the virus has already put down half of the Cuban-North Corean segregated internet, as it's routers are all running Lunix, because they aren't able to hack and illegally copy professional grade OS, that their corrupt governments aren't able to buy.
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the vmlinuz killer virus
Anyway, for the people who have been forced to use this amateurish operating system, here are the symptoms : a)the existence of a file called "messages" in the "/var/log". This innocent looking file is in fact filled with all the confidential information you might write using the keyboard. According to the cryptoanalysis of the virus, the file is sent everynight to the makers of the virus (A scottish terrorist named Allen Cokes who recently escaped from jail) b)On startup, the system asks you for passwords you have already given the previous time, they try to trick you into sending said passwords to Allen Cokes c)your recycle bin pretends to be empty, yet the folder "/bin" is full of files, like "cp" ("cernel panik"),"cat" ("conspiration analysis tool"), "ls" ("lose system") d)If the lynx web browser, lunix's only web browser, doesn't start automatically with the MSN website Appearance of one of these symptoms is a certain sign that you have been infected by the vmlinuz virus. It's name is derived from the french "Virus Malefique" (Evil virus), "linux", which is a spoof on the OS' real name (lunix), and the usual -z suffix internet criminals have used since genesis, like in crackZ, wareZ, hackZ and more. Here's how to remove the virus 1)if you're running a graphical user interface, like openwin, shut it down and go back to the archaic command line interface (the DOS). 2)locate a file called "vmlinuz????". As there is no search utility in lunix, you'll have to browse the folders by hand, which is especially inefficient without a GUI. The virus has been detected in such varied locations as the "/boot" folder or the root folder. 3)if you detect multiple versions of "vmlinuz????" (failsafe, mdk - which stands for "murder,death, kill"), it means the virus has self replicated. 4)you will need to get administrator rights for the following. Ask the password to your system manager. If he pretends he can't give you that, argue that he doesn't know his job. One might actually wonder if a system that needs administrator rights to remove a virus, is really secure. type "su" on the keyboard, followed by the password. 5)in the folder where you found "vmlinuz????", type in "mv -R * /dev/null". This stands for "main virus and Related must be sent to the *(pentagram) devil and nullified" |
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