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 My Mexican Vacation.

 Author:  Topic:  Posted:
May 17, 2002
Recently I enjoyed a much needed (and well deserved, I might add) week off from work in Mexico but I found that my command of the language was not

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More diaries by Orinoco
Let's get this straight
After the Pub Closes
Lent is a time for Sacrifice and Reflection
Getting My Way
Feminist Slanders Exposed by Orinoco
Testicular deficiency at
The Islamic Gene
"Soy petizo pero con ganas!"
(I'm short but wiry!)
"Mi navaja nueva es a toda madre, mano!"
(My new blade is really swell!)
"Dame la gita o te chingo, cabron! A huevo!"
(Your money or your life, dude! No sh1t!)
"Me gusta zapatos con los puntos finos!"
(I like shoes with pointed toes!)
"El revolver es mas seguro que el automatico."
(A revolver is safer than an automatic.)
"Le gusta mi diente nuevo del frente? Es de oro puro."
(Do you like my new front tooth? It is made of solid gold.)

I am not happy (none / 0) (#1)
by Orinoco on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 08:40:52 AM PST
Boy am I miffed. This idiot's diary is proof positive that not all people should be allowed to access the internet. You have to be smarter than the machine before you can use the machine, my mother always said.

While composing this practical Spanish lession, it should be obvious that I meant to press Preview instead of Submit and my tiny mind proved too big an obstacle to overcome resulting in miserable failure.

Any kindly editor who, in his drunken stupor, happens to stumble across this unfinished diary, please have the goodness to delete it so that I may complete it and resubmit.

Or don't.

La redacci�n lamenta informarle... (none / 0) (#3)
by Anonymous Reader on Sat May 18th, 2002 at 05:18:18 PM PST
...que despu�s de pausada consideraci�n, su pedido ha sido rechazado. Con las formalidades atr�s, ahora puedo decirte, so cabr�n, que tu foquin puto conocimento de la lengua espa�ola no vale ni un coj�n de eunuco. Vete y ch�pale la teta a la mai tuya por par de a�os m�s hasta que crezcas, jodio mamao de mierda.

I Have a Spanish keyboard (none / 0) (#4)
by Anonymous Reader on Wed May 22nd, 2002 at 01:11:07 PM PST
Actually, I don't, but the dude writing all that Spanish sure does.

Sometimes (5.00 / 1) (#2)
by Right Hand Man on Fri May 17th, 2002 at 09:14:51 AM PST
A revolver is safer than an automatic.

This isn't always true. You need to be sure, before putting that revolver in the small of your back, that it is not of an 'old' design.

Newer revolvers have a transfer bar between the hammer and the firing pin. The hammer itself will not contact that firing pin, its energy it carried to it via the transfer bar that is only in position when the trigger is pulled back. With the old design it was possible to snag the hammer spur, partially draw the hammer as the gun was holstered, then release it and inadvertently fire the weapon. The transfer bar prevents this, requiring both a drawn hammer AND a fully retracted trigger.

Newer autoloading pistols have various changes to improve safety as well. From the partial-cock Glock design to the decocker 1911 models, autoloader safety has improved considerably.

As long as you purchase a weapon with recent safety improvements your choice of type should really come down to the one you are most comfortable firing, and meets your various needs (size, weight, stopping ability, capacity, etc.)

"Keep your bible open and your powder dry."


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